using Core; using KubernetesWorkflow.Types; using Logging; using System.Security.Cryptography; using System.Text; namespace CodexPlugin { public class ApiChecker { // private const string OpenApiYamlHash = "6B-94-24-A4-D5-01-6F-12-E9-34-74-36-80-57-7A-3A-79-8C-E8-02-68-B7-05-DA-50-A0-5C-B1-02-B9-AE-C6"; private const string OpenApiFilePath = "/codex/openapi.yaml"; private const string DisableEnvironmentVariable = "CODEXPLUGIN_DISABLE_APICHECK"; private const bool Disable = false; private const string Warning = "Warning: CodexPlugin was unable to find the openapi.yaml file in the Codex container. Are you running an old version of Codex? " + "Plugin will continue as normal, but API compatibility is not guaranteed!"; private const string Failure = "Codex API compatibility check failed! " + "openapi.yaml used by CodexPlugin does not match openapi.yaml in Codex container. Please update the openapi.yaml in " + "'ProjectPlugins/CodexPlugin' and rebuild this project. If you wish to disable API compatibility checking, please set " + $"the environment variable '{DisableEnvironmentVariable}' or set the disable bool in 'ProjectPlugins/CodexPlugin/ApiChecker.cs'."; private static bool checkPassed = false; private readonly IPluginTools pluginTools; private readonly ILog log; public ApiChecker(IPluginTools pluginTools) { this.pluginTools = pluginTools; log = pluginTools.GetLog(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(OpenApiYamlHash)) throw new Exception("OpenAPI yaml hash was not inserted by pre-build trigger."); } public void CheckCompatibility(RunningPod[] containers) { if (checkPassed) return; Log("CodexPlugin is checking API compatibility..."); if (Disable || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(DisableEnvironmentVariable))) { Log("API compatibility checking has been disabled."); checkPassed = true; return; } var workflow = pluginTools.CreateWorkflow(); var container = containers.First().Containers.First(); var containerApi = workflow.ExecuteCommand(container, "cat", OpenApiFilePath); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(containerApi)) { log.Error(Warning); checkPassed = true; return; } var containerHash = Hash(containerApi); if (containerHash == OpenApiYamlHash) { Log("API compatibility check passed."); checkPassed = true; return; } log.Error(Failure); throw new Exception(Failure); } private string Hash(string file) { var fileBytes = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(file .Replace(Environment.NewLine, "")); var sha = SHA256.Create(); var hash = sha.ComputeHash(fileBytes); return BitConverter.ToString(hash); } private void Log(string msg) { log.Log(msg); } } }