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synced 2025-02-20 18:38:17 +00:00
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@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
import numpy as np
from DAS.block import *
class Observer:
@ -10,21 +11,12 @@ class Observer:
self.config = config
self.format = {"entity": "Observer"}
self.logger = logger
self.block = []
self.rows = []
self.columns = []
self.goldenData = []
self.broadcasted = []
def reset(self):
"""It resets all the gathered data to zeros."""
self.block = [0] * self.config.blockSize * self.config.blockSize
self.goldenData = [0] * self.config.blockSize * self.config.blockSize
self.rows = [0] * self.config.blockSize
self.columns = [0] * self.config.blockSize
self.broadcasted = Block(self.config.blockSize)
def checkRowsColumns(self, validators):
"""It checks how many validators have been assigned to each row and column."""
for val in validators:
@ -39,11 +31,6 @@ class Observer:
if self.rows[i] == 0 or self.columns[i] == 0:
self.logger.warning("There is a row/column that has not been assigned", extra=self.format)
def setGoldenData(self, block):
"""Stores the original real data to compare it with future situations."""
for i in range(self.config.blockSize*self.config.blockSize):
self.goldenData[i] = block.data[i]
def checkBroadcasted(self):
"""It checks how many broadcasted samples are still missing in the network."""
zeros = 0
@ -58,9 +45,55 @@ class Observer:
"""It checks the status of how many expected and arrived samples globally."""
arrived = 0
expected = 0
ready = 0
validated = 0
for val in validators:
if val.amIproposer == 0:
(a, e) = val.checkStatus()
arrived += a
expected += e
return (arrived, expected)
if a == e:
ready += 1
validated += val.vpn
return (arrived, expected, ready, validated)
def getProgress(self, validators):
"""Calculate current simulation progress with different metrics.
- missingSamples: overall number of sample instances missing in nodes.
Sample are counted on both rows and columns, so intersections of interest are counted twice.
- sampleProgress: previous expressed as progress ratio
- nodeProgress: ratio of nodes having all segments interested in
- validatorProgress: same as above, but vpn weighted average. I.e. it counts per validator,
but counts a validator only if its support node's all validators see all interesting segments
TODO: add real per validator progress counter
arrived, expected, ready, validated = self.checkStatus(validators)
missingSamples = expected - arrived
sampleProgress = arrived / expected
nodeProgress = ready / (len(validators)-1)
validatorCnt = sum([v.vpn for v in validators[1:]])
validatorProgress = validated / validatorCnt
return missingSamples, sampleProgress, nodeProgress, validatorProgress
def getTrafficStats(self, validators):
"""Summary statistics of traffic measurements in a timestep."""
def maxOrNan(l):
return np.max(l) if l else np.NaN
def meanOrNan(l):
return np.mean(l) if l else np.NaN
trafficStats = {}
for cl in range(0,3):
Tx = [v.statsTxInSlot for v in validators if v.nodeClass == cl]
Rx = [v.statsRxInSlot for v in validators if v.nodeClass == cl]
RxDup = [v.statsRxDupInSlot for v in validators if v.nodeClass == cl]
trafficStats[cl] = {
"Tx": {"mean": meanOrNan(Tx), "max": maxOrNan(Tx)},
"Rx": {"mean": meanOrNan(Rx), "max": maxOrNan(Rx)},
"RxDup": {"mean": meanOrNan(RxDup), "max": maxOrNan(RxDup)},
return trafficStats
@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
@ -1,37 +1,45 @@
import os
import bisect
from xml.dom import minidom
from dicttoxml import dicttoxml
class Result:
"""This class stores and process/store the results of a simulation."""
def __init__(self, shape):
def __init__(self, shape, execID):
"""It initializes the instance with a specific shape."""
self.shape = shape
self.execID = execID
self.blockAvailable = -1
self.tta = -1
self.missingVector = []
self.metrics = {}
def populate(self, shape, missingVector):
def populate(self, shape, config, missingVector):
"""It populates part of the result data inside a vector."""
self.shape = shape
self.missingVector = missingVector
missingSamples = missingVector[-1]
if missingSamples == 0:
v = self.metrics["progress"]["validators ready"]
tta = bisect.bisect(v, config.successCondition)
if v[-1] >= config.successCondition:
self.blockAvailable = 1
self.tta = len(missingVector)
self.tta = tta * (config.stepDuration)
self.blockAvailable = 0
self.tta = -1
def dump(self, execID):
def addMetric(self, name, metric):
"""Generic function to add a metric to the results."""
self.metrics[name] = metric
def dump(self):
"""It dumps the results of the simulation in an XML file."""
if not os.path.exists("results"):
if not os.path.exists("results/"+execID):
if not os.path.exists("results/"+self.execID):
resd1 = self.shape.__dict__
resd2 = self.__dict__.copy()
@ -39,6 +47,6 @@ class Result:
resXml = dicttoxml(resd1)
xmlstr = minidom.parseString(resXml)
xmlPretty = xmlstr.toprettyxml()
filePath = "results/"+execID+"/"+str(self.shape)+".xml"
filePath = "results/"+self.execID+"/"+str(self.shape)+".xml"
with open(filePath, "w") as f:
@ -2,8 +2,9 @@
import networkx as nx
import logging, random
import pandas as pd
from functools import partial, partialmethod
from datetime import datetime
from statistics import mean
from DAS.tools import *
from DAS.results import *
from DAS.observer import *
@ -12,33 +13,54 @@ from DAS.validator import *
class Simulator:
"""This class implements the main DAS simulator."""
def __init__(self, shape, config):
def __init__(self, shape, config, execID):
"""It initializes the simulation with a set of parameters (shape)."""
self.shape = shape
self.config = config
self.format = {"entity": "Simulator"}
self.result = Result(self.shape)
self.execID = execID
self.result = Result(self.shape, self.execID)
self.validators = []
self.logger = []
self.logLevel = config.logLevel
self.proposerID = 0
self.glob = []
self.execID = execID
# In GossipSub the initiator might push messages without participating in the mesh.
# proposerPublishOnly regulates this behavior. If set to true, the proposer is not
# part of the p2p distribution graph, only pushes segments to it. If false, the proposer
# might get back segments from other peers since links are symmetric.
self.proposerPublishOnly = True
# If proposerPublishOnly == True, this regulates how many copies of each segment are
# pushed out by the proposer.
# 1: the data is sent out exactly once on rows and once on columns (2 copies in total)
# self.shape.netDegree: default behavior similar (but not same) to previous code
self.proposerPublishTo = self.shape.netDegree
def initValidators(self):
"""It initializes all the validators in the network."""
self.glob = Observer(self.logger, self.shape)
self.validators = []
if self.config.evenLineDistribution:
lightVal = int(self.shape.numberNodes * self.shape.class1ratio * self.shape.vpn1)
heavyVal = int(self.shape.numberNodes * (1-self.shape.class1ratio) * self.shape.vpn2)
totalValidators = lightVal + heavyVal
rows = list(range(self.shape.blockSize)) * (int(totalValidators/self.shape.blockSize)+1)
columns = list(range(self.shape.blockSize)) * (int(totalValidators/self.shape.blockSize)+1)
totalRows = totalValidators * self.shape.chi
rows = list(range(self.shape.blockSize)) * (int(totalRows/self.shape.blockSize)+1)
columns = list(range(self.shape.blockSize)) * (int(totalRows/self.shape.blockSize)+1)
offset = heavyVal*self.shape.chi
self.logger.debug("There is a total of %d validators" % totalValidators, extra=self.format)
self.logger.debug("Shuffling a total of %d rows/columns" % len(rows), extra=self.format)
self.logger.debug("Shuffled rows: %s" % str(rows), extra=self.format)
self.logger.debug("Shuffled columns: %s" % str(columns), extra=self.format)
assignedRows = []
assignedCols = []
for i in range(self.shape.numberNodes):
if self.config.evenLineDistribution:
if i < int(heavyVal/self.shape.vpn2): # First start with the heavy nodes
@ -48,17 +70,26 @@ class Simulator:
j = i - int(heavyVal/self.shape.vpn2)
start = offset+( j *self.shape.chi)
end = offset+((j+1)*self.shape.chi)
r = rows[start:end]
c = columns[start:end]
r = set(rows[start:end])
c = set(columns[start:end])
val = Validator(i, int(not i!=0), self.logger, self.shape, r, c)
self.logger.debug("Validators %d row IDs: %s" % (val.ID, val.rowIDs), extra=self.format)
self.logger.debug("Validators %d column IDs: %s" % (val.ID, val.columnIDs), extra=self.format)
assignedRows = assignedRows + list(r)
assignedCols = assignedCols + list(c)
val = Validator(i, int(not i!=0), self.logger, self.shape)
if i == self.proposerID:
self.logger.debug("Rows assigned: %s" % str(assignedRows), extra=self.format)
self.logger.debug("Columns assigned: %s" % str(assignedCols), extra=self.format)
self.logger.debug("Validators initialized.", extra=self.format)
def initNetwork(self):
@ -73,12 +104,14 @@ class Simulator:
# Check rows/columns distribution
#totalR = 0
#totalC = 0
#for r in rowChannels:
# totalR += len(r)
#for c in columnChannels:
# totalC += len(c)
distR = []
distC = []
for r in rowChannels:
for c in columnChannels:
self.logger.debug("Number of validators per row; Min: %d, Max: %d" % (min(distR), max(distR)), extra=self.format)
self.logger.debug("Number of validators per column; Min: %d, Max: %d" % (min(distC), max(distC)), extra=self.format)
for id in range(self.shape.blockSize):
@ -137,6 +170,11 @@ class Simulator:
def initLogger(self):
"""It initializes the logger."""
logging.TRACE = 5
logging.addLevelName(logging.TRACE, 'TRACE')
logging.Logger.trace = partialmethod(logging.Logger.log, logging.TRACE)
logging.trace = partial(logging.log, logging.TRACE)
logger = logging.getLogger("DAS")
if len(logger.handlers) == 0:
@ -146,37 +184,37 @@ class Simulator:
self.logger = logger
def resetShape(self, shape):
"""It resets the parameters of the simulation."""
self.shape = shape
self.result = Result(self.shape)
def printDiagnostics(self):
"""Print all required diagnostics to check when a block does not become available"""
for val in self.validators:
val.shape.failureRate = shape.failureRate
val.shape.chi = shape.chi
val.shape.vpn1 = shape.vpn1
val.shape.vpn2 = shape.vpn2
# In GossipSub the initiator might push messages without participating in the mesh.
# proposerPublishOnly regulates this behavior. If set to true, the proposer is not
# part of the p2p distribution graph, only pushes segments to it. If false, the proposer
# might get back segments from other peers since links are symmetric.
self.proposerPublishOnly = True
# If proposerPublishOnly == True, this regulates how many copies of each segment are
# pushed out by the proposer.
# 1: the data is sent out exactly once on rows and once on columns (2 copies in total)
# self.shape.netDegree: default behavior similar (but not same) to previous code
self.proposerPublishTo = self.shape.netDegree
(a, e) = val.checkStatus()
if e-a > 0 and val.ID != 0:
self.logger.warning("Node %d is missing %d samples" % (val.ID, e-a), extra=self.format)
for r in val.rowIDs:
row = val.getRow(r)
if row.count() < len(row):
self.logger.debug("Row %d: %s" % (r, str(row)), extra=self.format)
neiR = val.rowNeighbors[r]
for nr in neiR:
self.logger.debug("Row %d, Neighbor %d sent: %s" % (r, val.rowNeighbors[r][nr].node.ID, val.rowNeighbors[r][nr].received), extra=self.format)
self.logger.debug("Row %d, Neighbor %d has: %s" % (r, val.rowNeighbors[r][nr].node.ID, self.validators[val.rowNeighbors[r][nr].node.ID].getRow(r)), extra=self.format)
for c in val.columnIDs:
col = val.getColumn(c)
if col.count() < len(col):
self.logger.debug("Column %d: %s" % (c, str(col)), extra=self.format)
neiC = val.columnNeighbors[c]
for nc in neiC:
self.logger.debug("Column %d, Neighbor %d sent: %s" % (c, val.columnNeighbors[c][nc].node.ID, val.columnNeighbors[c][nc].received), extra=self.format)
self.logger.debug("Column %d, Neighbor %d has: %s" % (c, val.columnNeighbors[c][nc].node.ID, self.validators[val.columnNeighbors[c][nc].node.ID].getColumn(c)), extra=self.format)
def run(self):
"""It runs the main simulation until the block is available or it gets stucked."""
arrived, expected = self.glob.checkStatus(self.validators)
arrived, expected, ready, validated = self.glob.checkStatus(self.validators)
missingSamples = expected - arrived
missingVector = []
progressVector = []
trafficStatsVector = []
steps = 0
@ -197,30 +235,58 @@ class Simulator:
# log TX and RX statistics
statsTxInSlot = [v.statsTxInSlot for v in self.validators]
statsRxInSlot = [v.statsRxInSlot for v in self.validators]
self.logger.debug("step %d: TX_prod=%.1f, RX_prod=%.1f, TX_avg=%.1f, TX_max=%.1f, Rx_avg=%.1f, Rx_max=%.1f" %
(steps, statsTxInSlot[0], statsRxInSlot[0],
mean(statsTxInSlot[1:]), max(statsTxInSlot[1:]),
mean(statsRxInSlot[1:]), max(statsRxInSlot[1:])), extra=self.format)
trafficStats = self.glob.getTrafficStats(self.validators)
self.logger.debug("step %d: %s" %
(steps, trafficStats), extra=self.format)
for i in range(0,self.shape.numberNodes):
missingSamples, sampleProgress, nodeProgress, validatorProgress = self.glob.getProgress(self.validators)
self.logger.debug("step %d, arrived %0.02f %%, ready %0.02f %%, validated %0.02f %%"
% (steps, sampleProgress*100, nodeProgress*100, validatorProgress*100), extra=self.format)
cnS = "samples received"
cnN = "nodes ready"
cnV = "validators ready"
cnT0 = "TX builder mean"
cnT1 = "TX class1 mean"
cnT2 = "TX class2 mean"
cnR1 = "RX class1 mean"
cnR2 = "RX class2 mean"
cnD1 = "Dup class1 mean"
cnD2 = "Dup class2 mean"
cnT0: trafficStats[0]["Tx"]["mean"],
cnT1: trafficStats[1]["Tx"]["mean"],
cnT2: trafficStats[2]["Tx"]["mean"],
cnR1: trafficStats[1]["Rx"]["mean"],
cnR2: trafficStats[2]["Rx"]["mean"],
cnD1: trafficStats[1]["RxDup"]["mean"],
cnD2: trafficStats[2]["RxDup"]["mean"],
arrived, expected = self.glob.checkStatus(self.validators)
missingSamples = expected - arrived
missingRate = missingSamples*100/expected
self.logger.debug("step %d, missing %d of %d (%0.02f %%)" % (steps, missingSamples, expected, missingRate), extra=self.format)
if missingSamples == oldMissingSamples:
self.logger.debug("The block cannot be recovered, failure rate %d!" % self.shape.failureRate, extra=self.format)
if len(missingVector) > self.config.steps4StopCondition:
if missingSamples == missingVector[-self.config.steps4StopCondition]:
self.logger.debug("The block cannot be recovered, failure rate %d!" % self.shape.failureRate, extra=self.format)
if self.config.diagnostics:
elif missingSamples == 0:
#self.logger.info("The entire block is available at step %d, with failure rate %d !" % (steps, self.shape.failureRate), extra=self.format)
self.logger.debug("The entire block is available at step %d, with failure rate %d !" % (steps, self.shape.failureRate), extra=self.format)
steps += 1
steps += 1
self.result.populate(self.shape, missingVector)
progress = pd.DataFrame(progressVector)
if self.config.saveProgress:
self.result.addMetric("progress", progress.to_dict(orient='list'))
self.result.populate(self.shape, self.config, missingVector)
return self.result
@ -61,14 +61,16 @@ class Validator:
self.logger.error("Chi has to be smaller than %d" % self.shape.blockSize, extra=self.format)
if amIproposer:
self.nodeClass = 0
self.rowIDs = range(shape.blockSize)
self.columnIDs = range(shape.blockSize)
#if shape.deterministic:
# random.seed(self.ID)
vpn = self.shape.vpn1 if (self.ID <= shape.numberNodes * shape.class1ratio) else self.shape.vpn2
self.rowIDs = rows if rows else unionOfSamples(range(self.shape.blockSize), self.shape.chi, vpn)
self.columnIDs = columns if columns else unionOfSamples(range(self.shape.blockSize), self.shape.chi, vpn)
self.nodeClass = 1 if (self.ID <= shape.numberNodes * shape.class1ratio) else 2
self.vpn = self.shape.vpn1 if (self.nodeClass == 1) else self.shape.vpn2
self.rowIDs = rows if rows else unionOfSamples(range(self.shape.blockSize), self.shape.chi, self.vpn)
self.columnIDs = columns if columns else unionOfSamples(range(self.shape.blockSize), self.shape.chi, self.vpn)
self.rowNeighbors = collections.defaultdict(dict)
self.columnNeighbors = collections.defaultdict(dict)
@ -77,13 +79,15 @@ class Validator:
self.statsTxPerSlot = []
self.statsRxInSlot = 0
self.statsRxPerSlot = []
self.statsRxDupInSlot = 0
self.statsRxDupPerSlot = []
# Set uplink bandwidth. In segments (~560 bytes) per timestep (50ms?)
# 1 Mbps ~= 1e6 / 20 / 8 / 560 ~= 11
# TODO: this should be a parameter
if self.amIproposer:
self.bwUplink = shape.bwUplinkProd
elif self.ID <= shape.numberNodes * shape.class1ratio:
elif self.nodeClass == 1:
self.bwUplink = shape.bwUplink1
self.bwUplink = shape.bwUplink2
@ -109,33 +113,18 @@ class Validator:
def initBlock(self):
"""It initializes the block for the proposer."""
if self.amIproposer == 1:
self.logger.debug("I am a block proposer.", extra=self.format)
self.block = Block(self.shape.blockSize)
self.logger.warning("I am not a block proposer."% self.ID)
def broadcastBlock(self):
"""The block proposer broadcasts the block to all validators."""
if self.amIproposer == 0:
self.logger.warning("I am not a block proposer", extra=self.format)
self.logger.debug("Broadcasting my block...", extra=self.format)
self.logger.debug("Creating block...", extra=self.format)
order = [i for i in range(self.shape.blockSize * self.shape.blockSize)]
i = order.pop()
if (random.randint(0,99) >= self.shape.failureRate):
self.block.data[i] = 1
self.block.data[i] = 0
order = random.sample(order, int((1 - self.shape.failureRate/100) * len(order)))
for i in order:
self.block.data[i] = 1
nbFailures = self.block.data.count(0)
measuredFailureRate = nbFailures * 100 / (self.shape.blockSize * self.shape.blockSize)
self.logger.debug("Number of failures: %d (%0.02f %%)", nbFailures, measuredFailureRate, extra=self.format)
def getColumn(self, index):
"""It returns a given column."""
@ -155,13 +144,13 @@ class Validator:
if src in self.columnNeighbors[cID]:
self.columnNeighbors[cID][src].receiving[rID] = 1
if not self.receivedBlock.getSegment(rID, cID):
self.logger.debug("Recv new: %d->%d: %d,%d", src, self.ID, rID, cID, extra=self.format)
self.logger.trace("Recv new: %d->%d: %d,%d", src, self.ID, rID, cID, extra=self.format)
self.receivedBlock.setSegment(rID, cID)
if self.perNodeQueue or self.perNeighborQueue:
self.receivedQueue.append((rID, cID))
self.logger.debug("Recv DUP: %d->%d: %d,%d", src, self.ID, rID, cID, extra=self.format)
# self.statsRxDuplicateInSlot += 1
self.logger.trace("Recv DUP: %d->%d: %d,%d", src, self.ID, rID, cID, extra=self.format)
self.statsRxDupInSlot += 1
self.statsRxInSlot += 1
def addToSendQueue(self, rID, cID):
@ -183,7 +172,7 @@ class Validator:
if self.amIproposer == 1:
self.logger.error("I am a block proposer", extra=self.format)
self.logger.debug("Receiving the data...", extra=self.format)
self.logger.trace("Receiving the data...", extra=self.format)
#self.logger.debug("%s -> %s", self.block.data, self.receivedBlock.data, extra=self.format)
@ -203,8 +192,10 @@ class Validator:
"""It updates the stats related to sent and received data."""
self.logger.debug("Stats: tx %d, rx %d", self.statsTxInSlot, self.statsRxInSlot, extra=self.format)
self.statsRxInSlot = 0
self.statsRxDupInSlot = 0
self.statsTxInSlot = 0
def checkSegmentToNeigh(self, rID, cID, neigh):
@ -219,7 +210,7 @@ class Validator:
def sendSegmentToNeigh(self, rID, cID, neigh):
"""Send segment to a neighbor (without checks)."""
self.logger.debug("sending %d/%d to %d", rID, cID, neigh.node.ID, extra=self.format)
self.logger.trace("sending %d/%d to %d", rID, cID, neigh.node.ID, extra=self.format)
i = rID if neigh.dim else cID
neigh.sent[i] = 1
neigh.node.receiveSegment(rID, cID, self.ID)
@ -454,7 +445,7 @@ class Validator:
# be queued after successful repair.
for i in range(len(rep)):
if rep[i]:
self.logger.debug("Rep: %d,%d", id, i, extra=self.format)
self.logger.trace("Rep: %d,%d", id, i, extra=self.format)
self.addToSendQueue(id, i)
# self.statsRepairInSlot += rep.count(1)
@ -472,7 +463,7 @@ class Validator:
# be queued after successful repair.
for i in range(len(rep)):
if rep[i]:
self.logger.debug("Rep: %d,%d", i, id, extra=self.format)
self.logger.trace("Rep: %d,%d", i, id, extra=self.format)
self.addToSendQueue(i, id)
# self.statsRepairInSlot += rep.count(1)
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ class Visualizer:
self.folderPath = "results/"+self.execID
self.parameters = ['run', 'blockSize', 'failureRate', 'numberNodes', 'netDegree', 'chi', 'vpn1', 'vpn2', 'class1ratio', 'bwUplinkProd', 'bwUplink1', 'bwUplink2']
self.minimumDataPoints = 2
self.maxTTA = 50
self.maxTTA = 11000
def plottingData(self):
"""Store data with a unique key for each params combination"""
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ class Visualizer:
bwUplinkProd = int(root.find('bwUplinkProd').text)
bwUplink1 = int(root.find('bwUplink1').text)
bwUplink2 = int(root.find('bwUplink2').text)
tta = int(root.find('tta').text)
tta = float(root.find('tta').text)
"""Store BW"""
@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ class Visualizer:
if(len(self.config.runs) > 1):
data = self.averageRuns(data, len(self.config.runs))
filteredKeys = self.similarKeys(data)
vmin, vmax = 0, self.maxTTA+10
vmin, vmax = 0, self.maxTTA+1000
print("Plotting heatmaps...")
"""Create the directory if it doesn't exist already"""
@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ class Visualizer:
hist, xedges, yedges = np.histogram2d(data[key][labels[0]], data[key][labels[1]], bins=(len(xlabels), len(ylabels)), weights=data[key]['ttas'])
hist = hist.T
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 6))
sns.heatmap(hist, xticklabels=xlabels, yticklabels=ylabels, cmap='hot_r', cbar_kws={'label': 'Time to block availability'}, linecolor='black', linewidths=0.3, annot=True, fmt=".2f", ax=ax, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax)
sns.heatmap(hist, xticklabels=xlabels, yticklabels=ylabels, cmap='hot_r', cbar_kws={'label': 'Time to block availability (ms)'}, linecolor='black', linewidths=0.3, annot=True, fmt=".2f", ax=ax, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax)
filename = ""
@ -209,10 +209,12 @@ class Visualizer:
for param in self.parameters:
if param != labels[0] and param != labels[1] and param != 'run':
filename += f"{key[paramValueCnt]}"
#formattedTitle = self.formatTitle(key[paramValueCnt])
formattedTitle = "Time to block availability"
formattedTitle = self.formatTitle(key[paramValueCnt])
title += formattedTitle
if (paramValueCnt+1) % 5 == 0:
title += "\n"
paramValueCnt += 1
title = "Time to Block Availability (ms)"
title_obj = plt.title(title)
font_size = 16 * fig.get_size_inches()[0] / 10
@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ import itertools
import numpy as np
from DAS.shape import Shape
# Dump results into XML files
dumpXML = 1
# save progress vectors to XML
@ -26,7 +27,13 @@ saveProgress = 1
# plot progress for each run to PNG
plotProgress = 1
# Save row and column distributions
saveRCdist = 1
# Plot all figures
visualization = 1
# Verbosity level
logLevel = logging.INFO
# number of parallel workers. -1: all cores; 1: sequential
@ -59,8 +66,8 @@ chis = range(2, 3, 2)
class1ratios = [0.8]
# Number of validators per beacon node
validatorsPerNode1 = [2]
validatorsPerNode2 = [4]
validatorsPerNode1 = [1]
validatorsPerNode2 = [500]
# Set uplink bandwidth. In segments (~560 bytes) per timestep (50ms?)
# 1 Mbps ~= 1e6 / 20 / 8 / 560 ~= 11
@ -68,26 +75,27 @@ bwUplinksProd = [2200]
bwUplinks1 = [110]
bwUplinks2 = [2200]
# Step duration in miliseconds (Classic RTT is about 100ms)
stepDuration = 50
# Set to True if you want your run to be deterministic, False if not
deterministic = True
# If your run is deterministic you can decide the random seed. This is ignore otherwise.
randomSeed = "DAS"
saveProgress = 1
saveRCdist = 1
# Number of steps without progress to stop simulation
steps4StopCondition = 7
# Number of validators ready to asume block is available
successCondition = 0.9
# If True, print diagnostics when the block is not available
diagnostics = False
# Number of steps without progress to stop simulation
steps4StopCondition = 7
# True to save git diff and git commit
saveGit = False
successCondition = 0.9
stepDuration = 50
def nextShape():
for run, fr, class1ratio, chi, vpn1, vpn2, blockSize, nn, netDegree, bwUplinkProd, bwUplink1, bwUplink2 in itertools.product(
runs, failureRates, class1ratios, chis, validatorsPerNode1, validatorsPerNode2, blockSizes, numberNodes, netDegrees, bwUplinksProd, bwUplinks1, bwUplinks2):
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
import time, sys, random, copy
import importlib
import subprocess
from joblib import Parallel, delayed
from DAS import *
@ -12,17 +13,32 @@ from DAS import *
# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/58026381/logging-nested-functions-using-joblib-parallel-and-delayed-calls
# and https://github.com/joblib/joblib/issues/1017
def runOnce(sim, config, shape):
def initLogger(config):
"""It initializes the logger."""
logger = logging.getLogger("Study")
ch = logging.StreamHandler()
return logger
def runOnce(config, shape, execID):
if config.deterministic:
sim = Simulator(shape, config, execID)
result = sim.run()
sim.logger.info("Shape: %s ... Block Available: %d in %d steps" % (str(sim.shape.__dict__), result.blockAvailable, len(result.missingVector)), extra=sim.format)
if config.dumpXML:
return result
def study():
@ -40,29 +56,36 @@ def study():
print("You need to pass a configuration file in parameter")
shape = Shape(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
sim = Simulator(shape, config)
logger = initLogger(config)
format = {"entity": "Study"}
results = []
now = datetime.now()
execID = now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S_")+str(random.randint(100,999))
sim.logger.info("Starting simulations:", extra=sim.format)
start = time.time()
results = Parallel(config.numJobs)(delayed(runOnce)(sim, config, shape) for shape in config.nextShape())
end = time.time()
sim.logger.info("A total of %d simulations ran in %d seconds" % (len(results), end-start), extra=sim.format)
# save config and code state for reproducibility
if not os.path.exists("results"):
dir = "results/"+execID
if not os.path.exists(dir):
if config.saveGit:
with open(dir+"/git.diff", 'w') as f:
subprocess.run(["git", "diff"], stdout=f)
with open(dir+"/git.describe", 'w') as f:
subprocess.run(["git", "describe", "--always"], stdout=f)
subprocess.run(["cp", sys.argv[1], dir+"/"])
if config.dumpXML:
for res in results:
sim.logger.info("Results dumped into results/%s/" % (execID), extra=sim.format)
logger.info("Starting simulations:", extra=format)
start = time.time()
results = Parallel(config.numJobs)(delayed(runOnce)(config, shape ,execID) for shape in config.nextShape())
end = time.time()
logger.info("A total of %d simulations ran in %d seconds" % (len(results), end-start), extra=format)
if config.visualization:
vis = Visualizer(execID, config)
if __name__ == "__main__":
Reference in New Issue
Block a user