Lyubomir Kiprov
Implement getDAppDataById to get a dapp with decoded metadata, add more examples for blockchainSDK usage, fix some validations, add support for converting from IPFS hash to bytes32 and vice versa, add error handling in getDAppById method, implement a singleton EmbarkJSService class, check for IPFS Storage availability before IPFS interaction, add instead of using
2019-05-07 18:25:11 +03:00 |
Andy Tudhope
storing ipfs hash in bytes32 hash and changed receiveApproval (#23)
2019-04-12 11:40:24 +02:00 |
Andy Tudhope
Adds first tests for BancorFormula - WIP
2019-04-09 20:58:02 +02:00 |
Andy Tudhope
Begin testing
2019-04-08 19:28:36 +02:00 |