namespace BiblioTech.Rewards { public class RewardsRepo { private static string Tag => RoleController.UsernameTag; public RoleRewardConfig[] Rewards { get; } public RewardsRepo() { Rewards = new[] { // Join reward new RoleRewardConfig(1187039439558541498, $"Congratulations {Tag}, you got the test-reward!"), //// Hosting: //// Filled any slot: //new RoleRewardConfig(1187039439558541498, $"Congratulations {Tag}, you got the test-reward!"), //// Finished any slot: //new RoleRewardConfig(1187039439558541498, $"Congratulations {Tag}, you got the test-reward!"), //// Finished a min-256MB min-8h slot: //new RoleRewardConfig(1187039439558541498, $"Congratulations {Tag}, you got the test-reward!"), //// Finished a min-64GB min-24h slot: //new RoleRewardConfig(1187039439558541498, $"Congratulations {Tag}, you got the test-reward!"), //// Oops: //// Missed a storage proof: //new RoleRewardConfig(1187039439558541498, $"Congratulations {Tag}, you got the test-reward!"), //// Clienting: //// Posted any contract: //new RoleRewardConfig(1187039439558541498, $"Congratulations {Tag}, you got the test-reward!"), //// Posted any contract that reached started state: //new RoleRewardConfig(1187039439558541498, $"Congratulations {Tag}, you got the test-reward!"), //// Started a contract with min-4 hosts, min-256MB per host, min-8h duration: //new RoleRewardConfig(1187039439558541498, $"Congratulations {Tag}, you got the test-reward!"), //// Started a contract with min-4 hosts, min-64GB per host, min-24h duration: //new RoleRewardConfig(1187039439558541498, $"Congratulations {Tag}, you got the test-reward!"), }; } } }