--- id: 558 revision: '0' language: en title: Permissions by role in Status Communities --- Status Communities have distinct roles, each with unique permissions and access levels. ## Permissions for key features Refer to this table for the Status Communities permissions by role type. | Action | Owner | Admin | Member | | :--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | :--------------- | :--------------- | :--------------- | | [Send messages](../messaging-and-web3-browser/send-and-read-messages.md), [react or reply to messages](../messaging-and-web3-browser/react-and-reply-to-messages.md), [edit or delete own messages](../messaging-and-web3-browser/edit-and-delete-your-messages.md) | :material-check: | :material-check: | :material-check: | | [Mention someone, use global mentions](../messaging-and-web3-browser/use-mentions-in-status.md) | :material-check: | :material-check: | :material-check: | | [Send images](../messaging-and-web3-browser/share-images-in-status.md), [GIFs and stickers](../messaging-and-web3-browser/send-gifs-and-stickers.md) | :material-check: | :material-check: | :material-check: | | [Block someone](../your-profile-and-preferences/block-or-unblock-someone-in-status.md) | :material-check: | :material-check: | :material-check: | | [Access the community administration screens and functions](./getting-started-for-community-owners.md) | :material-check: | :material-check: | | | [Edit community settings](./customize-your-community.md) | :material-check: | :material-check: | | | [Create](./create-a-channel.md), [edit](./customize-your-channel.md) and [delete channels or categories](./delete-a-channel.md) | :material-check: | :material-check: | | | [Reorder channels and categories](./customize-your-channel.md) | :material-check: | :material-check: | | | [Create, edit and delete `Become member` permissions](./set-up-a-private-community.md) | :material-check: | :material-check: | | | [Create, edit and delete `Become admin` permissions](./delegate-admin-functions-to-community-members.md) | :material-check: | | | | [Create, edit and delete other permissions](./set-up-your-community-permissions.md) | :material-check: | :material-check: | | | [Recieve `Request to join` notifications and ability to accept or reject requests](./manage-community-join-requests.md) :one: | :material-check: | :material-check: | | | [Kick and ban members](./kick-or-ban-someone-from-your-community.md) :one: | :material-check: | :material-check: | | | [Delete any message in the community](../messaging-and-web3-browser/edit-and-delete-your-messages.md) | :material-check: | :material-check: | | | Pin messages when [`Any member can pin a message` option](./customize-your-community.md) is checked | :material-check: | :material-check: | :material-check: | | Pin messages when [`Any member can pin a message` option](./customize-your-community.md) is unchecked | :material-check: | :material-check: | | | View community node statistics | :material-check: | :material-check: | | | [Mint tokens](./mint-tokens-for-your-community.md) | :material-check: | | | | [Airdrop tokens](./how-to-airdrop-tokens-in-status.md) | :material-check: | | | | [Access the community's private key](./back-up-your-community-s-private-key.md) :two: | :material-check: | | | | [Configure the Community History Service](./about-the-community-history-service.md) | :material-check: | | | :one: If an admin [accepts a member request](./manage-community-join-requests.md) or removes a member by [kicking or banning them](./kick-or-ban-someone-from-your-community.md), the command is sent to the owner node for action. If the owner node is not online, it will take the required action the next time it comes online. :two: Community owners have the option to [manage their community using multiple computers](../manage-your-community-from-different-computers.md). For instance, they may use a laptop in addition to their desktop computer. If the owner manages the community from a computer without importing the community's private key, the key is not available on that computer. :::info To provide the best experience for their members, community owners should keep the Status desktop app online every day or at least once every six days. :::