Slither and solium together
This commit is contained in:
@ -70,43 +70,6 @@ contract DAppStore is ApproveAndCallFallBack, BancorFormula {
_createDApp(msg.sender, _id, _amount);
function _createDApp(address _from, bytes32 _id, uint _amount) internal {
require(_amount > 0, "You must spend some SNT to submit a ranking in order to avoid spam");
require (_amount < safeMax, "You cannot stake more SNT than the ceiling dictates");
uint dappIdx = dapps.length;
Data storage d = dapps[dappIdx];
d.developer = _from;
|||| = _id;
uint precision;
uint result;
d.balance = _amount;
d.rate = decimals - (d.balance * decimals/max);
d.available = d.balance * d.rate;
(result, precision) = BancorFormula.power(
d.votesMinted = result >> precision;
d.votesCast = 0;
d.effectiveBalance = _amount;
id2index[_id] = dappIdx;
require(SNT.allowance(_from, address(this)) >= _amount, "Not enough SNT allowance");
require(SNT.transferFrom(_from, address(this), _amount), "Transfer failed");
emit DAppCreated(_id, d.votesMinted, d.effectiveBalance);
* @dev Used in UI to display effect on ranking of user's donation
* @param _id bytes32 unique identifier.
@ -157,60 +120,6 @@ contract DAppStore is ApproveAndCallFallBack, BancorFormula {
_upvote(msg.sender, _id, _amount);
function _upvote(address _from, bytes32 _id, uint _amount) internal {
require(_amount > 0, "You must send some SNT in order to upvote");
uint dappIdx = id2index[_id];
Data storage d = dapps[dappIdx];
require( == _id, "Error fetching correct data");
require(d.balance + _amount < safeMax, "You cannot upvote by this much, try with a lower amount");
uint precision;
uint result;
d.balance = d.balance + _amount;
d.rate = decimals - (d.balance * decimals/max);
d.available = d.balance * d.rate;
(result, precision) = BancorFormula.power(
d.votesMinted = result >> precision;
uint temp1 = d.votesCast * d.rate * d.available;
uint temp2 = d.votesMinted * decimals * decimals;
uint effect = temp1 / temp2;
d.effectiveBalance = d.balance - effect;
require(SNT.allowance(_from, address(this)) >= _amount, "Not enough SNT allowance");
require(SNT.transferFrom(_from, address(this), _amount), "Transfer failed");
emit Upvote(_id, d.effectiveBalance);
* @dev Downvotes always remove 1% of the current ranking.
* @param _id bytes32 unique identifier.
* @return balance_down_by, votes_required, cost
function downvoteCost(bytes32 _id) public view returns(uint b, uint v_r, uint c) {
uint dappIdx = id2index[_id];
Data memory d = dapps[dappIdx];
require( == _id, "Error fetching correct data");
uint balanceDownBy = (d.effectiveBalance / 100);
uint votesRequired = (balanceDownBy * d.votesMinted * d.rate) / d.available;
uint votesAvailable = d.votesMinted - d.votesCast - votesRequired;
uint temp = (d.available / votesAvailable) * (votesRequired);
uint cost = temp / decimals;
return (balanceDownBy, votesRequired, cost);
* @dev Sends SNT to the developer and lowers the DApp's effective balance by 1%
* @param _id bytes32 unique identifier.
@ -222,26 +131,6 @@ contract DAppStore is ApproveAndCallFallBack, BancorFormula {
_downvote(msg.sender, _id, c);
function _downvote(address _from, bytes32 _id, uint _amount) internal {
uint dappIdx = id2index[_id];
Data storage d = dapps[dappIdx];
require( == _id, "Error fetching correct data");
(uint b, uint v_r, uint c) = downvoteCost(_id);
require(_amount == c, "Incorrect amount: valid iff effect on ranking is 1%");
d.available = d.available - _amount;
d.votesCast = d.votesCast + v_r;
d.effectiveBalance = d.effectiveBalance - b;
require(SNT.allowance(_from, address(this)) >= _amount, "Not enough SNT allowance");
require(SNT.transferFrom(_from, address(this), _amount), "Transfer failed");
require(SNT.transfer(d.developer, _amount), "Transfer failed");
emit Downvote(_id, d.effectiveBalance);
* @dev Developers can withdraw an amount not more than what was available of the
SNT they originally staked minus what they have already received back in downvotes.
@ -323,6 +212,117 @@ contract DAppStore is ApproveAndCallFallBack, BancorFormula {
* @dev Downvotes always remove 1% of the current ranking.
* @param _id bytes32 unique identifier.
* @return balance_down_by, votes_required, cost
function downvoteCost(bytes32 _id) public view returns(uint b, uint vR, uint c) {
uint dappIdx = id2index[_id];
Data memory d = dapps[dappIdx];
require( == _id, "Error fetching correct data");
uint balanceDownBy = (d.effectiveBalance / 100);
uint votesRequired = (balanceDownBy * d.votesMinted * d.rate) / d.available;
uint votesAvailable = d.votesMinted - d.votesCast - votesRequired;
uint temp = (d.available / votesAvailable) * (votesRequired);
uint cost = temp / decimals;
return (balanceDownBy, votesRequired, cost);
function _createDApp(address _from, bytes32 _id, uint _amount) internal {
require(_amount > 0, "You must spend some SNT to submit a ranking in order to avoid spam");
require (_amount < safeMax, "You cannot stake more SNT than the ceiling dictates");
uint dappIdx = dapps.length;
Data storage d = dapps[dappIdx];
d.developer = _from;
|||| = _id;
uint precision;
uint result;
d.balance = _amount;
d.rate = decimals - (d.balance * decimals/max);
d.available = d.balance * d.rate;
(result, precision) = BancorFormula.power(
d.votesMinted = result >> precision;
d.votesCast = 0;
d.effectiveBalance = _amount;
id2index[_id] = dappIdx;
require(SNT.allowance(_from, address(this)) >= _amount, "Not enough SNT allowance");
require(SNT.transferFrom(_from, address(this), _amount), "Transfer failed");
emit DAppCreated(_id, d.votesMinted, d.effectiveBalance);
function _upvote(address _from, bytes32 _id, uint _amount) internal {
require(_amount > 0, "You must send some SNT in order to upvote");
uint dappIdx = id2index[_id];
Data storage d = dapps[dappIdx];
require( == _id, "Error fetching correct data");
require(d.balance + _amount < safeMax, "You cannot upvote by this much, try with a lower amount");
uint precision;
uint result;
d.balance = d.balance + _amount;
d.rate = decimals - (d.balance * decimals/max);
d.available = d.balance * d.rate;
(result, precision) = BancorFormula.power(
d.votesMinted = result >> precision;
uint temp1 = d.votesCast * d.rate * d.available;
uint temp2 = d.votesMinted * decimals * decimals;
uint effect = temp1 / temp2;
d.effectiveBalance = d.balance - effect;
require(SNT.allowance(_from, address(this)) >= _amount, "Not enough SNT allowance");
require(SNT.transferFrom(_from, address(this), _amount), "Transfer failed");
emit Upvote(_id, d.effectiveBalance);
function _downvote(address _from, bytes32 _id, uint _amount) internal {
uint dappIdx = id2index[_id];
Data storage d = dapps[dappIdx];
require( == _id, "Error fetching correct data");
(uint b, uint vR, uint c) = downvoteCost(_id);
require(_amount == c, "Incorrect amount: valid iff effect on ranking is 1%");
d.available = d.available - _amount;
d.votesCast = d.votesCast + vR;
d.effectiveBalance = d.effectiveBalance - b;
require(SNT.allowance(_from, address(this)) >= _amount, "Not enough SNT allowance");
require(SNT.transferFrom(_from, address(this), _amount), "Transfer failed");
require(SNT.transfer(d.developer, _amount), "Transfer failed");
emit Downvote(_id, d.effectiveBalance);
* @dev Decodes abi encoded data with selector for "functionName(bytes32,uint256)".
* @param _data Abi encoded data.
@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ contract("DAppStore", function () {
assert.strictEqual(available, parseInt(receipt.available, 10));
// This is only true for the first downvote
assert.strictEqual(parseInt(receipt.votesCast, 10), parseInt(cost.v_r, 10));
assert.strictEqual(parseInt(receipt.votesCast, 10), parseInt(cost.vR, 10));
let e_balance = parseInt(initial.effectiveBalance, 10) - parseInt(cost.b, 10);
assert.strictEqual(e_balance, parseInt(receipt.effectiveBalance, 10));
@ -259,7 +259,7 @@ contract("DAppStore", function () {
assert.strictEqual(available, parseInt(receipt.available, 10));
let eff_v_cast = parseInt(receipt.votesCast, 10) - parseInt(initial.votesCast, 10);
assert.strictEqual(eff_v_cast, parseInt(cost.v_r, 10));
assert.strictEqual(eff_v_cast, parseInt(cost.vR, 10));
let e_balance = parseInt(initial.effectiveBalance, 10) - parseInt(cost.b, 10);
assert.strictEqual(e_balance, parseInt(receipt.effectiveBalance, 10));
@ -491,7 +491,7 @@ contract("DAppStore", function () {
assert.strictEqual(available, parseInt(receipt.available, 10));
let eff_v_cast = parseInt(receipt.votesCast, 10) - parseInt(initial.votesCast, 10);
assert.strictEqual(eff_v_cast, parseInt(cost.v_r, 10));
assert.strictEqual(eff_v_cast, parseInt(cost.vR, 10));
let e_balance = parseInt(initial.effectiveBalance, 10) - parseInt(cost.b, 10);
assert.strictEqual(e_balance, parseInt(receipt.effectiveBalance, 10));
Reference in New Issue