mirror of synced 2025-02-21 12:38:20 +00:00
2024-10-30 11:09:13 +01:00

318 lines
11 KiB

using CodexPlugin.Hooks;
using Core;
using FileUtils;
using GethPlugin;
using KubernetesWorkflow;
using KubernetesWorkflow.Types;
using Logging;
using MetricsPlugin;
using Utils;
namespace CodexPlugin
public interface ICodexNode : IHasContainer, IHasMetricsScrapeTarget, IHasEthAddress
string GetName();
string GetPeerId();
DebugInfo GetDebugInfo();
DebugPeer GetDebugPeer(string peerId);
ContentId UploadFile(TrackedFile file);
ContentId UploadFile(TrackedFile file, Action<Failure> onFailure);
ContentId UploadFile(TrackedFile file, string contentType, string contentDisposition, Action<Failure> onFailure);
TrackedFile? DownloadContent(ContentId contentId, string fileLabel = "");
TrackedFile? DownloadContent(ContentId contentId, Action<Failure> onFailure, string fileLabel = "");
LocalDatasetList LocalFiles();
CodexSpace Space();
void ConnectToPeer(ICodexNode node);
DebugInfoVersion Version { get; }
IMarketplaceAccess Marketplace { get; }
CrashWatcher CrashWatcher { get; }
PodInfo GetPodInfo();
ITransferSpeeds TransferSpeeds { get; }
EthAccount EthAccount { get; }
/// <summary>
/// Warning! The node is not usable after this.
/// TODO: Replace with delete-blocks debug call once available in Codex.
/// </summary>
void DeleteRepoFolder();
void Stop(bool waitTillStopped);
public class CodexNode : ICodexNode
private const string UploadFailedMessage = "Unable to store block";
private readonly ILog log;
private readonly IPluginTools tools;
private readonly ICodexNodeHooks hooks;
private readonly EthAccount? ethAccount;
private readonly TransferSpeeds transferSpeeds;
private string peerId = string.Empty;
private string nodeId = string.Empty;
public CodexNode(IPluginTools tools, CodexAccess codexAccess, CodexNodeGroup group, IMarketplaceAccess marketplaceAccess, ICodexNodeHooks hooks, EthAccount? ethAccount)
this.tools = tools;
this.ethAccount = ethAccount;
CodexAccess = codexAccess;
Group = group;
Marketplace = marketplaceAccess;
this.hooks = hooks;
Version = new DebugInfoVersion();
transferSpeeds = new TransferSpeeds();
log = new LogPrefixer(tools.GetLog(), $"{GetName()} ");
public void Awake()
hooks.OnNodeStarting(Container.Recipe.RecipeCreatedUtc, Container.Recipe.Image, ethAccount);
public void Initialize()
hooks.OnNodeStarted(peerId, nodeId);
public RunningPod Pod { get { return CodexAccess.Container; } }
public RunningContainer Container { get { return Pod.Containers.Single(); } }
public CodexAccess CodexAccess { get; }
public CrashWatcher CrashWatcher { get => CodexAccess.CrashWatcher; }
public CodexNodeGroup Group { get; }
public IMarketplaceAccess Marketplace { get; }
public DebugInfoVersion Version { get; private set; }
public ITransferSpeeds TransferSpeeds { get => transferSpeeds; }
public IMetricsScrapeTarget MetricsScrapeTarget
return new MetricsScrapeTarget(CodexAccess.Container.Containers.First(), CodexContainerRecipe.MetricsPortTag);
public EthAddress EthAddress
return ethAccount!.EthAddress;
public EthAccount EthAccount
return ethAccount!;
public string GetName()
return Container.Name;
public string GetPeerId()
return peerId;
public DebugInfo GetDebugInfo()
var debugInfo = CodexAccess.GetDebugInfo();
var known = string.Join(",", debugInfo.Table.Nodes.Select(n => n.PeerId));
Log($"Got DebugInfo with id: {debugInfo.Id}. This node knows: [{known}]");
return debugInfo;
public DebugPeer GetDebugPeer(string peerId)
return CodexAccess.GetDebugPeer(peerId);
public ContentId UploadFile(TrackedFile file)
return UploadFile(file, DoNothing);
public ContentId UploadFile(TrackedFile file, Action<Failure> onFailure)
return UploadFile(file, "application/octet-stream", $"attachment; filename=\"{file.Filename}\"", onFailure);
public ContentId UploadFile(TrackedFile file, string contentType, string contentDisposition, Action<Failure> onFailure)
using var fileStream = File.OpenRead(file.Filename);
var uniqueId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
var size = file.GetFilesize();
hooks.OnFileUploading(uniqueId, size);
var input = new UploadInput(contentType, contentDisposition, fileStream);
var logMessage = $"Uploading file {file.Describe()} with contentType: '{input.ContentType}' and disposition: '{input.ContentDisposition}'...";
var measurement = Stopwatch.Measure(log, logMessage, () =>
return CodexAccess.UploadFile(input, onFailure);
var response = measurement.Value;
transferSpeeds.AddUploadSample(size, measurement.Duration);
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(response)) FrameworkAssert.Fail("Received empty response.");
if (response.StartsWith(UploadFailedMessage)) FrameworkAssert.Fail("Node failed to store block.");
Log($"Uploaded file {file.Describe()}. Received contentId: '{response}'.");
var cid = new ContentId(response);
hooks.OnFileUploaded(uniqueId, size, cid);
return cid;
public TrackedFile? DownloadContent(ContentId contentId, string fileLabel = "")
return DownloadContent(contentId, DoNothing, fileLabel);
public TrackedFile? DownloadContent(ContentId contentId, Action<Failure> onFailure, string fileLabel = "")
var file = tools.GetFileManager().CreateEmptyFile(fileLabel);
Log($"Downloading '{contentId}'...");
var logMessage = $"Downloaded '{contentId}' to '{file.Filename}'";
var measurement = Stopwatch.Measure(log, logMessage, () => DownloadToFile(contentId.Id, file, onFailure));
var size = file.GetFilesize();
transferSpeeds.AddDownloadSample(size, measurement);
hooks.OnFileDownloaded(size, contentId);
return file;
public LocalDatasetList LocalFiles()
return CodexAccess.LocalFiles();
public CodexSpace Space()
return CodexAccess.Space();
public void ConnectToPeer(ICodexNode node)
var peer = (CodexNode)node;
Log($"Connecting to peer {peer.GetName()}...");
var peerInfo = node.GetDebugInfo();
CodexAccess.ConnectToPeer(peerInfo.Id, GetPeerMultiAddresses(peer, peerInfo));
Log($"Successfully connected to peer {peer.GetName()}.");
public PodInfo GetPodInfo()
return CodexAccess.GetPodInfo();
public void DeleteRepoFolder()
public void Stop(bool waitTillStopped)
Group.Stop(this, waitTillStopped);
public void EnsureOnlineGetVersionResponse()
var debugInfo = Time.Retry(CodexAccess.GetDebugInfo, "ensure online");
peerId = debugInfo.Id;
nodeId = debugInfo.Table.LocalNode.NodeId;
var nodeName = CodexAccess.Container.Name;
if (!debugInfo.Version.IsValid())
throw new Exception($"Invalid version information received from Codex node {GetName()}: {debugInfo.Version}");
log.AddStringReplace(peerId, nodeName);
log.AddStringReplace(CodexUtils.ToShortId(peerId), nodeName);
log.AddStringReplace(debugInfo.Table.LocalNode.NodeId, nodeName);
log.AddStringReplace(CodexUtils.ToShortId(debugInfo.Table.LocalNode.NodeId), nodeName);
Version = debugInfo.Version;
public override string ToString()
return $"CodexNode:{GetName()}";
private string[] GetPeerMultiAddresses(CodexNode peer, DebugInfo peerInfo)
// The peer we want to connect is in a different pod.
// We must replace the default IP with the pod IP in the multiAddress.
var workflow = tools.CreateWorkflow();
var podInfo = workflow.GetPodInfo(peer.Pod);
return peerInfo.Addrs.Select(a => a
.Replace("", podInfo.Ip))
private void DownloadToFile(string contentId, TrackedFile file, Action<Failure> onFailure)
using var fileStream = File.OpenWrite(file.Filename);
var timeout = tools.TimeSet.HttpCallTimeout();
// Type of stream generated by openAPI client does not support timeouts.
var start = DateTime.UtcNow;
var cts = new CancellationTokenSource();
var downloadTask = Task.Run(() =>
using var downloadStream = CodexAccess.DownloadFile(contentId, onFailure);
}, cts.Token);
while (DateTime.UtcNow - start < timeout)
if (downloadTask.IsFaulted) throw downloadTask.Exception;
if (downloadTask.IsCompletedSuccessfully) return;
throw new TimeoutException($"Download of '{contentId}' timed out after {Time.FormatDuration(timeout)}");
Log($"Failed to download file '{contentId}'.");
private void EnsureMarketplace()
if (ethAccount == null) throw new Exception("Marketplace is not enabled for this Codex node. Please start it with the option '.EnableMarketplace(...)' to enable it.");
private void Log(string msg)
private void DoNothing(Failure failure)