{ "nav": [ { "Getting started": [ { "Intro to Status": "/getting-started" }, { "Getting started for new users": "/getting-started" }, { "Getting started with your community": "/getting-started" }, { "Download Status": "/getting-started" } ] }, { "Messaging": [ { "Direct messages": "/messaging-and-web3-browser" }, { "Group chats": "/messaging-and-web3-browser" }, { "Message features and tools": "/messaging-and-web3-browser" }, { "Share files and conversations": "/messaging-and-web3-browser" } ] }, { "Communities": [ { "Status Communities": "/status-communities" }, { "Channels": "/status-communities" }, { "Create your community": "/status-communities" }, { "Administer your community": "/status-communities" }, { "Administer channels": "/status-communities" }, { "Use tokens and set community permissions": "/status-communities" }, { "Status Web Communities": "/status-communities" } ] }, { "Wallet": [ { "Getting started": "/status-wallet" }, { "Send and receive crypto": "/status-wallet" }, { "Privacy and security": "/status-wallet" }, { "Understand crypto assets": "/status-wallet" }, { "Handle your crypto": "/status-wallet" } ] }, { "Your profile": [ { "Manage your profile": "/your-profile-and-preferences" }, { "Change your settings and preferences": "/your-profile-and-preferences" }, { "Adjust your notifications": "/your-profile-and-preferences" }, { "Your profile security and privacy": "/your-profile-and-preferences" }, { "Troubleshooting": "/your-profile-and-preferences" }, { "Use your Keycard": "/your-profile-and-preferences" }, { "Handle your contact list and user verification": "/your-profile-and-preferences" } ] }, { "Network nodes": ["network-nodes-and-statistics"] } ] }