Currently, some profile sections are not editable on Status desktop. Use the Status mobile app to edit them.
Your profile serves as a showcase of who you are to other Status users. You can make as many edits as you need, and the profile updates take effect instantly.
You can use a photo, an image or a collectible as your profile picture. If you use Status desktop, you can only choose an image from your computer.
=== "Mobile"
1. Tap :mobile-camera: **Camera** in your profile picture.
1. In the action sheet, choose :mobile-camera: **Take photo**, :mobile-image: **Select from gallery** or :mobile-nft: **Select collectible**.
1. Authorize the Status app to access your camera or photo gallery.
1. Set a profile picture and tap **Choose**.
=== "Desktop"
1. Click :desktop-edit: **Edit** in your profile picture.
1. Choose a picture from your computer.
1. Adjust your picture size and click **Make this my profile picture**.
### Name, bio or accent colour
Use Status mobile if you want to edit the accent colour.
=== "Mobile"
1. In the **Profile** list, choose the item to edit.
1. Edit the content and click **Save**.
=== "Desktop"
1. Update content in the **Display name** or **Bio** field.
1. Click **Save changes**.
### Communities, accounts, collectibles or assets
Such information is hidden by default. You can choose what to reveal to different groups of Status users.
=== "Mobile"
1. In the **Showcase** list, choose **Communities**, **Accounts**, **Collectibles** or **Assets**.
1. Tap the item you want to edit.
1. Choose **Everyone**, **Contacts**, **ID verified contacts** or **No one**.
Be careful with sharing sensitive information to protect yourself against scams and fraud.
### Web links
If you want to tell people more about yourself, you can display social media links and other web links on your profile.
=== "Mobile"
1. In the **On the web** list, tap **Links**.
1. Choose the action you want to complete and follow the steps from this table:
| Action | Steps |
| Add links | 1. Tap :mobile-add: **Add** and select the type of link to add. 2. If you want to add a website, type the name and URL. If you want to add your social media, type your username. 3. Tap **Save**.|
| Reorder links | In the **Links** list, hold and drag the item to the position you want. |
| Edit links | 1. Tap the link you want to edit. 2. Update the content and tap **Save**. |
| Delete links | 1. Swipe left over the link to delete and tap :mobile-delete: **Delete**. 2. Tap **Delete** again to confirm. |
=== "Desktop"
1. Choose the action you want to complete.
1. Follow the steps from this table:
| Action | Steps |
| Add links | 1. Scroll down and click **+ Add more links**. 2. Select the type of link to add. 3. If you want to add a website, type the URL. If you want to add your social media, type your username. 4. Click **Add**, then click **Save changes**. |
| Reorder links | 1. Scroll down and find the link to reorder. 2. Hold and drag the item to the position you want. |
| Edit links | 1. Scroll down and find the link to edit. 2. Click :desktop-edit: **Edit**. 3. Type the new content and click **Update**. 4. Click **Save changes**. |
| Delete links | 1. Scroll down and find the link to delete. 2. Click :desktop-edit: **Edit**. 3. Click **Delete**, then click **Save changes**. |