Your Status profile can reveal a lot about you. It's important to check if you're sharing the right details with the right people. For example, you may want to share more information with your Status contacts than with non-contacts.
## View your profile as someone else
The desktop version only shows a limited preview of your profile. Instead, use the mobile version.
=== "Mobile"
1. From the tab bar, tap :mobile-messages: **Messages**.
1. Tap your profile picture.
1. Tap :mobile-reveal: **Reveal**.
1. Tap the :mobile-dropdown: **Arrow** to view your profile as **Everyone**, **Contact** or **Verified contact**.
=== "Desktop"
1. From the navigation sidebar, click :desktop-settings: **Settings**.
1. Click :desktop-profile: **Profile**.
1. In the **Profile** content area, select **Preview**.