using NUnit.Framework; namespace CodexDistTestCore { public interface IFileManager { TestFile CreateEmptyTestFile(); TestFile GenerateTestFile(ByteSize size); void DeleteAllTestFiles(); } public class FileManager : IFileManager { public const int ChunkSize = 1024 * 1024; private const string Folder = "TestDataFiles"; private readonly Random random = new Random(); private readonly List activeFiles = new List(); private readonly TestLog log; public FileManager(TestLog log) { if (!Directory.Exists(Folder)) Directory.CreateDirectory(Folder); this.log = log; } public TestFile CreateEmptyTestFile() { var result = new TestFile(Path.Combine(Folder, Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + "_test.bin")); File.Create(result.Filename).Close(); activeFiles.Add(result); log.Log($"Created test file '{result.Filename}'."); return result; } public TestFile GenerateTestFile(ByteSize size) { var result = CreateEmptyTestFile(); GenerateFileBytes(result, size); log.Log($"Generated {size.SizeInBytes} bytes of content for file '{result.Filename}'."); return result; } public void DeleteAllTestFiles() { foreach (var file in activeFiles) File.Delete(file.Filename); activeFiles.Clear(); } private void GenerateFileBytes(TestFile result, ByteSize size) { long bytesLeft = size.SizeInBytes; while (bytesLeft > 0) { var length = Math.Min(bytesLeft, ChunkSize); AppendRandomBytesToFile(result, length); bytesLeft -= length; } } private void AppendRandomBytesToFile(TestFile result, long length) { var bytes = new byte[length]; random.NextBytes(bytes); using var stream = new FileStream(result.Filename, FileMode.Append); stream.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length); } } public class TestFile { public TestFile(string filename) { Filename = filename; } public string Filename { get; } public long GetFileSize() { var info = new FileInfo(Filename); return info.Length; } public void AssertIsEqual(TestFile? other) { if (other == null) Assert.Fail("TestFile is null."); if (other == this || other!.Filename == Filename) Assert.Fail("TestFile is compared to itself."); if (GetFileSize() != other.GetFileSize()) Assert.Fail("file sizes unequal?"); using var stream1 = new FileStream(Filename, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); using var stream2 = new FileStream(other.Filename, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); var bytes1 = new byte[FileManager.ChunkSize]; var bytes2 = new byte[FileManager.ChunkSize]; var read1 = 0; var read2 = 0; while (true) { read1 = stream1.Read(bytes1, 0, FileManager.ChunkSize); read2 = stream2.Read(bytes2, 0, FileManager.ChunkSize); if (read1 == 0 && read2 == 0) return; Assert.That(read1, Is.EqualTo(read2), "Files are not of equal length."); CollectionAssert.AreEqual(bytes1, bytes2, "Files are not binary-equal."); } } } }