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// our DTwitter contract object to test
const DTwitter = require('Embark/contracts/DTwitter');
// contract methods we'll be testing
const { createAccount, users, owners, userExists, editAccount, tweet } = DTwitter.methods;
// variables that will be updated in the tests
let accounts;
// set up our config test parameters
contracts: {
DTwitter: {
// would pass constructor args here if needed
}, (err, theAccounts) => {
// this is the list of accounts our node / wallet controls.
accounts = theAccounts;
// other test parameters
const username = 'testhandle';
const description = 'test description';
const tweetContent = 'test tweet';
// Embark exposes a global contract method as an alias
// for Mocha.describe
contract("DTwitter contract", function () {
// it(`should create a dtwitter user '${username}' with description '${description}'`, async function () {
it("transaction to create a dtwitter user 'testhandle' with description 'test description' should be successful", async function () {
// do the create account
const createAccountTx = await createAccount(username, description).send();
// assert that the transaction was successful
assert.equal(createAccountTx.status, true);
it("should have created a user 'testhandle'", async function () {
// get user details from contract
const user = await users(web3.utils.keccak256(username)).call();
assert.equal(user.username, username);
assert.equal(user.description, description);
it("should have created an owner for our defaultAccount", async function () {
// read from the owners mapping
const usernameHash = await owners(web3.eth.defaultAccount).call();
// check the return value from owners mapping matches
assert.equal(usernameHash, web3.utils.keccak256(username));
it("should know 'testhandle' exists", async function () {
const usernameHash = web3.utils.keccak256(username);
const exists = await userExists(usernameHash).call();
assert.equal(exists, true);
it("should be able to edit 'testhandle' user details", async function () {
const usernameHash = web3.utils.keccak256(username);
const updatedDescription = description + ' edited';
const updatedImageHash = 'QmWvPtv2xVGgdV12cezG7iCQ4hQ52e4ptmFFnBK3gTjnec';
await editAccount(usernameHash, updatedDescription, updatedImageHash).send();
const updatedUserDetails = await users(usernameHash).call();
assert.equal(updatedUserDetails.description, updatedDescription);
assert.equal(updatedUserDetails.picture, updatedImageHash);
it("should be able to add a tweet as 'testhandle' and receive it via contract event", async function () {
const usernameHash = web3.utils.keccak256(username);
await tweet(tweetContent).send();
filter: { _from: usernameHash },
fromBlock: 0
.on('data', (event) => {
assert.equal(event.returnValues.tweet, tweetContent);