pavel edfdfd6dbc
2.0 (#523)
* set up tailwind

* add typography tokens

* add shadows tokens

* add border radius tokens

* add react-aria

* update tailwind config

* update tokens

* fix deps

* add blur variant

* update tw config

* upgrade storybook

* update storybook config

* add inter

* wip button

* wip input

* wip tabs

* update typography tokens

* u storybook

* add types to src root

* update storybook config

* add sb type

* u storybook

* add icon button

* add input

* add checkbox

* add counter

* update checkbox

* add dropdown

* update button

* f storybook types

* u deps

* update base config

* update icon imports

* add text

* update colors build output

* fix import

* update colors format

* add .vsode setting

* update components buidl

* mv

* u button

* add popover

* u

* add types

* u shortcut

* fix icons attributes

* f

* mv

* u

* add toast

* update tw formatting

* rm apps

* rm examples

* rm tamagui

* dist tailwind config

* rm more

* stricter tsconfig

* add source field

* remove tokens

* rm tamagui files

* add prettier config to components

* u text props

* add tooltip

* u toast

* do not pass props

* u icon buton

* u dropdown button

* add icon only to button

* u type

* checkbox

* wip

* fix build

* fix components build

* u tooltip

* add theme

* add input

* u checkbox

* update dropdown-button

* add dropdown menu

* move input to be reviewew

* u dropdown button

* u

* u popover

* u tabs

* mv IconComponent -> IconElement

* u tag

* u context tag

* u

* fix context tag story

* add provider

* u button

* u avatar

* f avatar

* a opacity to avatar

* f prettier

* f avatar

* f

* f

* rm old setting

* fix button props

* skeleton wip

* rm config

* a dropdown submenu

* add blur variant

* add step

* add step to tabs

* add blur to context tag

* u

* add 80 to community

* u tw config

* add type

* u checkbox

* fix dropdown menu checkbox item

* u button

* unify content

* customize color globally

* add icons stories

* add colors story

* rm

* u

* rm dep

* cleanup

* u tsconfig

* f opacity for emoji

* remove "web#build" task from turbo.json

* f dropdown menu

* u tw export

* add license

* add changeset

* update readme

* f steps

* f tag

* f button

* udpate colors format

* update customisation color tailwind config

* fix opacity

* add shadow dark mode

* u readme

* u


Co-authored-by: Jakub Kotula <>
Co-authored-by: Felicio Mununga <>
2024-09-25 17:17:58 +02:00

143 lines
3.4 KiB

import { intro, isCancel, outro, spinner, text } from '@clack/prompts'
import * as Figma from 'figma-api'
import fs from 'fs-extra'
import type { GetFileNodesResult } from 'figma-api/lib/api-types'
const FILE_KEY = 'v98g9ZiaSHYUdKWrbFg9eM'
const personalAccessToken = await text({
message: 'Your personal Figma access token:',
validate(value) {
if (value.length === 0) return `required`
if (isCancel(personalAccessToken)) {
function sortObjectByKey<T extends Record<string, any>>(obj: T): T {
const sortedObj: Record<string, any> = {}
.forEach(key => {
sortedObj[key] = obj[key]
return sortedObj as T
const figma = new Figma.Api({
* Get file styles from Figma
const s = spinner()
s.start('Fetching styles from Figma')
const styles = await figma.getFileStyles(FILE_KEY)
if (styles.error) {
console.log('error:', styles.error)
* Get colors tokens from Figma
const s2 = spinner()
s2.start('Fetching tokens from Figma')
const nodeIds = styles
.meta!.styles.filter(style => style.style_type === 'FILL')
.map(style => style.node_id)
const { nodes } = (await figma.getFileNodes(
)) as GetFileNodesResult<'FRAME'>
* Generate files
const s3 = spinner()
s3.start('Generating colors')
const colors: Record<string, Record<string, string>> = {}
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
for (const [_nodeId, value] of Object.entries(nodes)) {
const { document } = value!
const { r, g, b } = document.fills[0].color!
const a = document.fills[0].opacity ?? 1
const red = Math.round(r * 255)
const green = Math.round(g * 255)
const blue = Math.round(b * 255)
const alpha = Math.round(a * 100)
const name = toKebabCase('-/-', '/')
const [namespace,] = name.split('/')
const tokenName = normalizeName(namespace, rest.join('-'))
colors[namespace] ??= {}
colors[namespace][tokenName] = `rgba(${red} ${green} ${blue} / ${alpha}%)`
* Write tokens to src folder
for (const [namespace, value] of Object.entries(colors)) {
const fileName = `./src/${namespace}.ts`
const tokens = JSON.stringify(sortObjectByKey(value), null, 2)
fs.writeFileSync(fileName, `export const ${namespace} = ${tokens}`, {
encoding: 'utf-8',
// re-export from index
.map(key => `export { ${key} } from './${key}'`)
{ encoding: 'utf-8' },
function normalizeName(_tokenName: string, value: string): string {
let normalizedValue = value
normalizedValue = value.replace('solid-', '')
normalizedValue = normalizedValue.replace('%', '')
normalizedValue = normalizedValue.replace('-transparent-opa', '/')
normalizedValue = normalizedValue.replace('-transparent-', '/')
normalizedValue = normalizedValue.replace('transparent-', '/')
normalizedValue = normalizedValue.replace('-opa-', '/')
return normalizedValue
function toKebabCase(str: string): string {
return str
.replace(/([a-z])([A-Z])/g, '$1-$2') // convert camel case to kebab case
.replace(/[\s_]+/g, '-') // replace spaces and underscores with hyphens