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Executable File
import logging
import allure
import pytest
from allure import step
import configs.timeouts
from gui.components.onboarding.before_started_popup import BeforeStartedPopUp
from gui.components.onboarding.beta_consent_popup import BetaConsentPopup
from gui.components.picture_edit_popup import shift_image
from gui.components.splash_screen import SplashScreen
from gui.screens.onboarding import AllowNotificationsView, WelcomeToStatusView, BiometricsView, KeysView
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
pytestmark = allure.suite("Onboarding")
def keys_screen(main_window) -> KeysView:
with step('Open Generate new keys view'):
if configs.system.IS_MAC:
wellcome_screen = WelcomeToStatusView().wait_until_appears()
return wellcome_screen.get_keys()
@allure.testcase('https://ethstatus.testrail.net/index.php?/cases/view/703421', 'Generate new keys')
@pytest.mark.parametrize('user_name, password, user_image, zoom, shift', [
pytest.param('Test-User _1', '*P@ssw0rd*', None, None, None),
pytest.param('Test-User', '*P@ssw0rd*', 'tv_signal.png', 5, shift_image(0, 0, 0, 0)),
pytest.param('_1Test-User', '*P@ssw0rd*', 'tv_signal.jpeg', 5, shift_image(0, 1000, 1000, 0),
def test_generate_new_keys(main_window, keys_screen, user_name: str, password, user_image: str, zoom: int, shift):
with step(f'Setup profile with name: {user_name} and image: {user_image}'):
profile_view = keys_screen.generate_new_keys()
if user_image is not None:
profile_picture_popup = profile_view.set_user_image(configs.testpath.TEST_FILES / user_image)
profile_picture_popup.make_picture(zoom=zoom, shift=shift)
assert not profile_view.error_message
with step('Open Profile details view and verify user info'):
details_view = profile_view.next()
# TODO: temp removing tesseract usage because it is not stable
# if user_image is None:
# assert not details_view.is_user_image_background_white()
# assert driver.waitFor(
# lambda: details_view.is_user_image_contains(user_name[:2]),
# configs.timeouts.UI_LOAD_TIMEOUT_MSEC
# )
# else:
# image.compare(
# details_view.cropped_profile_image,
# f'{user_image.split(".")[1]}_onboarding.png',
# threshold=0.9
# )
chat_key = details_view.chat_key
emoji_hash = details_view.emoji_hash
assert details_view.is_identicon_ring_visible
with step('Finalize onboarding and open main screen'):
create_password_view = details_view.next()
assert not create_password_view.is_create_password_button_enabled
confirm_password_view = create_password_view.create_password(password)
if configs.system.IS_MAC:
assert BiometricsView().is_touch_id_button_visible(), f"TouchID button is not found"
if not configs.DEV_BUILD:
with step('Open User Canvas and verify user info'):
user_canvas = main_window.left_panel.open_user_canvas()
assert user_canvas.user_name == user_name
# TODO: temp removing tesseract usage because it is not stable
# if user_image is None:
# assert driver.waitFor(
# lambda: user_canvas.is_user_image_contains(user_name[:2]),
# configs.timeouts.UI_LOAD_TIMEOUT_MSEC
# )
with step('Open Profile popup and verify user info'):
profile_popup = user_canvas.open_profile_popup()
assert profile_popup.user_name == user_name
assert profile_popup.chat_key == chat_key
assert profile_popup.emoji_hash.compare(emoji_hash.view, threshold=0.9)
# TODO: temp removing tesseract usage because it is not stable
# if user_image is None:
# assert driver.waitFor(
# lambda: profile_popup.is_user_image_contains(user_name[:2]),
# configs.timeouts.UI_LOAD_TIMEOUT_MSEC
# )
# else:
# image.compare(
# profile_popup.cropped_profile_image,
# f'{user_image.split(".")[1]}_profile.png',
# threshold=0.9
# )