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synced 2025-02-12 12:46:24 +00:00
Merge pull request #1 from cowboy-coders/feature_macros
Feature: QtObject macro
This commit is contained in:
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@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
add_nim_executable(TARGET Main SOURCES main.nim PATHS ../../NimQml)
Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
## This example replicates the functionality of Examples/Simple but uses
## the helper macro, QtObject, from NimQmlMacros, to remove some of the boiler plate.
## Please note we are using templates where ordinarily we would like to use procedures
## due to bug: https://github.com/Araq/Nim/issues/1821
import NimQml, NimQmlMacros
type MyQObject = ref object of QObject
m_name: string
template newMyQObject(initial: string): MyQObject =
var result = MyQObject(m_name: initial)
method getName(myQObject: MyQObject): string {.slot.} =
echo "nameChanged"
result = myQObject.m_name
method nameChanged(myQObject: MyQObject) {.signal.}
method setName(myQObject: MyQObject, name: string) {.slot.} =
echo "setName"
if myQObject.m_name != name:
myQObject.m_name = name
QtProperty name of string:
read = getName
write = setName
notify = nameChanged
proc mainProc() =
var app: QApplication
defer: app.delete()
var myQObject = newMyQObject("InitialName")
defer: myQObject.delete()
var engine: QQmlApplicationEngine
defer: engine.delete()
var variant: QVariant
defer: variant.delete()
var rootContext: QQmlContext = engine.rootContext()
rootContext.setContextProperty("myQObject", variant)
when isMainModule:
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@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
import QtQuick 2.2
import QtQuick.Controls 1.2
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.1
import QtQuick.Window 2.1
width: 400
height: 300
Component.onCompleted: visible = true
anchors.fill: parent
text: "Current name is:" + myQObject.name
id: textField
text: "Change Name"
onClicked: {
console.log("QML:", textField.text)
myQObject.name = textField.text
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,411 @@
## Contains helper macros for NimQml
import macros
import strutils
import typetraits
import tables
template debug(body: stmt): stmt =
{.push warning[user]: off.}
when defined(debug):
let nimFromQtVariant {.compileTime.} = {
"int" : "intVal",
"string" : "stringVal",
"bool" : "boolVal",
let nim2QtMeta {.compileTime.} = {
"bool": "Bool",
"int " : "Int",
"string" : "QString",
"pointer" : "VoidStar",
"QVariant": "QVariant",
"" : "Void", # no return, which is represented by an nnkEmpty node
proc getNodeOf*(tree: PNimrodNode, kind: TNimrodNodeKind): PNimrodNode {.compileTime.} =
## recursively looks for a node of kind, ``kind``, in the tree provided as ``tree``
## Returnsthe first node that satisfies this condition
for i in 0.. <tree.len:
var child = tree[i]
if child.kind == kind:
return child
var candidate = getNodeOf(child, kind)
if not candidate.isNil:
return candidate
type Context* = ref object of RootObj
type NullContext* = ref object of Context
type NodeModifier*[T] = proc(context: T, a: var PNimrodNode): PNimrodNode
# had to remove type bound on hook due to recent regression with generics
proc hookOnNode*[T](context: T, code: PNimrodNode, hook: NodeModifier,
recursive: bool = false): PNimrodNode {.compileTime.} =
## Iterates over the tree, ``code``, calling ``hook`` on each ``PNimrodNode``
## encountered. If ``recursive`` is true, it will recurse over the tree, otherwise
## it will only visit ``code``'s children. ``hook`` should return a replacement for
## the node that was passed in via it's return value. `hook` may return nil to remove
## the node from the tree.
if code.len == 0:
return code
var newCode = newNimNode(code.kind)
for i in 0.. <code.len:
var child = code[i].copy()
child = hook(context, child)
if recursive:
child = hookOnNode(context,child,hook,true)
if child != nil:
newCode.add child
return newCode
proc removeOpenSym*(context: NullContext,
a: var PNimrodNode): PNimrodNode {.compileTime.} =
## replaces: ``nnkOpenSymChoice`` and ``nnkSym`` nodes with idents
## corresponding to the symbols string representation.
if a.kind == nnkOpenSymChoice:
return ident($a[0].symbol)
elif a.kind == nnkSym:
return ident($a.symbol)
return a
proc newTemplate*(name = newEmptyNode();
params: openArray[PNimrodNode] = [newEmptyNode()];
body: PNimrodNode = newStmtList()): PNimrodNode {.compileTime.} =
## shortcut for creating a new template
## The ``params`` array must start with the return type of the template,
## followed by a list of IdentDefs which specify the params.
result = newNimNode(nnkTemplateDef).add(
newNimNode(nnkFormalParams).add(params), ##params
newEmptyNode(), ## pragmas
template declareSuperTemplate*(parent: typedesc, typ: typedesc): typedesc =
template superType*(ofType: typedesc[typ]): typedesc[parent] =
proc getTypeName*(a: PNimrodNode): PNimrodNode {.compileTime.} =
## returns the node containing the name of an object in a
## given type definition block
expectMinLen a, 1
expectKind a, nnkTypeDef
var testee = a
if testee[0].kind == nnkPragmaExpr:
testee = testee[0]
if testee[0].kind in {nnkIdent}:
return testee[0]
elif testee[0].kind in {nnkPostfix}:
return testee[0][1]
proc genSuperTemplate*(typeDecl: PNimrodNode): PNimrodNode {.compileTime.} =
## generates a template, with name: superType, that returns the super type
## of the object defined in the type defintion, ``typeDecl``. ``typeDecl``
## must contain an object inheriting from a base type.
expectKind typeDecl, nnkTypeDef
let inheritStmt = typeDecl.getNodeOf(nnkOfInherit)
let typeName = getTypeName(typeDecl)
if inheritStmt == nil: error("you must declare a super type for " & $typeName)
# ident of superType (have to deal with generics)
let superType = if inheritStmt[0].kind == nnkIdent: inheritStmt[0]
else: inheritStmt[0].getNodeOf(nnkIdent)
let superTemplate = getAst declareSuperTemplate(superType, typeName)
return superTemplate[0]
proc getSuperType*(typeDecl: PNimrodNode): PNimrodNode {.compileTime.} =
## returns ast containing superType info, may not be an ident if generic
let inheritStmt = typeDecl.getNodeOf(nnkOfInherit)
if inheritStmt.isNil: return newEmptyNode()
return inheritStmt[0]
proc getPragmaName*(child: PNimrodNode): PNimrodNode {.compileTime.} =
## name of child in a nnkPragma section
if child.kind == nnkIdent:
return child
# assumes first ident is name of pragma
let ident = child.getNodeOf(nnkIdent)
result = ident
proc removePragma*(pragma: PNimrodNode, toRemove: string): PNimrodNode {.compileTime.} =
## removes a pragma from pragma definition, `pragma`, with name `toRemove`
expectKind pragma, nnkPragma
result = newNimNode(nnkPragma)
for i in 0.. <pragma.len:
let child = pragma[i]
if $child.getPragmaName == toRemove:
result.add child
if result.len == 0:
return newEmptyNode()
proc hasPragma*(node: PNimrodNode, pragmaName: string): bool {.compileTime.} =
## Returns ``true`` iff the method, or proc definition: ``node``, has a pragma
## ``pragmaName``
doAssert node.kind in {nnkMethodDef, nnkProcDef}
result = false
let pragma = node.pragma
if pragma.kind == nnkEmpty:
# denotes no pragma set
return false
for child in pragma.children():
if $child.getPragmaName() == pragmaName:
return true
proc getArgType*(arg: PNimrodNode): PNimrodNode {.compileTime.} =
## returns the ``PNimrodNode`` representing a parameters type
if arg[1].kind == nnkIdent:
proc getArgName*(arg: PNimrodNode): PNimrodNode {.compileTime.} =
## returns the ``PNimrodNode`` representing a parameters name
if arg[0].kind == nnkIdent:
proc addSignalBody(signal: PNimrodNode): PNimrodNode {.compileTime.} =
# e.g: produces: emit(MyQObject, "nameChanged")
expectKind signal, nnkMethodDef
result = newStmtList()
# if exported, will use postfix
let name = if signal.name.kind == nnkIdent: signal.name else: signal.name[1]
let params = signal.params
# type signal defined on is the 1st arg
let self = getArgName(params[1])
var args = newSeq[PNimrodNode]()
args.add newLit($name)
if params.len > 2: # more args than just type
for i in 2.. <params.len:
args.add getArgName params[i]
result.add newCall("emit", args)
template declareOnSlotCalled(typ: typedesc): stmt =
method onSlotCalled(myQObject: typ, slotName: string, args: openarray[QVariant]) =
template prototypeCreate(typ: typedesc): stmt =
template create(myQObject: var typ) =
var super = (typ.superType())(myQObject)
procCall create(super)
proc doRemoveOpenSym(a: var PNimrodNode): PNimrodNode {.compileTime.} =
hookOnNode(NullContext(),a, removeOpenSym, true)
proc templateBody*(a: PNimrodNode): PNimrodNode {.compileTime.} =
expectKind a, nnkTemplateDef
result = a[6]
proc genArgTypeArray(params: PNimrodNode): PNimrodNode {.compileTime.} =
expectKind params, nnkFormalParams
result = newNimNode(nnkBracket)
for i in 0 .. <params.len:
if i == 1:
# skip "self" param eg: myQObject: MyQObject
let pType = if i != 0: getArgType params[i] else: params[i]
let pTypeString = if pType.kind == nnkEmpty: "" else: $pType
# function that maps Qvariant type to nim type
let qtMeta = nim2QtMeta[pTypeString]
if qtMeta == nil: error(pTypeString & " not supported yet")
let metaDot = newDotExpr(ident "QMetaType", ident qtMeta)
result.add metaDot
proc getIdentDefName*(a: PNimrodNode): PNimrodNode {.compileTime.} =
## returns object field name from ident def
expectKind a, nnkIdentDefs
if a[0].kind == nnkIdent:
return a[0]
elif a[0].kind == nnkPostFix:
return a[0][1]
macro QtObject*(qtDecl: stmt): stmt {.immediate.} =
## Generates boiler plate code for registering signals, slots
## and properties.
## Currently generates:
## - create: a method to register signal, slots and properties
## - superType: a template that returns the super type of the
## object defined within the macro body
## - onSlotCalled: a method to dispatch an on slot call to the
## appropiate method.
## Current limitations:
## - only one type can be defined within the body of code sent to the
## the macro. It is assumed, but not checked, that somewhere in the
## inheritance hierarchy this object derives from ``QObject``.
## - generics are not currently supported
expectKind(qtDecl, nnkStmtList)
#echo treeRepr qtDecl
result = newStmtList()
var slots = newSeq[PNimrodNode]()
var properties = newSeq[PNimrodNode]()
var signals = newSeq[PNimrodNode]()
# holds all user defined procedures so we can add them after create
var userDefined = newSeq[PNimrodNode]()
# assume only one type per section for now
var typ: PNimrodNode
for it in qtDecl.children():
if it.kind == nnkTypeSection:
let typeDecl = it.findChild(it.kind == nnkTypeDef)
let superType = typeDecl.getSuperType()
if superType.kind == nnkEmpty:
# allow simple types and type aliases
result.add it
# may come in useful if we want to check objects inherit from QObject
#let superName = if superType.kind == nnkIdent: superType
# else: superType.getNodeOf(nnkIdent)
if typ != nil:
error("only support one type declaration")
else: # without this else, it fails to compile
typ = typeDecl.getTypeName
result.add it
result.add genSuperTemplate(typeDecl)
elif it.kind == nnkMethodDef:
if it.hasPragma("slot"):
let pragma = it.pragma()
it.pragma = pragma.removePragma("slot")
slots.add it # we need to gensome code later
result.add it
elif it.hasPragma("signal"):
let pragma = it.pragma()
it.pragma = pragma.removePragma("signal")
it.body = addSignalBody(it)
result.add it
signals.add it
userDefined.add it
elif it.kind == nnkProcDef:
userDefined.add it
elif it.kind == nnkCommand:
let cmdIdent = it[0]
if cmdIdent == nil or cmdIdent.kind != nnkIdent or
($cmdIdent).toLower() != "qtproperty":
error("do not know how to handle: \n" & repr(it))
properties.add it
# everything else should pass through unchanged
result.add it
## define onSlotCalled
var slotProto = (getAst declareOnSlotCalled(typ))[0]
var caseStmt = newNimNode(nnkCaseStmt)
caseStmt.add ident("slotName")
for slot in slots:
var ofBranch = newNimNode(nnkOfBranch)
# for exported procedures - strip * marker
let slotName = ($slot.name).replace("*","")
ofBranch.add newLit slotName
let params = slot.params
let hasReturn = not (params[0].kind == nnkEmpty)
var branchStmts = newStmtList()
var args = newSeq[PNimrodNode]()
# first params always the object
args.add ident "myQObject"
for i in 2.. <params.len:
let pType = getArgType params[i]
# function that maps Qvariant type to nim type
let mapper = nimFromQtVariant[$pType]
let argAccess = newNimNode(nnkBracketExpr)
.add (ident "args")
.add newIntLitNode(i-1)
let dot = newDotExpr(argAccess, ident mapper)
args.add dot
var call = newCall(ident slotName, args)
if hasReturn:
# eg: args[0].strVal = getName(myQObject)
let retType = params[0]
let mapper = nimFromQtVariant[$retType]
let argAccess = newNimNode(nnkBracketExpr)
.add (ident "args")
.add newIntLitNode(0)
let dot = newDotExpr(argAccess, ident mapper)
call = newAssignment(dot, call)
branchStmts.add call
ofBranch.add branchStmts
caseStmt.add ofBranch
# add else: discard
caseStmt.add newNimNode(nnkElse)
.add newStmtList().add newNimNode(nnkDiscardStmt).add newNimNode(nnkEmpty)
slotProto.body = newStmtList().add caseStmt
result.add slotProto
# generate create method
var createProto = (getAst prototypeCreate(typ))[0]
# the template creates loads of openSyms - replace these with idents
createProto = doRemoveOpenSym(createProto)
var createBody = createProto.templateBody
for slot in slots:
let params = slot.params
let regSlotDot = newDotExpr(ident "myQObject", ident "registerSlot")
let name = ($slot.name).replace("*","")
let argTypesArray = genArgTypeArray(params)
let call = newCall(regSlotDot, newLit name, argTypesArray)
createBody.add call
for signal in signals:
let params = signal.params
let regSigDot = newDotExpr(ident "myQObject", ident "registerSignal")
let name = ($signal.name).replace("*","")
let argTypesArray = genArgTypeArray(params)
let call = newCall(regSigDot, newLit name, argTypesArray)
createBody.add call
for property in properties:
#echo treeRepr property
let infix = property[1]
expectKind infix, nnkInfix
# Infix
# Ident !"of"
# Ident !"name"
# Ident !"string"
let nimPropType = infix[2]
let qtPropMeta = nim2QtMeta[$nimPropType]
if qtPropMeta == nil: error($nimPropType & " not supported")
let metaDot = newDotExpr(ident "QMetaType", ident qtPropMeta)
let propertyName = infix[1]
var read, write, notify: PNimrodNode
let stmtList = property[2]
# fields
# StmtList
# Asgn
# Ident !"read"
# Ident !"getName
for asgn in stmtList.children:
let name = asgn[0]
case $name
of "read":
read = asgn[1]
of "write":
write = asgn[1]
of "notify":
notify = asgn[1]
error("unknown property field: " & $name)
let regPropDot = newDotExpr(ident "myQObject", ident "registerProperty")
let readArg = if read == nil: newNilLit() else: newLit($read)
let writeArg = if write == nil: newNilLit() else: newLit($write)
let notifyArg = if notify == nil: newNilLit() else: newLit($notify)
let call = newCall(regPropDot, newLit($propertyName), metaDot, readArg, writeArg, notifyArg)
createBody.add call
#echo repr createProto
result.add createProto
for fn in userDefined:
result.add fn
echo repr result
Reference in New Issue
Block a user