--- id: 277 revision: '0' language: en title: Remove members from a group chat --- A [group chat](./understand-group-chats.md) owner can remove members from a group chat. As a group chat owner, you're free to set your own rules and remove members who misbehave. Regular members can't remove other members. If you remove someone by mistake or change your mind about them later, you can always [re-add them to the chat](./add-members-to-a-group-chat.md). ## Remove members === "Mobile" 1. From the tab bar, tap :mobile-messages: Messages. 2. Open the group chat you want to remove members from. 3. Tap the member list underneath the chat's name. 4. Tap :mobile-more-options: **More options** next to the member you want to remove. 5. Select :mobile-remove-member: **Remove from the group**. 6. Select **Remove** to confirm your decision. If you want to remove multiple members in a batch, go to **Messages** > your group chat > **Manage members** and uncheck the boxes next to the members you want to remove. Tap **Confirm changes** to confirm your decision. === "Desktop" 1. From the navigation sidebar, click :desktop-chat: **Chat**. 2. Open the group chat you want to remove members from. 3. From the navigation bar at the top, click :desktop-more-options: **More options**. 4. Click :desktop-group-chat: **Add / remove from group**. 5. Click the :desktop-cross: **Cross** next to the Status handle of the contact you want to remove. Once you're done, click **Confirm**.