using DistTestCore; using NUnit.Framework; using Utils; namespace CodexTests.ScalabilityTests { [TestFixture] public class MultiPeerDownloadTests : AutoBootstrapDistTest { [Test] [DontDownloadLogs] [UseLongTimeouts] [Combinatorial] public void MultiPeerDownload( [Values(5, 10, 20)] int numberOfHosts, [Values(100, 1000)] int fileSize ) { var hosts = StartCodex(numberOfHosts, s => s.WithLogLevel(CodexPlugin.CodexLogLevel.Trace)); var file = GenerateTestFile(fileSize.MB()); var cid = hosts[0].UploadFile(file); var tailOfManifestCid = cid.Id.Substring(cid.Id.Length - 6); var uploadLog = Ci.DownloadLog(hosts[0]); var expectedNumberOfBlocks = RoundUp(fileSize.MB().SizeInBytes, 64.KB().SizeInBytes) + 1; // +1 for manifest block. var blockCids = uploadLog .FindLinesThatContain("Block Stored") .Select(s => { var start = s.IndexOf("cid=") + 4; var end = s.IndexOf(" count="); var len = end - start; return s.Substring(start, len); }) .ToArray(); Assert.That(blockCids.Length, Is.EqualTo(expectedNumberOfBlocks)); foreach (var h in hosts) h.DownloadContent(cid); var client = StartCodex(s => s.WithLogLevel(CodexPlugin.CodexLogLevel.Trace)); var resultFile = client.DownloadContent(cid); resultFile!.AssertIsEqual(file); var downloadLog = Ci.DownloadLog(client); var host = string.Empty; var blockIndexHostMap = new Dictionary(); downloadLog.IterateLines(line => { // Received blocks from peer // topics="codex blockexcengine" // tid=1 // peer=16U*5ULEov // blocks="treeCid: zDzSvJTfBgds9wsRV6iB8ZVf4fL6Nynxh2hkJSyTH4j8A9QPucyU, index: 1597" // count=28138 if (line.Contains("peer=") && line.Contains(" len=")) { var start = line.IndexOf("peer=") + 5; var end = line.IndexOf(" len="); var len = end - start; host = line.Substring(start, len); } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(host) && line.Contains("Storing block with key")) { var start = line.IndexOf("cid=") + 4; var end = line.IndexOf(" count="); var len = end - start; var blockCid = line.Substring(start, len); blockCidHostMap.Add(blockCid, host); host = string.Empty; } }); var totalFetched = blockCidHostMap.Count(p => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(p.Value)); //PrintFullMap(blockCidHostMap); PrintOverview(blockCidHostMap); Log("Expected number of blocks: " + expectedNumberOfBlocks); Log("Total number of block CIDs found in dataset + manifest block: " + blockCids.Length); Log("Total blocks fetched by hosts: " + totalFetched); Assert.That(totalFetched, Is.EqualTo(expectedNumberOfBlocks)); } private void PrintOverview(Dictionary blockCidHostMap) { var overview = new Dictionary(); foreach (var pair in blockCidHostMap) { if (!overview.ContainsKey(pair.Value)) overview.Add(pair.Value, 1); else overview[pair.Value]++; } Log("Blocks fetched per host:"); foreach (var pair in overview) { Log($"Host: {pair.Key} = {pair.Value}"); } } private void PrintFullMap(Dictionary blockCidHostMap) { Log("Per block, host it was fetched from:"); foreach (var pair in blockCidHostMap) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(pair.Value)) { Log($"block: {pair.Key} = Not seen"); } else { Log($"block: {pair.Key} = '{pair.Value}'"); } } } private long RoundUp(long filesize, long blockSize) { double f = filesize; double b = blockSize; var result = Math.Ceiling(f / b); return Convert.ToInt64(result); } } }