2015-11-23 21:33:17 +01:00
// std
2015-09-20 11:39:25 +02:00
#include <tuple>
#include <iostream>
2015-11-23 21:33:17 +01:00
// Qt
2015-09-20 11:39:25 +02:00
#include <QDebug>
2015-11-23 21:33:17 +01:00
#include <QTest>
#include <QSignalSpy>
// DOtherSide
#include "DOtherSide/BaseQObject.h"
#include "DOtherSide/DynamicQObject.h"
2015-09-19 19:13:08 +02:00
2015-09-20 11:39:25 +02:00
// Templates that convers a T to a string
template <typename T>
struct TypeName
static const char* Get() { return typeid(T).name(); }
template <> struct TypeName<int> { static const char* Get() { return "int"; } };
template <> struct TypeName<QString> { static const char* Get() { return "QString"; } };
template <> struct TypeName<bool> { static const char* Get() { return "bool"; } };
template <> struct TypeName<QVariant> { static const char* Get() { return "QVariant"; } };
2015-09-19 19:13:08 +02:00
class TestDynamicQObject : public QObject
private slots:
void memoryLeakTest() {
DynamicQObject<QObject> dynamicQObject;
2015-09-20 11:39:25 +02:00
BaseQObject baseQObject;
2015-09-19 19:13:08 +02:00
void testRegisterSignal() {
DynamicQObject<QObject> dynamicQObject;
int index;
dynamicQObject.registerSignal("fooSignal", {}, index);
QCOMPARE(index != -1, true);
QSignalSpy signalSpy(&dynamicQObject, SIGNAL(fooSignal()));
dynamicQObject.emitSignal("fooSignal", {});
QCOMPARE(signalSpy.count(), 1);
2015-09-20 11:39:25 +02:00
void testSlotExecution() {
2015-09-19 19:13:08 +02:00
void testRegisterProperty() {
DynamicQObject<QObject> dynamicQObject;
int index = -1;
bool result = false;
result = dynamicQObject.registerSlot("foo", QMetaType::Int, {}, index);
QCOMPARE(index != -1, true);
QCOMPARE(result, true);
result = dynamicQObject.registerSlot("setFoo", QMetaType::Void, {QMetaType::Int}, index);
QCOMPARE(index != -1, true);
QCOMPARE(result, true);
result = dynamicQObject.registerSignal("fooChanged", {QMetaType::Int}, index);
QCOMPARE(index != -1, true);
QCOMPARE(result, true);
result = dynamicQObject.registerProperty("foo", QMetaType::Int, "foo", "setFoo", "fooChanged");
QCOMPARE(result, true);
2015-09-20 14:58:00 +02:00
int propertyValue = -1;
auto handler = [&propertyValue](const DynamicSlot &slot, const std::vector<QVariant> &args) -> QVariant {
if (slot.name() == "foo")
return propertyValue;
else if (slot.name() == "setFoo")
propertyValue = args.front().toInt();
return QVariant();
// Test property read
QCOMPARE(dynamicQObject.property("foo").toInt(), -1);
// Test property write and signal emittion
dynamicQObject.setProperty("foo", 10);
QCOMPARE(propertyValue, 10);
2015-09-19 19:13:08 +02:00
2015-09-20 11:39:25 +02:00
template<typename ReturnType>
void testSlotExecutionForType(ReturnType expectedReturnValue) {
DynamicQObject<QObject> dynamicQObject;
int index;
dynamicQObject.registerSlot("fooSlot", (QMetaType::Type)qMetaTypeId<ReturnType>(), {}, index);
QCOMPARE(index != -1, true);
// Call the slot and check return value
bool called = false;
auto handler = [&called, expectedReturnValue](const DynamicSlot &slot, const std::vector<QVariant> &args) -> QVariant {
called = true;
return expectedReturnValue;
ReturnType result;
QMetaObject::invokeMethod(&dynamicQObject, "fooSlot", QReturnArgument<ReturnType>(TypeName<ReturnType>::Get(), result));
QCOMPARE(called, true);
QCOMPARE(result, expectedReturnValue);
2015-09-19 19:13:08 +02:00
#include "test_dynamicqobject.moc"