import std.stdio; import std.conv; import std.container; import std.traits; import std.string; import dothersideinterface; import dslot; import dsignal; void NoConversionAssign(T)(void* lValue, void* rValue) { *(cast(T*)lValue) = *(cast(T*)rValue); } void SafeAssignCpp(int metaType, void* lValue, void* rValue) { if (metaType == 2) NoConversionAssign!int(lValue, rValue); } void SafeAssignD(int metaType, void* lValue, void* rValue) { if (metaType == 2) NoConversionAssign!int(lValue, rValue); } void* Allocate(int metaType) { if (metaType == 2) { int* result = new int(); *result = 0; return result; } assert(false); } public class DObject { this() { dos_qobject_create(, cast (void*) this, &staticSlotCallback); } ~this() { dos_qobject_delete(; } extern (C) static void staticSlotCallback(void* dobject, int slotIndex, int numMetaTypes, int* metaTypes, int numParameters, ref void** parameters) { DObject dObject = cast(DObject) dobject; writeln("D: Received ", numMetaTypes, " metaTypes for ", numParameters, " parameters" ); // Given the MetaType arguments construct a void*[] array with good D type for the arguments // without the return value. So we start from 1 void*[] args = new void*[numParameters]; for (int i = 1; i < numMetaTypes; ++i) { int metaType = metaTypes[i]; args[i] = Allocate(metaType); SafeAssignD(metaType, args[i], parameters[i]); } // Retrieve the slot an call it ISlot slot = dObject._slotsByIndex[slotIndex]; slot.Execute(args); // Adapt the return type for being a good c++ value SafeAssignCpp(metaTypes[0], parameters[0] , args[0]); } protected auto registerSlot(T)(string name, T t) { debug writeln("D: Registering Slot \"", name, "\" of type \"", T.stringof, "\""); auto slot = CreateDSlot(t); auto rawName = name.toStringz(); int slotIndex = -1; int[] parameterMetaTypes = slot.GetParameterMetaTypes(); int numArgs = cast(int)parameterMetaTypes.length; dos_qobject_slot_create(data, rawName, numArgs, parameterMetaTypes.ptr, slotIndex); writeln("D: Registered Slot has index ", slotIndex); _slotsByName[name] = slot; _slotsByIndex[slotIndex] = slot; return slot; } protected auto registerSignal(Args...)(string name) { debug writeln("D: Registering Signal \"", name, "\" of type \"", Args.stringof, "\""); auto signal = CreateDSignal!(Args)(); _signals[name] = signal; return signal; } public void* data; private ISlot[string] _slotsByName; private ISlot[int] _slotsByIndex; private ISignal[string] _signals; } unittest { auto test = new class DObject { this() { foo = registerSlot("foo", &_foo); bar = registerSlot("bar", &_bar); fooSignal = registerSignal!()("fooSignal"); barSignal = registerSignal!(int)("barSignal"); } DSlot!(void delegate()) foo; void _foo() { writeln("D: Called slot \"_foo\"");} DSlot!(void delegate(int)) bar; void _bar(int arg) { writeln("D: Calling slot \"_bar\" with arg \"", arg, "\""); } DSignal!() fooSignal; DSignal!int barSignal; };;; test.fooSignal(); test.barSignal(10); }