Package containing react hooks and components helpers
useTokenBalance(address: string | null | undefined, wakuVoting: WakuMessaging)
returns memoized token (token address is dervied from waku messaging object)balance of given address -
useMobileVersion(sizeThreshold: number)
returns true if web browser width is below threshold -
useRefMobileVersion(myRef: React.RefObject<HTMLHeadingElement>, sizeThreshold: number)
returns true if ref element width is below threshold
Some of package components require theme object, package provides 2 themes
export type Theme = {
primaryColor: string
secondaryColor: string
activeTextColor: string
activeBackgroundColor: string
backgroundColor: string
export const orangeTheme: Theme = {
primaryColor: '#ffb571',
secondaryColor: '#a53607',
activeTextColor: '#ffffff',
activeBackgroundColor: '#f4b77e',
backgroundColor: '#fbfcfe',
export const blueTheme: Theme = {
primaryColor: '#5d7be2',
secondaryColor: '#0f3595',
activeTextColor: '#7e98f4',
activeBackgroundColor: '#7e98f4',
backgroundColor: '#f8faff',
Component that overlays over other components
type ModalProps = {
heading: string // text that shows on top of modal
children: ReactNode // children to show in modal
theme: Theme // theme of modal
setShowModal: (val: boolean) => void // function that changes modal visibility
Input with a label
type InputProps = {
label: string
value: string
onChange: (e: any) => void
placeholder?: string
stylized topBar component with web3 connect button
type TopBarProps = {
logo: string // logo icon
title: string
theme: Theme
activate: () => void // function that connects web3 provider used if account is undefined
deactivate: () => void // function that disconnects web3 provider used when account is defined
account: string | undefined | null // user address
Component that shows a list of radio buttons and only one possible select
type RadioGroupProps = {
options: string[] // list of buttons labels
setSelectedOption: (option: number) => void // state update function
selectedOption: number | undefined // state which holds selectedOption number
Package also contains styled buttons
Button, SmallButton, ConnectButton, CreateButton, ButtonDisconnect, Account
Package contains following icons
checkCircleIcon, addIcon, checkIcon, closeIcon, dappIcon, metamaskIcon, statusIcon
generator which next function returns color from a roulette
example usage
const colors = colorRouletteGenerator()
const color1 =
const color2 =
const color3 =