using Utils; namespace CodexContractsPlugin { public class SelfUpdater { public void Update(string abi, string bytecode) { var filePath = GetMarketplaceFilePath(); var content = GenerateContent(abi, bytecode); var contentLines = content.Split("\r\n"); var beginWith = new string[] { "using Nethereum.ABI.FunctionEncoding.Attributes;", "using Nethereum.Contracts;", "using System.Numerics;", "", "// Generated code, do not modify.", "", "#pragma warning disable CS8618 // Non-nullable field must contain a non-null value when exiting constructor. Consider declaring as nullable.", "namespace CodexContractsPlugin.Marketplace", "{" }; var endWith = new string[] { "}", "#pragma warning restore CS8618 // Non-nullable field must contain a non-null value when exiting constructor. Consider declaring as nullable." }; File.Delete(filePath); File.WriteAllLines(filePath, beginWith.Concat( contentLines.Concat( endWith)) ); throw new Exception("Oh no! CodexContracts were updated. Current build of CodexContractsPlugin is incompatible. " + "But fear not! SelfUpdater.cs has automatically updated the plugin. Just rebuild and rerun and it should work. " + "Just in case, manual update instructions are found here: 'CodexContractsPlugin/Marketplace/'."); } private string GetMarketplaceFilePath() { var projectPluginDir = PluginPathUtils.ProjectPluginsDir; var path = Path.Combine(projectPluginDir, "CodexContractsPlugin", "Marketplace", "Marketplace.cs"); if (!File.Exists(path)) throw new Exception("Marketplace file not found. Expected: " + path); return path; } private string GenerateContent(string abi, string bytecode) { var deserializer = new Nethereum.Generators.Net.GeneratorModelABIDeserialiser(); var abiModel = deserializer.DeserialiseABI(abi); var abiCtor = abiModel.Constructor; var c = new Nethereum.Generators.CQS.ContractDeploymentCQSMessageGenerator(abiCtor, "namespace", bytecode, "Marketplace", Nethereum.Generators.Core.CodeGenLanguage.CSharp); var lines = ""; lines += c.GenerateClass(); lines += "\r\n"; foreach (var eventAbi in abiModel.Events) { var d = new Nethereum.Generators.DTOs.EventDTOGenerator(eventAbi, "namespace", Nethereum.Generators.Core.CodeGenLanguage.CSharp); lines += d.GenerateClass(); lines += "\r\n"; } foreach (var errorAbi in abiModel.Errors) { var e = new Nethereum.Generators.DTOs.ErrorDTOGenerator(errorAbi, "namespace", Nethereum.Generators.Core.CodeGenLanguage.CSharp); lines += e.GenerateClass(); lines += "\r\n"; } foreach (var funcAbi in abiModel.Functions) { var f = new Nethereum.Generators.DTOs.FunctionOutputDTOGenerator(funcAbi, "namespace", Nethereum.Generators.Core.CodeGenLanguage.CSharp); var ff = new Nethereum.Generators.CQS.FunctionCQSMessageGenerator(funcAbi, "namespace", "funcoutput", Nethereum.Generators.Core.CodeGenLanguage.CSharp); lines += f.GenerateClass(); lines += "\r\n"; lines += ff.GenerateClass(); lines += "\r\n"; } foreach (var structAbi in abiModel.Structs) { var g = new Nethereum.Generators.DTOs.StructTypeGenerator(structAbi, "namespace", Nethereum.Generators.Core.CodeGenLanguage.CSharp); lines += g.GenerateClass(); lines += "\r\n"; } return lines; } } }