using CodexContractsPlugin; using GethPlugin; using KubernetesWorkflow; using Utils; namespace CodexPlugin { public interface ICodexSetup { ICodexSetup WithName(string name); ICodexSetup At(ILocation location); ICodexSetup WithBootstrapNode(ICodexNode node); ICodexSetup WithLogLevel(CodexLogLevel level); ICodexSetup WithLogLevel(CodexLogLevel level, CodexLogCustomTopics customTopics); ICodexSetup WithStorageQuota(ByteSize storageQuota); ICodexSetup WithBlockTTL(TimeSpan duration); ICodexSetup WithBlockMaintenanceInterval(TimeSpan duration); ICodexSetup WithBlockMaintenanceNumber(int numberOfBlocks); ICodexSetup EnableMetrics(); ICodexSetup EnableMarketplace(IGethNode gethNode, ICodexContracts codexContracts, Ether initialEth, TestToken initialTokens, bool isValidator = false); /// /// Provides an invalid proof every N proofs /// ICodexSetup WithSimulateProofFailures(uint failEveryNProofs); ICodexSetup AsPublicTestNet(CodexTestNetConfig testNetConfig); } public class CodexLogCustomTopics { public CodexLogCustomTopics(CodexLogLevel discV5, CodexLogLevel libp2p, CodexLogLevel blockExchange) { DiscV5 = discV5; Libp2p = libp2p; BlockExchange = blockExchange; } public CodexLogCustomTopics(CodexLogLevel discV5, CodexLogLevel libp2p) { DiscV5 = discV5; Libp2p = libp2p; } public CodexLogLevel DiscV5 { get; set; } public CodexLogLevel Libp2p { get; set; } public CodexLogLevel? BlockExchange { get; } } public class CodexSetup : CodexStartupConfig, ICodexSetup { public int NumberOfNodes { get; } public CodexSetup(int numberOfNodes) { NumberOfNodes = numberOfNodes; } public ICodexSetup WithName(string name) { NameOverride = name; return this; } public ICodexSetup At(ILocation location) { Location = location; return this; } public ICodexSetup WithBootstrapNode(ICodexNode node) { BootstrapSpr = node.GetDebugInfo().spr; return this; } public ICodexSetup WithLogLevel(CodexLogLevel level) { LogLevel = level; return this; } public ICodexSetup WithLogLevel(CodexLogLevel level, CodexLogCustomTopics customTopics) { LogLevel = level; CustomTopics = customTopics; return this; } public ICodexSetup WithStorageQuota(ByteSize storageQuota) { StorageQuota = storageQuota; return this; } public ICodexSetup WithBlockTTL(TimeSpan duration) { BlockTTL = Convert.ToInt32(duration.TotalSeconds); return this; } public ICodexSetup WithBlockMaintenanceInterval(TimeSpan duration) { BlockMaintenanceInterval = duration; return this; } public ICodexSetup WithBlockMaintenanceNumber(int numberOfBlocks) { BlockMaintenanceNumber = numberOfBlocks; return this; } public ICodexSetup EnableMetrics() { MetricsEnabled = true; return this; } public ICodexSetup EnableMarketplace(IGethNode gethNode, ICodexContracts codexContracts, Ether initialEth, TestToken initialTokens, bool isValidator = false) { MarketplaceConfig = new MarketplaceInitialConfig(gethNode, codexContracts, initialEth, initialTokens, isValidator); return this; } public ICodexSetup WithSimulateProofFailures(uint failEveryNProofs) { SimulateProofFailures = failEveryNProofs; return this; } public ICodexSetup AsPublicTestNet(CodexTestNetConfig testNetConfig) { PublicTestNet = testNetConfig; return this; } public string Describe() { var args = string.Join(',', DescribeArgs()); return $"({NumberOfNodes} CodexNodes with args:[{args}])"; } private IEnumerable DescribeArgs() { if (PublicTestNet != null) yield return $"Public TestNet with listenPort: {PublicTestNet.PublicListenPort}"; yield return $"LogLevel={LogLevelWithTopics()}"; if (BootstrapSpr != null) yield return $"BootstrapNode={BootstrapSpr}"; if (StorageQuota != null) yield return $"StorageQuota={StorageQuota}"; if (SimulateProofFailures != null) yield return $"SimulateProofFailures={SimulateProofFailures}"; if (MarketplaceConfig != null) yield return $"IsValidator={MarketplaceConfig.IsValidator}"; } } }