# DappConnect Vote SDK Example Package contains example usage of DappConnect Vote SDK For more detailed api please see README in voting-hooks and voting-components For connecting with web3 api usedapp is used please refer to usedapp docs for more info ## Creating WakuVoting to create waku voting in react you can use `useWakuVoting` hook from voting-hooks ``` const waku = useWakuVoting( dappName, votingContractAddress, library, multicallAddress ) ``` For more detailed usage you can take a look in `index.tsx` Page is divided into mobile and normal version. ## display list of voting rooms to display list of voting rooms you can use already created `VotingRoomList` for more details see voting-components package `VotingRoomList` needs a list of voting room ids which can be gotten with `useVotingRoomsId` hook ``` const votes = useVotingRoomsId(wakuVoting) history.push(`/votingRoom/${votingRoom.id.toString()}`)} /> ``` ## creating new voting room To create voting room you can use `NewVotingRoomModal` component. Component is a modal and expects a state value and state update function (`showModal` and `setShowModal`) to be able show and hide modal