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Filippo Cucchetto <>
:Version: 0.1.0
:Date: 2015/01/02
The NimQml module add Qt Qml bindings to the Nim programming language
allowing you to create new modern UI by mixing the Qml declarative syntax
and the Nim imperative language.
The NimQml is made by two components:
* The DOtherSide C++ shared library
* The NimQml Nim module
This first component implements the glue code necessary for
communicating with the Qt C++ library, the latter module wraps
the libDOtherSide exported symbols in Nim
At the time of writing the DOtherSide C++ library must be compiled
installed manually from source.
First clone the DOtherSide git repo
git clone
than you can proceed with the common CMake build steps
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
If everything goes correctly you'll have build both
the DOtherSide C++ library and the Nim examples
The installation is not mandatory, in fact you could try
the built Nim example in the following way
cd path/to/build/dir
cd Nim/Examples/HelloWorld
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=path/to/
Given this, you can procede with the installation of the C++ library
in the following way
cd to/build/dir
make install
or by manually copying the library in your system lib directory
sudo cp build/dir/path/DOtherSide/ /usr/lib
First example: HelloWorld
As usual lets start with theHelloWorld example.
Most of the NimQml projects are made by one or more nim and qml
files. Usually the .nim files contains your app logic and data
layer. The qml files contains the presentation layer and expose
the data in your nim files.
Here's the ``main.nim`` file
.. code-block:: nim
:file: ../Examples/HelloWorld/main.nim
and here the ``main.qml`` file
.. code-block:: qml
:file: ../Examples/HelloWorld/main.qml
The following examples show the basic steps of each NimQml app
1. Create the QApplication for initializing the Qt runtime
2. Create the QQmlApplicationEngine and load your main .qml file
3. Call the ``exec`` proc of the QApplication instance for starting
the Qt event loop
Second example: exposing data to Qml
Third example: databinding