mirror of synced 2025-02-12 00:16:39 +00:00

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using ArgsUniform;
namespace TestNetRewarder
public class Configuration
private readonly DateTime AppStartUct = DateTime.UtcNow;
[Uniform("datapath", "dp", "DATAPATH", true, "Root path where all data files will be saved.")]
public string DataPath { get; set; } = "datapath";
[Uniform("discordbot-host", "dh", "DISCORDBOTHOST", true, "http address of the discord bot.")]
public string DiscordHost { get; set; } = "host";
[Uniform("discordbot-port", "dp", "DISCORDBOTPORT", true, "port number of the discord bot reward API.")]
public int DiscordPort { get; set; } = 31080;
[Uniform("interval-minutes", "im", "INTERVALMINUTES", true, "time in minutes between reward updates.")]
public int IntervalMinutes { get; set; } = 15;
[Uniform("relative-history", "rh", "RELATIVEHISTORY", false, "Number of seconds into the past (from app start) that checking of chain history will start. Default: 3 hours ago.")]
public int RelativeHistorySeconds { get; set; } = 3600 * 3;
[Uniform("market-insights", "mi", "MARKETINSIGHTS", false, "Semi-colon separated integers. Each represents a multiple of intervals, for which a market insights average will be generated.")]
public string MarketInsights { get; set; } = "1;96";
[Uniform("events-overview", "eo", "EVENTSOVERVIEW", false, "When greater than zero, chain event summary will be generated.")]
public int CreateChainEventsOverview { get; set; } = 1;
public string LogPath
return Path.Combine(DataPath, "logs");
public TimeSpan Interval
return TimeSpan.FromMinutes(IntervalMinutes);
public DateTime HistoryStartUtc
return AppStartUct - TimeSpan.FromSeconds(RelativeHistorySeconds);