using CodexOpenApi; using IdentityModel.Client; using Logging; using Utils; namespace BiblioTech { public class CodexCidChecker { private static readonly string nl = Environment.NewLine; private readonly Configuration config; private readonly ILog log; private CodexApi? currentCodexNode; public CodexCidChecker(Configuration config, ILog log) { this.config = config; this.log = log; } public async Task PerformCheck(string cid) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(config.CodexEndpoint)) { return new CheckResponse(false, "Codex CID checker is not (yet) available.", ""); } try { var codex = GetCodex(); var nodeCheck = await CheckCodex(codex); if (!nodeCheck) return new CheckResponse(false, "Codex node is not available. Cannot perform check.", $"Codex node at '{config.CodexEndpoint}' did not respond correctly to debug/info."); return await PerformCheck(codex, cid); } catch (Exception ex) { return new CheckResponse(false, "Internal server error", ex.ToString()); } } private async Task PerformCheck(CodexApi codex, string cid) { try { var manifest = await codex.DownloadNetworkManifestAsync(cid); return SuccessMessage(manifest); } catch (ApiException apiEx) { if (apiEx.StatusCode == 400) return CidFormatInvalid(apiEx.Response); if (apiEx.StatusCode == 404) return FailedToFetch(apiEx.Response); return UnexpectedReturnCode(apiEx.Response); } catch (Exception ex) { return UnexpectedException(ex); } } #region Response formatting private CheckResponse SuccessMessage(DataItem content) { return FormatResponse( success: true, title: $"Success: '{content.Cid}'", error: "", $"size: {content.Manifest.OriginalBytes} bytes", $"blockSize: {content.Manifest.BlockSize} bytes", $"protected: {content.Manifest.Protected}" ); } private CheckResponse UnexpectedException(Exception ex) { return FormatResponse( success: false, title: "Unexpected error", error: ex.ToString(), content: "Details will be sent to the bot-admin channel." ); } private CheckResponse UnexpectedReturnCode(string response) { var msg = "Unexpected return code. Response: " + response; return FormatResponse( success: false, title: "Unexpected return code", error: msg, content: msg ); } private CheckResponse FailedToFetch(string response) { var msg = "Failed to download content. Response: " + response; return FormatResponse( success: false, title: "Could not download content", error: msg, msg, $"Connection trouble? See ''" ); } private CheckResponse CidFormatInvalid(string response) { return FormatResponse( success: false, title: "Invalid format", error: "", content: "Provided CID is not formatted correctly." ); } private CheckResponse FormatResponse(bool success, string title, string error, params string[] content) { var msg = string.Join(nl, new string[] { title, "```" } .Concat(content) .Concat(new string[] { "```" }) ) + nl + nl; return new CheckResponse(success, msg, error); } #endregion #region Codex Node API private CodexApi GetCodex() { if (currentCodexNode == null) currentCodexNode = CreateCodex(); return currentCodexNode; } private async Task CheckCodex(CodexApi codex) { try { var info = await currentCodexNode!.GetDebugInfoAsync(); if (info == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(info.Id)) return false; return true; } catch (Exception e) { log.Error(e.ToString()); return false; } } private CodexApi CreateCodex() { var endpoint = config.CodexEndpoint; var splitIndex = endpoint.LastIndexOf(':'); var host = endpoint.Substring(0, splitIndex); var port = Convert.ToInt32(endpoint.Substring(splitIndex + 1)); var address = new Address( host: host, port: port ); var client = new HttpClient(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(config.CodexEndpointAuth) && config.CodexEndpointAuth.Contains(":")) { var tokens = config.CodexEndpointAuth.Split(':'); if (tokens.Length != 2) throw new Exception("Expected ':' in CodexEndpointAuth parameter."); client.SetBasicAuthentication(tokens[0], tokens[1]); } var codex = new CodexApi(client); codex.BaseUrl = $"{address.Host}:{address.Port}/api/codex/v1"; return codex; } #endregion } public class CheckResponse { public CheckResponse(bool success, string message, string error) { Success = success; Message = message; Error = error; } public bool Success { get; } public string Message { get; } public string Error { get; } } }