using DistTestCore.Codex; using DistTestCore; using Logging; namespace ContinuousTests { public class StartupChecker { private readonly TestFactory testFactory = new TestFactory(); private readonly CodexAccessFactory codexNodeFactory = new CodexAccessFactory(); private readonly Configuration config; private readonly CancellationToken cancelToken; public StartupChecker(Configuration config, CancellationToken cancelToken) { this.config = config; this.cancelToken = cancelToken; } public void Check() { var log = new FixtureLog(new LogConfig(config.LogPath, false), DateTime.UtcNow, "StartupChecks"); log.Log("Starting continuous test run..."); log.Log("Checking configuration..."); PreflightCheck(config); log.Log("Contacting Codex nodes..."); CheckCodexNodes(log, config); log.Log("All OK."); } private void PreflightCheck(Configuration config) { var tests = testFactory.CreateTests(); if (!tests.Any()) { throw new Exception("Unable to find any tests."); } foreach (var test in tests) { cancelToken.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); var handle = new TestHandle(test); handle.GetEarliestMoment(); handle.GetLastMoment(); } if (!Directory.Exists(config.LogPath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(config.LogPath); } var errors = CheckTests(tests); if (errors.Any()) { throw new Exception("Prerun check failed: " + string.Join(", ", errors)); } } private void CheckCodexNodes(BaseLog log, Configuration config) { var nodes = codexNodeFactory.Create(config, config.CodexDeployment.CodexContainers, log, new DefaultTimeSet()); var pass = true; foreach (var n in nodes) { cancelToken.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); log.Log($"Checking {n.Container.Name} @ '{n.Address.Host}:{n.Address.Port}'..."); if (EnsureOnline(log, n)) { log.Log("OK"); } else { log.Error($"No response from '{n.Address.Host}'."); pass = false; } } if (!pass) { throw new Exception("Not all codex nodes responded."); } } private bool EnsureOnline(BaseLog log, CodexAccess n) { try { var info = n.GetDebugInfo(); if (info == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty( return false; log.Log($"Codex version: '{info.codex.version}' revision: '{info.codex.revision}'"); } catch { return false; } return true; } private List CheckTests(ContinuousTest[] tests) { var errors = new List(); CheckRequiredNumberOfNodes(tests, errors); CheckCustomNamespaceClashes(tests, errors); CheckEthereumIndexClashes(tests, errors); return errors; } private void CheckEthereumIndexClashes(ContinuousTest[] tests, List errors) { var offLimits = config.CodexDeployment.CodexContainers.Length; foreach (var test in tests) { if (test.EthereumAccountIndex != -1) { if (test.EthereumAccountIndex <= offLimits) { errors.Add($"Test '{test.Name}' has selected 'EthereumAccountIndex' = {test.EthereumAccountIndex}. All accounts up to and including {offLimits} are being used by the targetted Codex net. Select a different 'EthereumAccountIndex'."); } } } DuplicatesCheck(tests, errors, considerCondition: t => t.EthereumAccountIndex != -1, getValue: t => t.EthereumAccountIndex, propertyName: nameof(ContinuousTest.EthereumAccountIndex)); } private void CheckCustomNamespaceClashes(ContinuousTest[] tests, List errors) { DuplicatesCheck(tests, errors, considerCondition: t => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(t.CustomK8sNamespace), getValue: t => t.CustomK8sNamespace, propertyName: nameof(ContinuousTest.CustomK8sNamespace)); } private void DuplicatesCheck(ContinuousTest[] tests, List errors, Func considerCondition, Func getValue, string propertyName) { foreach (var test in tests) { if (considerCondition(test)) { var duplicates = tests.Where(t => t != test && getValue(t) == getValue(test)).ToList(); if (duplicates.Any()) { duplicates.Add(test); errors.Add($"Tests '{string.Join(",", duplicates.Select(d => d.Name))}' have the same '{propertyName}'. These must be unique."); return; } } } } private void CheckRequiredNumberOfNodes(ContinuousTest[] tests, List errors) { foreach (var test in tests) { if (test.RequiredNumberOfNodes > config.CodexDeployment.CodexContainers.Length) { errors.Add($"Test '{test.Name}' requires {test.RequiredNumberOfNodes} nodes. Deployment only has {config.CodexDeployment.CodexContainers.Length}"); } } } } }