using CodexPlugin.Hooks; using OverwatchTranscript; using Utils; namespace CodexPlugin.OverwatchSupport { public class CodexNodeTranscriptWriter : ICodexNodeHooks { private readonly ITranscriptWriter writer; private readonly IdentityMap identityMap; private readonly string name; private int identityIndex = -1; private readonly List<(DateTime, OverwatchCodexEvent)> pendingEvents = new List<(DateTime, OverwatchCodexEvent)>(); public CodexNodeTranscriptWriter(ITranscriptWriter writer, IdentityMap identityMap, string name) { this.writer = writer; this.identityMap = identityMap; = name; } public void OnNodeStarting(DateTime startUtc, string image) { WriteCodexEvent(startUtc, e => { e.NodeStarting = new NodeStartingEvent { Image = image }; }); } public void OnNodeStarted(string peerId, string nodeId) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(peerId) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(nodeId)) { throw new Exception("Node started - peerId and/or nodeId unknown."); } identityMap.Add(name, peerId, nodeId); identityIndex = identityMap.GetIndex(name); WriteCodexEvent(e => { e.NodeStarted = new NodeStartedEvent { }; }); } public void OnNodeStopping() { WriteCodexEvent(e => { e.NodeStopping = new NodeStoppingEvent { }; }); } public void OnFileDownloading(ContentId cid) { WriteCodexEvent(e => { e.FileDownloading = new FileDownloadingEvent { Cid = cid.Id }; }); } public void OnFileDownloaded(ByteSize size, ContentId cid) { WriteCodexEvent(e => { e.FileDownloaded = new FileDownloadedEvent { Cid = cid.Id, ByteSize = size.SizeInBytes }; }); } public void OnFileUploading(string uid, ByteSize size) { WriteCodexEvent(e => { e.FileUploading = new FileUploadingEvent { UniqueId = uid, ByteSize = size.SizeInBytes }; }); } public void OnFileUploaded(string uid, ByteSize size, ContentId cid) { WriteCodexEvent(e => { e.FileUploaded = new FileUploadedEvent { UniqueId = uid, Cid = cid.Id, ByteSize = size.SizeInBytes }; }); } private void WriteCodexEvent(Action action) { WriteCodexEvent(DateTime.UtcNow, action); } private void WriteCodexEvent(DateTime utc, Action action) { var e = new OverwatchCodexEvent { NodeIdentity = identityIndex }; action(e); if (identityIndex < 0) { // If we don't know our id, don't write the events yet. AddToCache(utc, e); } else { e.Write(utc, writer); // Write any events that we cached when we didn't have our id yet. WriteAndClearCache(); } } private void AddToCache(DateTime utc, OverwatchCodexEvent e) { pendingEvents.Add((utc, e)); } private void WriteAndClearCache() { if (pendingEvents.Any()) { foreach (var pair in pendingEvents) { pair.Item2.NodeIdentity = identityIndex; pair.Item2.Write(pair.Item1, writer); } pendingEvents.Clear(); } } } }