using DistTestCore; using DistTestCore.Codex; using KubernetesWorkflow; using Logging; namespace CodexNetDeployer { public class Deployer { private readonly Configuration config; private readonly NullLog log; private readonly DefaultTimeSet timeset; public Deployer(Configuration config) { this.config = config; log = new NullLog(); timeset = new DefaultTimeSet(); } public CodexDeployment Deploy() { Log("Initializing..."); var lifecycle = CreateTestLifecycle(); Log("Preparing configuration..."); // We trick the Geth companion node into unlocking all of its accounts, by saying we want to start 999 codex nodes. var setup = new CodexSetup(999, config.CodexLogLevel); setup.WithStorageQuota(config.StorageQuota!.Value.MB()).EnableMarketplace(0.TestTokens()); setup.MetricsMode = config.Metrics; Log("Creating Geth instance and deploying contracts..."); var gethStarter = new GethStarter(lifecycle); var gethResults = gethStarter.BringOnlineMarketplaceFor(setup); Log("Geth started. Codex contracts deployed."); Log("Warning: It can take up to 45 minutes for the Geth node to finish unlocking all if its 1000 preconfigured accounts."); // It takes a second for the geth node to unlock a single account. Let's assume 3. // We can't start the codex nodes until their accounts are definitely unlocked. So // We wait: Thread.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3.0 * config.NumberOfCodexNodes!.Value)); Log("Starting Codex nodes..."); // Each node must have its own IP, so it needs it own pod. Start them 1 at a time. var codexStarter = new CodexNodeStarter(config, lifecycle, gethResults, config.NumberOfValidators!.Value); var codexContainers = new List(); for (var i = 0; i < config.NumberOfCodexNodes; i++) { var container = codexStarter.Start(i); if (container != null) codexContainers.Add(container); } var (prometheusContainer, grafanaStartInfo) = StartMetricsService(lifecycle, setup, codexContainers); return new CodexDeployment(gethResults, codexContainers.ToArray(), prometheusContainer, grafanaStartInfo, CreateMetadata()); } private TestLifecycle CreateTestLifecycle() { var kubeConfig = GetKubeConfig(config.KubeConfigFile); var lifecycleConfig = new DistTestCore.Configuration ( kubeConfigFile: kubeConfig, logPath: "null", logDebug: false, dataFilesPath: "notUsed", codexLogLevel: config.CodexLogLevel, k8sNamespacePrefix: config.KubeNamespace ); return new TestLifecycle(log, lifecycleConfig, timeset, config.TestsTypePodLabel, string.Empty); } private (RunningContainer?, GrafanaStartInfo?) StartMetricsService(TestLifecycle lifecycle, CodexSetup setup, List codexContainers) { if (setup.MetricsMode == DistTestCore.Metrics.MetricsMode.None) return (null, null); Log("Starting metrics service..."); var runningContainers = new[] { new RunningContainers(null!, null!, codexContainers.ToArray()) }; var prometheusContainer = lifecycle.PrometheusStarter.CollectMetricsFor(runningContainers).Containers.Single(); if (setup.MetricsMode == DistTestCore.Metrics.MetricsMode.Record) return (prometheusContainer, null); Log("Starting dashboard service..."); var grafanaStartInfo = lifecycle.GrafanaStarter.StartDashboard(prometheusContainer, setup); return (prometheusContainer, grafanaStartInfo); } private string? GetKubeConfig(string kubeConfigFile) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(kubeConfigFile) || kubeConfigFile.ToLowerInvariant() == "null") return null; return kubeConfigFile; } private DeploymentMetadata CreateMetadata() { return new DeploymentMetadata( kubeNamespace: config.KubeNamespace, numberOfCodexNodes: config.NumberOfCodexNodes!.Value, numberOfValidators: config.NumberOfValidators!.Value, storageQuotaMB: config.StorageQuota!.Value, codexLogLevel: config.CodexLogLevel, initialTestTokens: config.InitialTestTokens, minPrice: config.MinPrice, maxCollateral: config.MaxCollateral, maxDuration: config.MaxDuration, blockTTL: config.BlockTTL, blockMI: config.BlockMI, blockMN: config.BlockMN); } private void Log(string msg) { Console.WriteLine(msg); } } }