using NUnit.Framework; namespace CodexDistTestCore { public interface IOnlineCodexNode { CodexDebugResponse GetDebugInfo(); ContentId UploadFile(TestFile file); TestFile? DownloadContent(ContentId contentId); IOfflineCodexNode BringOffline(); } public class OnlineCodexNode : IOnlineCodexNode { private readonly IK8sManager k8SManager; private readonly IFileManager fileManager; private readonly int port; public OnlineCodexNode(IK8sManager k8SManager, IFileManager fileManager, int port) { this.k8SManager = k8SManager; this.fileManager = fileManager; this.port = port; } public IOfflineCodexNode BringOffline() { return k8SManager.BringOffline(this); } public CodexDebugResponse GetDebugInfo() { return Http().HttpGetJson("debug/info"); } public ContentId UploadFile(TestFile file) { using var fileStream = File.OpenRead(file.Filename); var response = Http().HttpPostStream("upload", fileStream); if (response.StartsWith("Unable to store block")) { Assert.Fail("Node failed to store block."); } return new ContentId(response); } public TestFile? DownloadContent(ContentId contentId) { var file = fileManager.CreateEmptyTestFile(); using var fileStream = File.OpenWrite(file.Filename); using var downloadStream = Http().HttpGetStream("download/" + contentId.Id); downloadStream.CopyTo(fileStream); return file; } private Http Http() { return new Http(ip: "", port: port, baseUrl: "/api/codex/v1"); } } public class ContentId { public ContentId(string id) { Id = id; } public string Id { get; } } }