#!/bin/python3 import os, sys import time import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import seaborn as sns from itertools import combinations class Visualizer: def __init__(self, execID): self.execID = execID self.folderPath = "results/"+self.execID self.parameters = ['run', 'blockSize', 'failureRate', 'numberNodes', 'netDegree', 'chi', 'vpn1', 'vpn2', 'bwUplinkProd', 'bwUplink1', 'bwUplink2'] self.minimumDataPoints = 2 def plottingData(self): #Store data with a unique key for each params combination data = {} #Loop over the xml files in the folder for filename in os.listdir(self.folderPath): #Loop over the xmls and store the data in variables if filename.endswith('.xml'): tree = ET.parse(os.path.join(self.folderPath, filename)) root = tree.getroot() run = int(root.find('run').text) blockSize = int(root.find('blockSize').text) failureRate = int(root.find('failureRate').text) numberNodes = int(root.find('numberNodes').text) netDegree = int(root.find('netDegree').text) chi = int(root.find('chi').text) vpn1 = int(root.find('vpn1').text) vpn2 = int(root.find('vpn2').text) bwUplinkProd = int(root.find('bwUplinkProd').text) bwUplink1 = int(root.find('bwUplink1').text) bwUplink2 = int(root.find('bwUplink2').text) tta = float(root.find('tta').text) # Loop over all possible combinations of of the parameters minus two for combination in combinations(self.parameters, len(self.parameters)-2): # Get the indices and values of the parameters in the combination indices = [self.parameters.index(element) for element in combination] selectedValues = [run, blockSize, failureRate, numberNodes, netDegree, chi, vpn1, vpn2, bwUplinkProd, bwUplink1, bwUplink2] values = [selectedValues[index] for index in indices] names = [self.parameters[i] for i in indices] keyComponents = [f"{name}_{value}" for name, value in zip(names, values)] key = tuple(keyComponents[:len(self.parameters)-2]) #Get the names of the other 2 parameters that are not included in the key otherParams = [self.parameters[i] for i in range(len(self.parameters)) if i not in indices] #Append the values of the other 2 parameters and the ttas to the lists for the key otherIndices = [i for i in range(len(self.parameters)) if i not in indices] #Initialize the dictionary for the key if it doesn't exist yet if key not in data: data[key] = {} #Initialize lists for the other 2 parameters and the ttas with the key data[key][otherParams[0]] = [] data[key][otherParams[1]] = [] data[key]['ttas'] = [] if otherParams[0] in data[key]: data[key][otherParams[0]].append(selectedValues[otherIndices[0]]) else: data[key][otherParams[0]] = [selectedValues[otherIndices[0]]] if otherParams[1] in data[key]: data[key][otherParams[1]].append(selectedValues[otherIndices[1]]) else: data[key][otherParams[1]] = [selectedValues[otherIndices[1]]] data[key]['ttas'].append(tta) print("Getting data from the folder...") return data def similarKeys(self, data): #Get the keys for all data with the same x and y labels filteredKeys = {} for key1, value1 in data.items(): subKeys1 = list(value1.keys()) filteredKeys[(subKeys1[0], subKeys1[1])] = [key1] for key2, value2 in data.items(): subKeys2 = list(value2.keys()) if key1 != key2 and subKeys1[0] == subKeys2[0] and subKeys1[1] == subKeys2[1]: try: filteredKeys[(subKeys1[0], subKeys1[1])].append(key2) except KeyError: filteredKeys[(subKeys1[0], subKeys1[1])] = [key2] print("Getting filtered keys from data...") return filteredKeys def formatLabel(self, label): #Label formatting for the figures result = ''.join([f" {char}" if char.isupper() else char for char in label]) return result.title() def formatTitle(self, key): #Title formatting for the figures name = ''.join([f" {char}" if char.isupper() else char for char in key.split('_')[0]]) number = key.split('_')[1] return f"{name.title()}: {number} " def plotHeatmaps(self): #Plot and store the 2D heatmaps in subfolders data = self.plottingData() filteredKeys = self.similarKeys(data) print("Plotting heatmaps...") #Create the directory if it doesn't exist already heatmapsFolder = self.folderPath + '/heatmaps' if not os.path.exists(heatmapsFolder): os.makedirs(heatmapsFolder) #Plot for labels, keys in filteredKeys.items(): for key in keys: xlabels = np.sort(np.unique(data[key][labels[0]])) ylabels = np.sort(np.unique(data[key][labels[1]])) if len(xlabels) < self.minimumDataPoints or len(ylabels) < self.minimumDataPoints: continue hist, xedges, yedges = np.histogram2d(data[key][labels[0]], data[key][labels[1]], bins=(len(xlabels), len(ylabels)), weights=data[key]['ttas']) hist = hist.T fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 6)) sns.heatmap(hist, xticklabels=xlabels, yticklabels=ylabels, cmap='Purples', cbar_kws={'label': 'Time to block availability (ms)'}, linecolor='black', linewidths=0.3, annot=True, fmt=".2f", ax=ax) plt.xlabel(self.formatLabel(labels[0])) plt.ylabel(self.formatLabel(labels[1])) filename = "" title = "" paramValueCnt = 0 for param in self.parameters: if param != labels[0] and param != labels[1]: filename += f"{key[paramValueCnt]}" formattedTitle = self.formatTitle(key[paramValueCnt]) title += formattedTitle if (paramValueCnt+1) % 5 == 0: title += "\n" paramValueCnt += 1 title_obj = plt.title(title) font_size = 16 * fig.get_size_inches()[0] / 10 title_obj.set_fontsize(font_size) filename = filename + ".png" targetFolder = os.path.join(heatmapsFolder, f"{labels[0]}Vs{labels[1]}") if not os.path.exists(targetFolder): os.makedirs(targetFolder) plt.savefig(os.path.join(targetFolder, filename)) plt.close() plt.clf()