2024-10-24 21:09:46 +05:30
import type * as Preset from '@docusaurus/preset-classic' ;
import type { Config } from '@docusaurus/types' ;
const config : Config = {
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2024-10-26 15:27:16 +05:30
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2024-10-24 21:09:46 +05:30
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2025-02-10 18:46:43 +05:30
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2024-10-24 21:09:46 +05:30
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2025-02-10 18:46:43 +05:30
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2024-10-24 21:09:46 +05:30
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2025-02-10 18:46:43 +05:30
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2024-10-24 21:09:46 +05:30
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2025-02-10 18:46:43 +05:30
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2024-10-24 21:09:46 +05:30
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2024-10-26 15:27:16 +05:30
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2025-02-08 12:57:59 +05:30
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2025-02-10 18:46:43 +05:30
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content : 'Documentation for Status Network - The gasless network with sustainable funding for app builders. Launch and scale your social apps and games with truly free transactions.' ,
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content : 'status network, blockchain, web3, documentation, gasless transactions, social network, cryptocurrency' ,
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content : 'Documentation for Status Network - The gasless network with sustainable funding for app builders. Launch and scale your social apps and games with truly free transactions.' ,
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content : 'Documentation for Status Network - The gasless network with sustainable funding for app builders. Launch and scale your social apps and games with truly free transactions.' ,
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2025-02-08 12:57:59 +05:30
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2024-10-24 21:09:46 +05:30
2025-02-08 12:57:59 +05:30
title : 'Legal' ,
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2024-10-24 21:09:46 +05:30
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2024-10-28 21:36:15 +05:30
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2024-10-24 21:09:46 +05:30
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