using BiblioTech.Options; using CodexContractsPlugin; using GethPlugin; namespace BiblioTech.Commands { public class GetBalanceCommand : BaseGethCommand { private readonly UserAssociateCommand userAssociateCommand; private readonly UserOption optionalUser = new UserOption( description: "If set, get balance for another user. (Optional, admin-only)", isRequired: false); public GetBalanceCommand(UserAssociateCommand userAssociateCommand) { this.userAssociateCommand = userAssociateCommand; } public override string Name => "balance"; public override string StartingMessage => RandomBusyMessage.Get(); public override string Description => "Shows Eth and TestToken balance of an eth address."; public override CommandOption[] Options => new[] { optionalUser }; protected override async Task Execute(CommandContext context, IGethNode gethNode, ICodexContracts contracts) { var userId = GetUserFromCommand(optionalUser, context); var addr = Program.UserRepo.GetCurrentAddressForUser(userId); if (addr == null) { await context.Followup($"No address has been set for this user. Please use '/{userAssociateCommand.Name}' to set it first."); return; } var eth = gethNode.GetEthBalance(addr); var testTokens = contracts.GetTestTokenBalance(addr); await context.Followup($"{context.Command.User.Username} has {eth} and {testTokens}."); } } }