using KubernetesWorkflow; using Logging; using Newtonsoft.Json; using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq; using Utils; namespace CodexContractsPlugin { public class ContractsContainerInfoExtractor { private readonly ILog log; private readonly IStartupWorkflow workflow; private readonly RunningContainer container; public ContractsContainerInfoExtractor(ILog log, IStartupWorkflow workflow, RunningContainer container) { this.log = log; this.workflow = workflow; this.container = container; } public string ExtractMarketplaceAddress() { log.Debug(); var marketplaceAddress = Retry(FetchMarketplaceAddress); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(marketplaceAddress)) throw new InvalidOperationException("Unable to fetch marketplace account from codex-contracts node. Test infra failure."); log.Debug("Got MarketplaceAddress: " + marketplaceAddress); return marketplaceAddress; } public string ExtractMarketplaceAbi() { log.Debug(); var marketplaceAbi = Retry(FetchMarketplaceAbi); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(marketplaceAbi)) throw new InvalidOperationException("Unable to fetch marketplace artifacts from codex-contracts node. Test infra failure."); log.Debug("Got Marketplace ABI: " + marketplaceAbi); return marketplaceAbi; } private string FetchMarketplaceAddress() { var json = workflow.ExecuteCommand(container, "cat", CodexContractsContainerRecipe.MarketplaceAddressFilename); var marketplace = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(json); return marketplace!.address; } private string FetchMarketplaceAbi() { var json = workflow.ExecuteCommand(container, "cat", CodexContractsContainerRecipe.MarketplaceArtifactFilename); var artifact = JObject.Parse(json); var abi = artifact["abi"]; return abi!.ToString(Formatting.None); } private static string Retry(Func fetch) { return Time.Retry(fetch, nameof(ContractsContainerInfoExtractor)); } } public class MarketplaceJson { public string address { get; set; } = string.Empty; } }