fixed some warnings, added debug template (compile with -d debug), make QtType macro pass through definitions we do not explicitly handle

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Will Szumski 2015-01-03 19:49:59 +00:00
parent b4083f1b84
commit 0beff2244a
1 changed files with 17 additions and 5 deletions

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@ -5,6 +5,14 @@ import strutils
import typetraits
import tables
template debug(body: stmt): stmt =
{.push warning[user]: off.}
when defined(debug):
# these are defined in a template to work around a compiler bug
# with {.compileTime.}/static variables not being "computable at
# compile time" when a macro using them is imported into another
@ -30,7 +38,7 @@ proc getNodeOf*(tree: PNimrodNode, kind: TNimrodNodeKind): PNimrodNode {.compile
## Returnsthe first node that satisfies this condition
for i in 0.. <tree.len:
var child = tree[i]
if child of PNimrodNode and child.kind == kind:
if child.kind == kind:
return child
var candidate = getNodeOf(child, kind)
if not candidate.isNil:
@ -237,10 +245,12 @@ macro QtType*(qtDecl: stmt): stmt {.immediate.} =
var typ: PNimrodNode
for it in qtDecl.children():
if it.kind == nnkTypeSection:
# add the typesection unchanged
let typeDecl = it.findChild(it.kind == nnkTypeDef)
let superType = typeDecl.getSuperType()
if superType.kind != nnkEmpty:
if superType.kind == nnkEmpty:
# allow simple types and type aliases
result.add it
let superName = if superType.kind == nnkIdent: superType else: superType.getNodeOf(nnkIdent)
if $superName != "QtProperty":
if typ != nil:
@ -263,6 +273,9 @@ macro QtType*(qtDecl: stmt): stmt {.immediate.} =
it.body = addSignalBody(it)
result.add it
signals.add it
# everything else should pass through unchanged
result.add it
## define onSlotCalled
var slotProto = (getAst declareOnSlotCalled(typ))[0]
@ -276,7 +289,6 @@ macro QtType*(qtDecl: stmt): stmt {.immediate.} =
let params = slot.params
let hasReturn = not (params[0].kind == nnkEmpty)
var branchStmts = newStmtList()
let paramCount = params.len -1 # don't include ret (arg 0)
var args = newSeq[PNimrodNode]()
# first params always the object
args.add ident "myQObject"
@ -362,5 +374,5 @@ macro QtType*(qtDecl: stmt): stmt {.immediate.} =
#echo repr createProto
result.add createProto
when not defined(release):
echo repr result