Changed property syntax to filcuc's suggestion: e.g QtProperty name of string:

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Will Szumski 2015-01-04 20:52:43 +00:00
parent 4f1da7957b
commit e5888a989f
1 changed files with 34 additions and 23 deletions

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@ -246,16 +246,14 @@ macro QtType*(qtDecl: stmt): stmt {.immediate.} =
# allow simple types and type aliases
result.add it
let superName = if superType.kind == nnkIdent: superType else: superType.getNodeOf(nnkIdent)
if $superName != "QtProperty":
if typ != nil:
error("only support one type declaration")
# may come in useful if we want to check objects inherit from QObject
#let superName = if superType.kind == nnkIdent: superType else: superType.getNodeOf(nnkIdent)
if typ != nil:
error("only support one type declaration")
else: # without this else, it fails to compile
typ = typeDecl.getTypeName
result.add it
result.add genSuperTemplate(typeDecl)
# process later
elif it.kind == nnkMethodDef:
if it.hasPragma("slot"):
let pragma = it.pragma()
@ -272,6 +270,12 @@ macro QtType*(qtDecl: stmt): stmt {.immediate.} =
userDefined.add it
elif it.kind == nnkProcDef:
userDefined.add it
elif it.kind == nnkCommand:
let cmdIdent = it[0]
if cmdIdent == nil or cmdIdent.kind != nnkIdent or
($cmdIdent).toLower() != "qtproperty":
error("do not know how to handle: \n" & repr(it))
properties.add it
# everything else should pass through unchanged
result.add it
@ -339,36 +343,43 @@ macro QtType*(qtDecl: stmt): stmt {.immediate.} =
let call = newCall(regSigDot, newLit name, argTypesArray)
createBody.add call
for property in properties:
let inherit = property.getNodeOf(nnkOfInherit)
# OfInherit
# BracketExpr
# Ident !"QtProperty"
# Ident !"string"
let nimPropType = inherit[0][1]
#echo treeRepr property
let infix = property[1]
expectKind infix, nnkInfix
# Infix
# Ident !"of"
# Ident !"name"
# Ident !"string"
let nimPropType = infix[2]
let qtPropMeta = nim2QtMeta[$nimPropType]
if qtPropMeta == nil: error($nimPropType & " not supported")
let metaDot = newDotExpr(ident "QMetaType", ident qtPropMeta)
let typeDef = property.getNodeOf(nnkTypeDef)
let typeName = typeDef.getTypeName()
let propertyName = infix[1]
var read, write, notify: PNimrodNode
let stmtList = property[2]
# fields
let recList = typeDef.getNodeof(nnkRecList)
for identDef in recList.children:
let name = identDef.getIdentDefName()
# StmtList
# Asgn
# Ident !"read"
# Ident !"getName
for asgn in stmtList.children:
echo treerepr asgn
let name = asgn[0]
case $name
of "read":
read = identDef[2]
read = asgn[1]
of "write":
write = identDef[2]
write = asgn[1]
of "notify":
notify = identDef[2]
notify = asgn[1]
error("unknown property field: " & $name)
error("unknown property field: " & $name)
let regPropDot = newDotExpr(ident "myQObject", ident "registerProperty")
let readArg = if read == nil: newNilLit() else: newLit($read)
let writeArg = if write == nil: newNilLit() else: newLit($write)
let notifyArg = if notify == nil: newNilLit() else: newLit($notify)
let call = newCall(regPropDot, newLit($typeName), metaDot, readArg, writeArg, notifyArg)
let call = newCall(regPropDot, newLit($propertyName), metaDot, readArg, writeArg, notifyArg)
createBody.add call
#echo repr createProto