* feat(slot-reservations): Allow slots to be reserved
Allows reservation of slots, without an implementation of the expanding window.
- Add a function called `reserveSlot(address, SlotId)`, that allows three unique addresses per slot to be reserved, that returns bool if successful.
- Use `mapping(SlotId => EnumerableSet.AddressSet)`
- Return false if the address could not be added to the set (if `EnumerableSet.add` returns false)
- Add `canReserveSlot(address, SlotId)`
- Return `true` if set of reservations is less than 3 and the set doesn't already contain the address
- Return `true` otherwise (for now, later add in logic for checking the address is inside the expanding window)
- Call `canReserveSlot` from `reserveSlot` as a `require` or invariant
- Add `SlotReservations` configuration struct to the network-level config, with `maxReservations`
In Codex's integration tests we now create real ZK proofs,
which take a bit longer to generate. We therefore need a
period that remains the same while the proof is generated.
Rationale: it was already a very thin wrapper
around Marketplace, and now that its remaining
functionality has been moved to Proofs and
Marketplace, we no longer need it.
1. Replace all instances of `now()` with `await currentTime()` to get a more accurate representation of time from the block timestamp. Update examples.js to be async.
2. Move `RequestState` to `marketplace.js`
3. Delete `TestStorage` as `slashAmount` function no longer needed.