207 lines
7.5 KiB
207 lines
7.5 KiB
using CodexContractsPlugin.Marketplace;
using GethPlugin;
using Logging;
using NethereumWorkflow.BlockUtils;
using System.Numerics;
using Utils;
namespace CodexContractsPlugin.ChainMonitor
public interface IChainStateChangeHandler
void OnNewRequest(RequestEvent requestEvent);
void OnRequestFinished(RequestEvent requestEvent);
void OnRequestFulfilled(RequestEvent requestEvent);
void OnRequestCancelled(RequestEvent requestEvent);
void OnRequestFailed(RequestEvent requestEvent);
void OnSlotFilled(RequestEvent requestEvent, EthAddress host, BigInteger slotIndex);
void OnSlotFreed(RequestEvent requestEvent, BigInteger slotIndex);
void OnSlotReservationsFull(RequestEvent requestEvent, BigInteger slotIndex);
void OnError(string msg);
public class RequestEvent
public RequestEvent(BlockTimeEntry block, IChainStateRequest request)
Block = block;
Request = request;
public BlockTimeEntry Block { get; }
public IChainStateRequest Request { get; }
public class ChainState
private readonly List<ChainStateRequest> requests = new List<ChainStateRequest>();
private readonly ILog log;
private readonly ICodexContracts contracts;
private readonly IChainStateChangeHandler handler;
public ChainState(ILog log, ICodexContracts contracts, IChainStateChangeHandler changeHandler, DateTime startUtc)
this.log = new LogPrefixer(log, "(ChainState) ");
this.contracts = contracts;
handler = changeHandler;
TotalSpan = new TimeRange(startUtc, startUtc);
public TimeRange TotalSpan { get; private set; }
public IChainStateRequest[] Requests => requests.ToArray();
public int Update()
return Update(DateTime.UtcNow);
public int Update(DateTime toUtc)
var span = new TimeRange(TotalSpan.To, toUtc);
var events = ChainEvents.FromTimeRange(contracts, span);
TotalSpan = new TimeRange(TotalSpan.From, span.To);
return events.All.Length;
private void Apply(ChainEvents events)
if (events.BlockInterval.TimeRange.From < TotalSpan.From)
var msg = "Attempt to update ChainState with set of events from before its current record.";
throw new Exception(msg);
log.Log($"ChainState updating: {events.BlockInterval} = {events.All.Length} events.");
// Run through each block and apply the events to the state in order.
var span = events.BlockInterval.TimeRange.Duration;
var numBlocks = events.BlockInterval.NumberOfBlocks;
if (numBlocks == 0) return;
var spanPerBlock = span / numBlocks;
var eventUtc = events.BlockInterval.TimeRange.From;
for (var b = events.BlockInterval.From; b <= events.BlockInterval.To; b++)
var blockEvents = events.All.Where(e => e.Block.BlockNumber == b).ToArray();
ApplyEvents(b, blockEvents, eventUtc);
eventUtc += spanPerBlock;
private void ApplyEvents(ulong blockNumber, IHasBlock[] blockEvents, DateTime eventsUtc)
foreach (var e in blockEvents)
dynamic d = e;
ApplyTimeImplicitEvents(blockNumber, eventsUtc);
private void ApplyEvent(Request request)
if (requests.Any(r => Equal(r.Request.RequestId, request.RequestId)))
throw new Exception("Received NewRequest event for id that already exists.");
var newRequest = new ChainStateRequest(log, request, RequestState.New);
handler.OnNewRequest(new RequestEvent(request.Block, newRequest));
private void ApplyEvent(RequestFulfilledEventDTO @event)
var r = FindRequest(@event);
if (r == null) return;
r.UpdateState(@event.Block.BlockNumber, RequestState.Started);
handler.OnRequestFulfilled(new RequestEvent(@event.Block, r));
private void ApplyEvent(RequestCancelledEventDTO @event)
var r = FindRequest(@event);
if (r == null) return;
r.UpdateState(@event.Block.BlockNumber, RequestState.Cancelled);
handler.OnRequestCancelled(new RequestEvent(@event.Block, r));
private void ApplyEvent(RequestFailedEventDTO @event)
var r = FindRequest(@event);
if (r == null) return;
r.UpdateState(@event.Block.BlockNumber, RequestState.Failed);
handler.OnRequestFailed(new RequestEvent(@event.Block, r));
private void ApplyEvent(SlotFilledEventDTO @event)
var r = FindRequest(@event);
if (r == null) return;
r.Hosts.Add(@event.Host, (int)@event.SlotIndex);
r.Log($"[{@event.Block.BlockNumber}] SlotFilled (host:'{@event.Host}', slotIndex:{@event.SlotIndex})");
handler.OnSlotFilled(new RequestEvent(@event.Block, r), @event.Host, @event.SlotIndex);
private void ApplyEvent(SlotFreedEventDTO @event)
var r = FindRequest(@event);
if (r == null) return;
r.Log($"[{@event.Block.BlockNumber}] SlotFreed (slotIndex:{@event.SlotIndex})");
handler.OnSlotFreed(new RequestEvent(@event.Block, r), @event.SlotIndex);
private void ApplyEvent(SlotReservationsFullEventDTO @event)
var r = FindRequest(@event);
if (r == null) return;
r.Log($"[{@event.Block.BlockNumber}] SlotReservationsFull (slotIndex:{@event.SlotIndex})");
handler.OnSlotReservationsFull(new RequestEvent(@event.Block, r), @event.SlotIndex);
private void ApplyTimeImplicitEvents(ulong blockNumber, DateTime eventsUtc)
foreach (var r in requests)
if (r.State == RequestState.Started
&& r.FinishedUtc < eventsUtc)
r.UpdateState(blockNumber, RequestState.Finished);
handler.OnRequestFinished(new RequestEvent(new BlockTimeEntry(blockNumber, eventsUtc), r));
private ChainStateRequest? FindRequest(IHasRequestId request)
var r = requests.SingleOrDefault(r => Equal(r.Request.RequestId, request.RequestId));
if (r == null)
var blockNumber = "unknown";
if (request is IHasBlock blk)
blockNumber = blk.Block.BlockNumber.ToString();
var msg = $"Received event of type '{request.GetType()}' in block '{blockNumber}' for request by Id: '{request.RequestId}'. " +
$"Failed to find request. Request creation event not seen! (Tracker start time: {TotalSpan.From})";
return r;
private bool Equal(byte[] a, byte[] b)
return a.SequenceEqual(b);