#!/bin/python3 from DAS.block import * class Observer: """This class gathers global data from the simulation, like an 'all-seen god'.""" def __init__(self, logger, config): """It initializes the observer with a logger and given configuration.""" self.config = config self.format = {"entity": "Observer"} self.logger = logger self.block = [0] * self.config.blockSize * self.config.blockSize self.rows = [0] * self.config.blockSize self.columns = [0] * self.config.blockSize self.broadcasted = Block(self.config.blockSize) def checkRowsColumns(self, validators): """It checks how many validators have been assigned to each row and column.""" for val in validators: if val.amIproposer == 0: for r in val.rowIDs: self.rows[r] += 1 for c in val.columnIDs: self.columns[c] += 1 for i in range(self.config.blockSize): self.logger.debug("Row/Column %d have %d and %d validators assigned." % (i, self.rows[i], self.columns[i]), extra=self.format) if self.rows[i] == 0 or self.columns[i] == 0: self.logger.warning("There is a row/column that has not been assigned", extra=self.format) def checkBroadcasted(self): """It checks how many broadcasted samples are still missing in the network.""" zeros = 0 for i in range(self.blockSize * self.blockSize): if self.broadcasted.data[i] == 0: zeros += 1 if zeros > 0: self.logger.debug("There are %d missing samples in the network" % zeros, extra=self.format) return zeros def checkStatus(self, validators): """It checks the status of how many expected and arrived samples globally.""" arrived = 0 expected = 0 ready = 0 validated = 0 for val in validators: if val.amIproposer == 0: (a, e) = val.checkStatus() arrived += a expected += e if a == e: ready += 1 validated += val.vpn return (arrived, expected, ready, validated) def getProgress(self, validators): arrived, expected, ready, validated = self.checkStatus(validators) missingSamples = expected - arrived sampleProgress = arrived / expected nodeProgress = ready / (len(validators)-1) validatorCnt = sum([v.vpn for v in validators[1:]]) validatorProgress = validated / validatorCnt return missingSamples, sampleProgress, nodeProgress, validatorProgress