# .env, .env.development, and .env.production files should be included in your repository as they define defaults. # .env*.local should be added to .gitignore, as those files are intended to be ignored. # .env.local is where secrets can be stored. # # – https://nextjs.org/docs/pages/building-your-application/configuring/environment-variables#default-environment-variables # The vercel env pull sub-command will export development environment variables to a local .env file or a different file of your choice. # # `vercel env pull ./apps/website/.env.development.local` # # – https://vercel.com/docs/cli/env#exporting-development-environment-variables NEXT_PUBLIC_GHOST_API_URL=https://demo.ghost.io NEXT_PUBLIC_GHOST_API_KEY=22444f78447824223cefc48062