2021-12-23 16:04:36 +11:00
2021-12-23 16:04:36 +11:00
2021-08-09 11:57:02 +02:00
2021-08-19 16:21:08 +02:00
2021-08-06 14:50:36 +02:00
2021-08-06 14:50:36 +02:00
2021-12-23 16:04:36 +11:00
2021-08-06 14:50:36 +02:00
2021-09-23 13:52:20 +02:00
2021-08-06 14:50:36 +02:00

Package containing react hooks and components helpers


  • useTokenBalance(address: string | null | undefined, wakuVoting: WakuMessaging) returns memoized token (token address is dervied from waku messaging object)balance of given address

  • useMobileVersion(sizeThreshold: number) returns true if web browser width is below threshold

  • useRefMobileVersion(myRef: React.RefObject<HTMLHeadingElement>, sizeThreshold: number) returns true if ref element width is below threshold


Some of package components require theme object, package provides 2 themes

export type Theme = {
  primaryColor: string
  secondaryColor: string
  activeTextColor: string
  activeBackgroundColor: string
  backgroundColor: string

export const orangeTheme: Theme = {
  primaryColor: '#ffb571',
  secondaryColor: '#a53607',
  activeTextColor: '#ffffff',
  activeBackgroundColor: '#f4b77e',
  backgroundColor: '#fbfcfe',

export const blueTheme: Theme = {
  primaryColor: '#5d7be2',
  secondaryColor: '#0f3595',
  activeTextColor: '#7e98f4',
  activeBackgroundColor: '#7e98f4',
  backgroundColor: '#f8faff',


  • Modal

Component that overlays over other components

type ModalProps = {
  heading: string   // text that shows on top of modal
  children: ReactNode // children to show in modal
  theme: Theme // theme of modal
  setShowModal: (val: boolean) => void // function that changes modal visibility
  • Input

Input with a label

type InputProps = {
  label: string
  value: string
  onChange: (e: any) => void
  placeholder?: string
  • TopBar

stylized topBar component with web3 connect button

type TopBarProps = {
  logo: string // logo icon
  title: string
  theme: Theme
  activate: () => void // function that connects web3 provider used if account is undefined
  deactivate: () => void // function that disconnects web3 provider used when account is defined
  account: string | undefined | null // user address
  • RadioGroup

Component that shows a list of radio buttons and only one possible select

type RadioGroupProps = {
  options: string[] // list of buttons labels
  setSelectedOption: (option: number) => void // state update function 
  selectedOption: number | undefined // state which holds selectedOption number


Package also contains styled buttons Button, SmallButton, ConnectButton, CreateButton, ButtonDisconnect, Account


Package contains following icons

checkCircleIcon, addIcon, checkIcon, closeIcon, dappIcon, metamaskIcon, statusIcon


  • colorRouletteGenerator()

generator which next function returns color from a roulette

example usage

const colors = colorRouletteGenerator()
const color1 = colors.next().value
const color2 = colors.next().value
const color3 = colors.next().value