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using System.Reflection;
namespace ArgsUniform
public class ArgsUniform<T>
private readonly Action printAppInfo;
private readonly object? defaultsProvider;
private readonly IEnv.IEnv env;
private readonly string[] args;
private const int cliStart = 8;
private const int shortStart = 38;
private const int envStart = 48;
private const int descStart = 80;
public ArgsUniform(Action printAppInfo, params string[] args)
: this(printAppInfo, new IEnv.Env(), args)
public ArgsUniform(Action printAppInfo, object defaultsProvider, params string[] args)
: this(printAppInfo, defaultsProvider, new IEnv.Env(), args)
public ArgsUniform(Action printAppInfo, IEnv.IEnv env, params string[] args)
: this(printAppInfo, null!, env, args)
public ArgsUniform(Action printAppInfo, object defaultsProvider, IEnv.IEnv env, params string[] args)
this.printAppInfo = printAppInfo;
this.defaultsProvider = defaultsProvider;
this.env = env;
this.args = args;
public T Parse(bool printResult = false)
if (args.Any(a => a == "-h" || a == "--help" || a == "-?"))
throw new Exception();
var result = Activator.CreateInstance<T>();
var uniformProperties = typeof(T).GetProperties().Where(m => m.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(UniformAttribute), false).Length == 1).ToArray();
var missingRequired = new List<PropertyInfo>();
foreach (var uniformProperty in uniformProperties)
var attr = uniformProperty.GetCustomAttribute<UniformAttribute>();
if (attr != null)
if (!UniformAssign(result, attr, uniformProperty) && attr.Required)
if (missingRequired.Any())
PrintResults(result, uniformProperties);
foreach (var missing in missingRequired)
var attr = missing.GetCustomAttribute<UniformAttribute>()!;
var exampleArg = $"--{attr.Arg}=...";
var exampleEnvVar = $"{attr.EnvVar}=...";
Print($" ! Missing required input. Use argument: '{exampleArg}' or environment variable: '{exampleEnvVar}'.");
throw new ArgumentException("Unable to assemble all required arguments");
if (printResult)
PrintResults(result, uniformProperties);
return result;
private void PrintResults(T result, PropertyInfo[] uniformProperties)
foreach (var p in uniformProperties)
Print($"\t{p.Name} = {p.GetValue(result)}");
public void PrintHelp()
PrintAligned("CLI option:", "(short)", "Environment variable:", "Description");
var attrs = typeof(T).GetProperties().Where(m => m.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(UniformAttribute), false).Length == 1).Select(p => p.GetCustomAttribute<UniformAttribute>()).Where(a => a != null).ToArray();
foreach (var attr in attrs)
var a = attr!;
var optional = !a.Required ? " *" : "";
PrintAligned($"--{a.Arg}=...", $"({a.ArgShort})", a.EnvVar, a.Description + optional);
private void Print(string msg)
private void PrintAligned(string cli, string s, string env, string desc)
Console.CursorLeft = cliStart;
Console.CursorLeft = shortStart;
Console.CursorLeft = envStart;
Console.CursorLeft = descStart;
Console.Write(desc + Environment.NewLine);
private object GetDefaultValue(Type t)
if (t.IsValueType) return Activator.CreateInstance(t)!;
return null!;
private bool UniformAssign(T result, UniformAttribute attr, PropertyInfo uniformProperty)
if (AssignFromArgsIfAble(result, attr, uniformProperty)) return true;
if (AssignFromEnvVarIfAble(result, attr, uniformProperty)) return true;
if (AssignFromDefaultsIfAble(result, uniformProperty)) return true;
return false;
private bool AssignFromDefaultsIfAble(T result, PropertyInfo uniformProperty)
var currentValue = uniformProperty.GetValue(result);
var isEmptryString = (currentValue as string) == string.Empty;
if (currentValue != GetDefaultValue(uniformProperty.PropertyType) && !isEmptryString) return true;
if (defaultsProvider == null) return false;
var defaultProperty = defaultsProvider.GetType().GetProperties().SingleOrDefault(p => p.Name == uniformProperty.Name);
if (defaultProperty == null) return false;
var value = defaultProperty.GetValue(defaultsProvider);
if (value != null)
return Assign(result, uniformProperty, value);
return false;
private bool AssignFromEnvVarIfAble(T result, UniformAttribute attr, PropertyInfo uniformProperty)
var e = env.GetEnvVarOrDefault(attr.EnvVar, string.Empty);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(e))
return Assign(result, uniformProperty, e);
return false;
private bool AssignFromArgsIfAble(T result, UniformAttribute attr, PropertyInfo uniformProperty)
var fromArg = GetFromArgs(attr.Arg);
if (fromArg != null)
return Assign(result, uniformProperty, fromArg);
var fromShort = GetFromArgs(attr.ArgShort);
if (fromShort != null)
return Assign(result, uniformProperty, fromShort);
return false;
private bool Assign(T result, PropertyInfo uniformProperty, object value)
if (uniformProperty.PropertyType == value.GetType())
uniformProperty.SetValue(result, value);
return true;
if (uniformProperty.PropertyType == typeof(string) || uniformProperty.PropertyType == typeof(int))
uniformProperty.SetValue(result, Convert.ChangeType(value, uniformProperty.PropertyType));
return true;
if (uniformProperty.PropertyType == typeof(int?)) return AssignOptionalInt(result, uniformProperty, value);
if (uniformProperty.PropertyType.IsEnum) return AssignEnum(result, uniformProperty, value);
if (uniformProperty.PropertyType == typeof(bool)) return AssignBool(result, uniformProperty, value);
throw new NotSupportedException();
private static bool AssignEnum(T result, PropertyInfo uniformProperty, object value)
var s = value.ToString();
if (Enum.TryParse(uniformProperty.PropertyType, s, out var e))
uniformProperty.SetValue(result, e);
return true;
return false;
private static bool AssignOptionalInt(T result, PropertyInfo uniformProperty, object value)
if (int.TryParse(value.ToString(), out int i))
uniformProperty.SetValue(result, i);
return true;
return false;
private static bool AssignBool(T result, PropertyInfo uniformProperty, object value)
if (value != null)
uniformProperty.SetValue(result, true);
return true;
private string? GetFromArgs(string key)
var argKey = $"--{key}=";
var arg = args.FirstOrDefault(a => a.StartsWith(argKey));
if (arg != null)
return arg.Substring(argKey.Length);
return null;