using CodexContractsPlugin; using CodexDiscordBotPlugin; using CodexPlugin; using Core; using DiscordRewards; using DistTestCore; using GethPlugin; using KubernetesWorkflow.Types; using Logging; using Newtonsoft.Json; using NUnit.Framework; using Utils; namespace CodexTests.UtilityTests { [TestFixture] public class DiscordBotTests : AutoBootstrapDistTest { private readonly RewardRepo repo = new RewardRepo(); private readonly TestToken hostInitialBalance = 3000000.TstWei(); private readonly TestToken clientInitialBalance = 1000000000.TstWei(); private readonly EthAccount clientAccount = EthAccount.GenerateNew(); private readonly List hostAccounts = new List(); private readonly List rewardsSeen = new List(); private readonly TimeSpan rewarderInterval = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1); private readonly List receivedEvents = new List(); private readonly List receivedAverages = new List(); [Test] [DontDownloadLogs] [Ignore("Used to debug testnet bots.")] public void BotRewardTest() { var geth = Ci.StartGethNode(s => s.IsMiner().WithName("disttest-geth")); var contracts = Ci.StartCodexContracts(geth); var gethInfo = CreateGethInfo(geth, contracts); var botContainer = StartDiscordBot(gethInfo); var rewarderContainer = StartRewarderBot(gethInfo, botContainer); StartHosts(geth, contracts); var client = StartClient(geth, contracts); var apiCalls = new RewardApiCalls(GetTestLog(), Ci, botContainer); apiCalls.Start(OnCommand); var purchaseContract = ClientPurchasesStorage(client); purchaseContract.WaitForStorageContractStarted(); purchaseContract.WaitForStorageContractFinished(); Thread.Sleep(rewarderInterval * 3); apiCalls.Stop(); AssertEventOccurance("Created as New.", 1); AssertEventOccurance("SlotFilled", Convert.ToInt32(GetNumberOfRequiredHosts())); AssertEventOccurance("Transit: New -> Started", 1); AssertEventOccurance("Transit: Started -> Finished", 1); AssertMarketAverage(); foreach (var r in repo.Rewards) { var seen = rewardsSeen.Any(s => r.RoleId == s); Log($"{Lookup(r.RoleId)} = {seen}"); } Assert.That(repo.Rewards.All(r => rewardsSeen.Contains(r.RoleId))); } private string Lookup(ulong rewardId) { var reward = repo.Rewards.Single(r => r.RoleId == rewardId); return $"({rewardId})'{reward.Message}'"; } private void AssertEventOccurance(string msg, int expectedCount) { Assert.That(receivedEvents.Count(e => e.Contains(msg)), Is.EqualTo(expectedCount), $"Event '{msg}' did not occure correct number of times."); } private void AssertMarketAverage() { Assert.That(receivedAverages.Count, Is.EqualTo(1)); var a = receivedAverages.Single(); Assert.That(a.NumberOfFinished, Is.EqualTo(1)); Assert.That(a.TimeRangeSeconds, Is.EqualTo(5760)); Assert.That(a.Price, Is.EqualTo(2.0f).Within(0.1f)); Assert.That(a.Size, Is.EqualTo(GetMinFileSize().SizeInBytes).Within(1.0f)); Assert.That(a.Duration, Is.EqualTo(GetMinRequiredRequestDuration().TotalSeconds).Within(1.0f)); Assert.That(a.Collateral, Is.EqualTo(10.0f).Within(0.1f)); Assert.That(a.ProofProbability, Is.EqualTo(5.0f).Within(0.1f)); } private void OnCommand(string timestamp, GiveRewardsCommand call) { Log($""); receivedAverages.AddRange(call.Averages); foreach (var a in call.Averages) { Log("\tAverage: " + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(a)); } receivedEvents.AddRange(call.EventsOverview); foreach (var e in call.EventsOverview) { Log("\tEvent: " + e); } foreach (var r in call.Rewards) { var reward = repo.Rewards.Single(a => a.RoleId == r.RewardId); if (r.UserAddresses.Any()) rewardsSeen.Add(reward.RoleId); foreach (var address in r.UserAddresses) { var user = IdentifyAccount(address); Log("\tReward: " + user + ": " + reward.Message); } } Log($""); } private IStoragePurchaseContract ClientPurchasesStorage(ICodexNode client) { var testFile = GenerateTestFile(GetMinFileSize()); var contentId = client.UploadFile(testFile); var purchase = new StoragePurchaseRequest(contentId) { PricePerSlotPerSecond = 2.TstWei(), RequiredCollateral = 10.TstWei(), MinRequiredNumberOfNodes = GetNumberOfRequiredHosts(), NodeFailureTolerance = 2, ProofProbability = 5, Duration = GetMinRequiredRequestDuration(), Expiry = GetMinRequiredRequestDuration() - TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1) }; return client.Marketplace.RequestStorage(purchase); } private ICodexNode StartClient(IGethNode geth, ICodexContracts contracts) { var node = StartCodex(s => s .WithName("Client") .EnableMarketplace(geth, contracts, m => m .WithAccount(clientAccount) .WithInitial(10.Eth(), clientInitialBalance))); Log($"Client {node.EthAccount.EthAddress}"); return node; } private RunningPod StartRewarderBot(DiscordBotGethInfo gethInfo, RunningContainer botContainer) { return Ci.DeployRewarderBot(new RewarderBotStartupConfig( name: "rewarder-bot", discordBotHost: botContainer.GetInternalAddress(DiscordBotContainerRecipe.RewardsPort).Host, discordBotPort: botContainer.GetInternalAddress(DiscordBotContainerRecipe.RewardsPort).Port, intervalMinutes: Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(rewarderInterval.TotalMinutes)), historyStartUtc: DateTime.UtcNow, gethInfo: gethInfo, dataPath: null )); } private DiscordBotGethInfo CreateGethInfo(IGethNode geth, ICodexContracts contracts) { return new DiscordBotGethInfo( host: geth.Container.GetInternalAddress(GethContainerRecipe.HttpPortTag).Host, port: geth.Container.GetInternalAddress(GethContainerRecipe.HttpPortTag).Port, privKey: geth.StartResult.Account.PrivateKey, marketplaceAddress: contracts.Deployment.MarketplaceAddress, tokenAddress: contracts.Deployment.TokenAddress, abi: contracts.Deployment.Abi ); } private RunningContainer StartDiscordBot(DiscordBotGethInfo gethInfo) { var bot = Ci.DeployCodexDiscordBot(new DiscordBotStartupConfig( name: "discord-bot", token: "aaa", serverName: "ThatBen's server", adminRoleName: "bottest-admins", adminChannelName: "admin-channel", rewardChannelName: "rewards-channel", kubeNamespace: "notneeded", gethInfo: gethInfo )); return bot.Containers.Single(); } private void StartHosts(IGethNode geth, ICodexContracts contracts) { var hosts = StartCodex(GetNumberOfLiveHosts(), s => s .WithName("Host") .WithLogLevel(CodexLogLevel.Trace, new CodexLogCustomTopics(CodexLogLevel.Error, CodexLogLevel.Error, CodexLogLevel.Warn) { ContractClock = CodexLogLevel.Trace, }) .WithStorageQuota(Mult(GetMinFileSizePlus(50), GetNumberOfLiveHosts())) .EnableMarketplace(geth, contracts, m => m .WithInitial(10.Eth(), hostInitialBalance) .AsStorageNode() .AsValidator())); var availability = new StorageAvailability( totalSpace: Mult(GetMinFileSize(), GetNumberOfLiveHosts()), maxDuration: TimeSpan.FromMinutes(30), minPriceForTotalSpace: 1.TstWei(), maxCollateral: hostInitialBalance ); foreach (var host in hosts) { hostAccounts.Add(host.EthAccount); host.Marketplace.MakeStorageAvailable(availability); } } private int GetNumberOfLiveHosts() { return Convert.ToInt32(GetNumberOfRequiredHosts()) + 3; } private ByteSize Mult(ByteSize size, int mult) { return new ByteSize(size.SizeInBytes * mult); } private ByteSize GetMinFileSizePlus(int plusMb) { return new ByteSize(GetMinFileSize().SizeInBytes + plusMb.MB().SizeInBytes); } private ByteSize GetMinFileSize() { ulong minSlotSize = 0; ulong minNumHosts = 0; foreach (var r in repo.Rewards) { var s = Convert.ToUInt64(r.CheckConfig.MinSlotSize.SizeInBytes); var h = r.CheckConfig.MinNumberOfHosts; if (s > minSlotSize) minSlotSize = s; if (h > minNumHosts) minNumHosts = h; } var minFileSize = ((minSlotSize + 1024) * minNumHosts); return new ByteSize(Convert.ToInt64(minFileSize)); } private uint GetNumberOfRequiredHosts() { return Convert.ToUInt32(repo.Rewards.Max(r => r.CheckConfig.MinNumberOfHosts)); } private TimeSpan GetMinRequiredRequestDuration() { return repo.Rewards.Max(r => r.CheckConfig.MinDuration) + TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10); } private string IdentifyAccount(string address) { if (address == clientAccount.EthAddress.Address) return "Client"; try { var index = hostAccounts.FindIndex(a => a.EthAddress.Address == address); return "Host" + index; } catch { return "UNKNOWN"; } } public class RewardApiCalls { private readonly ContainerFileMonitor monitor; public RewardApiCalls(ILog log, CoreInterface ci, RunningContainer botContainer) { monitor = new ContainerFileMonitor(log, ci, botContainer, "/app/datapath/logs/discordbot.log"); } public void Start(Action onCommand) { monitor.Start(line => ParseLine(line, onCommand)); } public void Stop() { monitor.Stop(); } private void ParseLine(string line, Action onCommand) { try { var timestamp = line.Substring(0, 30); var json = line.Substring(31); var cmd = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(json); if (cmd != null) { onCommand(timestamp, cmd); } } catch { } } } public class ContainerFileMonitor { private readonly ILog log; private readonly CoreInterface ci; private readonly RunningContainer botContainer; private readonly string filePath; private readonly CancellationTokenSource cts = new CancellationTokenSource(); private readonly List seenLines = new List(); private Task worker = Task.CompletedTask; private Action onNewLine = c => { }; public ContainerFileMonitor(ILog log, CoreInterface ci, RunningContainer botContainer, string filePath) { this.log = log; = ci; this.botContainer = botContainer; this.filePath = filePath; } public void Start(Action onNewLine) { this.onNewLine = onNewLine; worker = Task.Run(Worker); } public void Stop() { cts.Cancel(); worker.Wait(); } // did any container crash? that's why it repeats? private void Worker() { while (!cts.IsCancellationRequested) { Update(); } } private void Update() { Thread.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10)); if (cts.IsCancellationRequested) return; var botLog = ci.ExecuteContainerCommand(botContainer, "cat", filePath); var lines = botLog.Split(Environment.NewLine, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); foreach (var line in lines) { // log.Log("line: " + line); if (!seenLines.Contains(line)) { seenLines.Add(line); onNewLine(line); } } } } } }