--- title: "Block Discovery Sim" output: html_document runtime: shiny # rsconnect uses this resource_files: - R/node.R - R/partition.R - R/sim.R - R/stats.R --- ## Goal The goal of this experiment is to understand -- under different assumptions about how blocks are partitioned among nodes -- how long a hypothetical downloader would take to discover enough blocks to make a successful download from storage nodes by randomly sampling the swarm. We therefore do not account for download times or network latency - we just measure how many times the node randomly samples the swarm before figuring out where enough of the blocks are. ```{r echo = FALSE, message = FALSE} library(shiny) library(plotly) source('R/collate.R') knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = FALSE, message = FALSE) ``` ```{r} runs <- 10 max_steps <- Inf ``` ```{r} DISTRIBUTIONS <- list( 'uniform' = runif, 'exponential' = rexp, 'pareto' = VGAM::rparetoI ) ``` ## Network * Select the parameters of the network you would like to use in the experiments. * Preview the shape of the partitions by looking at the chart. * Generate more random partitions by clicking "Generate Another". ```{r} fluidPage( sidebarPanel( numericInput( 'swarm_size', label = 'size of the swarm', value = 20, min = 1, max = 10000 ), numericInput( 'file_size', label = 'number of blocks in the file', value = 1000, min = 1, max = 1e6 ), selectInput( 'partition_distribution', label = 'shape of the distribution for the partitions', choices = names(DISTRIBUTIONS) ), actionButton( 'generate_network', label = 'Generate Another' ) ), mainPanel( plotOutput('network_sample') ) ) ``` ```{r} observe({ input$generate_network output$network_sample <- renderPlot({ purrr::map_dfr( generate_network( number_of_blocks = input$file_size, network_size = input$swarm_size, partition_distribution = input$partition_distribution ), function(node) tibble(node_id = node$node_id, blocks = length(node$storage)) ) %>% ggplot() + geom_bar( aes(x = node_id, y = blocks), stat = 'identity', col = 'black', fill = 'lightgray' ) + labs(x = 'node') + theme_minimal() })} ) ``` ## Experiment Select the number of experiment runs. Each experiment will generate a network and then simulate a download operation where a hypothetical node: 1. joins the swarm; 2. samples one neighbor per round in a round-based download protocol and asks for its block list. The experiment ends when the downloading node recovers "enough" blocks. If we let the total number of blocks in the file be $n$ and the coding rate $r$, then the simulation ends when the set of blocks $D$ discovered by the downloading node satisfies $\left|D\right| \geq n\times r$. We then show a "discovery curve": a curve that emerges as we look at the percentage of blocks the downloader has discovered so far as a function of the number of contacts it made. The curve is actually an average of all experiments, meaning that a point $(5, 10\%)$ should be interpreted as: "on average, after $5$ contacts, a downloader will have discovered $10\%$ of the blocks it needs to get a successful download". We show the $5^{th}$ percentile and the $95^{th}$ percentiles of the experiments as error bands around the average. ```{r} fluidPage( fluidRow( class='well', column( width = 6, sliderInput('runs', 'How many experiments to run', min = 10, max = 10000, value = 10), actionButton('do_run', 'Run') ), column( width = 6, numericInput('coding_rate', 'Coding rate (percentage of blocks required for a successful download)', min = 0.1, max = 1.0, step = 0.05, value = 0.5) ) ) ) ``` ```{r} experiment_results <- reactive({ lapply(1:input$runs, function(i) { generate_network( number_of_blocks = input$file_size, network_size = input$swarm_size, partition_distribution = input$partition_distribution ) |> run_experiment(run_id = i, coding_rate = input$coding_rate) }) }) |> bindEvent( input$do_run, ignoreNULL = TRUE, ignoreInit = TRUE ) ``` ```{r} renderPlotly({ plot_results(do.call(rbind, experiment_results())) }) ``` ```{r} generate_network <- function(number_of_blocks, network_size, partition_distribution) { block_array <- sample(1:number_of_blocks, replace = FALSE) partitions <- partition(block_array, network_size, DISTRIBUTIONS[[partition_distribution]]) sapply(1:network_size, function(i) Node$new( node_id = i, storage = partitions[[i]]) ) } ``` ```{r} run_experiment <- function(network, coding_rate, run_id = 0) { run_download_simulation( swarm = network, coding_rate = coding_rate, max_steps = max_steps ) |> mutate( run = run_id ) } ``` ```{r} plot_results <- function(results) { stats <- results |> mutate(completion = pmin(1.0, completed_blocks / required_blocks)) |> group_by(step) |> summarise( average = mean(completion), p_95 = quantile(completion, 0.95), p_05 = quantile(completion, 0.05), .groups = 'drop' ) plotly::ggplotly(ggplot(stats, aes(x = step)) + geom_line(aes(y = average), col = 'black', lwd = 1) + geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = p_05, ymax = p_95), fill = 'grey80', alpha = 0.5) + labs(x = 'contacts', y = 'blocks discovered (%)') + scale_y_continuous(labels = scales::percent_format()) + theme_minimal()) } ```