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2023-04-11 12:06:33 +02:00

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using CodexDistTestCore.Config;
using k8s.Models;
namespace CodexDistTestCore.Marketplace
public static class GethDockerImage
public const string Image = "thatbenbierens/geth-confenv:latest";
public const string AccountFilename = "account_string.txt";
public const string GenesisFilename = "genesis.json";
public class K8sGethBoostrapSpecs
public const string ContainerName = "dtest-gethb";
private const string portName = "gethb";
public K8sGethBoostrapSpecs(int servicePort)
ServicePort = servicePort;
public int ServicePort { get; }
public string GetBootstrapDeploymentName()
return "test-gethb";
public string GetCompanionDeploymentName(GethCompanionGroup group)
return "test-geth" + group.Number;
public V1Deployment CreateGethBootstrapDeployment()
var deploymentSpec = new V1Deployment
ApiVersion = "apps/v1",
Metadata = new V1ObjectMeta
Name = GetBootstrapDeploymentName(),
NamespaceProperty = K8sCluster.K8sNamespace
Spec = new V1DeploymentSpec
Replicas = 1,
Selector = new V1LabelSelector
MatchLabels = CreateBootstrapSelector()
Template = new V1PodTemplateSpec
Metadata = new V1ObjectMeta
Labels = CreateBootstrapSelector()
Spec = new V1PodSpec
Containers = new List<V1Container>
new V1Container
Name = ContainerName,
Image = GethDockerImage.Image,
Ports = new List<V1ContainerPort>
new V1ContainerPort
ContainerPort = 9090,
Name = portName
Env = new List<V1EnvVar>
//new V1EnvVar
// Name = "GETH_ARGS",
// Value = "--qwerty"
new V1EnvVar
Value = genesisJsonBase64
new V1EnvVar
Value = "1"
return deploymentSpec;
public V1Service CreateGethBootstrapService()
var serviceSpec = new V1Service
ApiVersion = "v1",
Metadata = new V1ObjectMeta
Name = "codex-gethb-service",
NamespaceProperty = K8sCluster.K8sNamespace
Spec = new V1ServiceSpec
Type = "NodePort",
Selector = CreateBootstrapSelector(),
Ports = new List<V1ServicePort>
new V1ServicePort
Name = "gethb-service",
Protocol = "TCP",
Port = 9090,
TargetPort = portName,
NodePort = ServicePort
return serviceSpec;
public V1Deployment CreateGethCompanionDeployment(GethCompanionGroup group, GethBootstrapInfo info)
var deploymentSpec = new V1Deployment
ApiVersion = "apps/v1",
Metadata = new V1ObjectMeta
Name = GetCompanionDeploymentName(group),
NamespaceProperty = K8sCluster.K8sNamespace
Spec = new V1DeploymentSpec
Replicas = 1,
Selector = new V1LabelSelector
MatchLabels = CreateCompanionSelector()
Template = new V1PodTemplateSpec
Metadata = new V1ObjectMeta
Labels = CreateCompanionSelector()
Spec = new V1PodSpec
Containers = group.Containers.Select(c => CreateContainer(c, info)).ToList()
return deploymentSpec;
private static V1Container CreateContainer(GethCompanionNodeContainer container, GethBootstrapInfo info)
return new V1Container
Name = container.Name,
Image = GethDockerImage.Image,
Ports = new List<V1ContainerPort>
new V1ContainerPort
ContainerPort = container.ApiPort,
Name = container.ContainerPortName
// todo: use env vars to connect this node to the bootstrap node provided by gethInfo.podInfo & gethInfo.servicePort & gethInfo.genesisJsonBase64
Env = new List<V1EnvVar>
new V1EnvVar
Name = "GETH_ARGS",
Value = $"--port {container.ApiPort} --discovery.port {container.ApiPort} --authrpc.port {container.RpcPort}"
new V1EnvVar
Value = info.GenesisJsonBase64
private Dictionary<string, string> CreateBootstrapSelector()
return new Dictionary<string, string> { { "test-gethb", "dtest-gethb" } };
private Dictionary<string, string> CreateCompanionSelector()
return new Dictionary<string, string> { { "test-gethc", "dtest-gethc" } };