using CodexContractsPlugin; using Logging; using Newtonsoft.Json; using Utils; using System.Numerics; namespace CodexPlugin { public interface IMarketplaceAccess { string MakeStorageAvailable(ByteSize size, TestToken minPriceForTotalSpace, TestToken maxCollateral, TimeSpan maxDuration); StoragePurchaseContract RequestStorage(ContentId contentId, TestToken pricePerSlotPerSecond, TestToken requiredCollateral, uint minRequiredNumberOfNodes, int proofProbability, TimeSpan duration); StoragePurchaseContract RequestStorage(ContentId contentId, TestToken pricePerSlotPerSecond, TestToken requiredCollateral, uint minRequiredNumberOfNodes, int proofProbability, TimeSpan duration, TimeSpan expiry); } public class MarketplaceAccess : IMarketplaceAccess { private readonly ILog log; private readonly CodexAccess codexAccess; public MarketplaceAccess(ILog log, CodexAccess codexAccess) { this.log = log; this.codexAccess = codexAccess; } public StoragePurchaseContract RequestStorage(ContentId contentId, TestToken pricePerSlotPerSecond, TestToken requiredCollateral, uint minRequiredNumberOfNodes, int proofProbability, TimeSpan duration) { return RequestStorage(contentId, pricePerSlotPerSecond, requiredCollateral, minRequiredNumberOfNodes, proofProbability, duration, duration / 2); } public StoragePurchaseContract RequestStorage(ContentId contentId, TestToken pricePerSlotPerSecond, TestToken requiredCollateral, uint minRequiredNumberOfNodes, int proofProbability, TimeSpan duration, TimeSpan expiry) { var expireUtc = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.ToUnixTimeSeconds() + expiry.TotalSeconds; var request = new CodexSalesRequestStorageRequest { duration = ToDecInt(duration.TotalSeconds), proofProbability = ToDecInt(proofProbability), reward = ToDecInt(pricePerSlotPerSecond), collateral = ToDecInt(requiredCollateral), expiry = ToDecInt(expireUtc), nodes = minRequiredNumberOfNodes, tolerance = null, }; Log($"Requesting storage for: {contentId.Id}... (" + $"pricePerSlotPerSecond: {pricePerSlotPerSecond}, " + $"requiredCollateral: {requiredCollateral}, " + $"minRequiredNumberOfNodes: {minRequiredNumberOfNodes}, " + $"proofProbability: {proofProbability}, " + $"expiry: {Time.FormatDuration(expiry)}, " + $"duration: {Time.FormatDuration(duration)})"); var response = codexAccess.RequestStorage(request, contentId.Id); if (response == "Purchasing not available" || response == "Expiry required" || response == "Expiry needs to be in future" || response == "Expiry has to be before the request's end (now + duration)") { throw new InvalidOperationException(response); } Log($"Storage requested successfully. PurchaseId: '{response}'."); return new StoragePurchaseContract(log, codexAccess, response, duration); } public string MakeStorageAvailable(ByteSize totalSpace, TestToken minPriceForTotalSpace, TestToken maxCollateral, TimeSpan maxDuration) { var request = new CodexSalesAvailabilityRequest { size = ToDecInt(totalSpace.SizeInBytes), duration = ToDecInt(maxDuration.TotalSeconds), maxCollateral = ToDecInt(maxCollateral), minPrice = ToDecInt(minPriceForTotalSpace) }; Log($"Making storage available... (" + $"size: {totalSpace}, " + $"minPriceForTotalSpace: {minPriceForTotalSpace}, " + $"maxCollateral: {maxCollateral}, " + $"maxDuration: {Time.FormatDuration(maxDuration)})"); var response = codexAccess.SalesAvailability(request); Log($"Storage successfully made available. Id: {}"); return; } private string ToDecInt(double d) { var i = new BigInteger(d); return i.ToString("D"); } public string ToDecInt(TestToken t) { var i = new BigInteger(t.Amount); return i.ToString("D"); } private void Log(string msg) { log.Log($"{codexAccess.Container.Name} {msg}"); } } public class MarketplaceUnavailable : IMarketplaceAccess { public StoragePurchaseContract RequestStorage(ContentId contentId, TestToken pricePerBytePerSecond, TestToken requiredCollateral, uint minRequiredNumberOfNodes, int proofProbability, TimeSpan duration) { Unavailable(); return null!; } public StoragePurchaseContract RequestStorage(ContentId contentId, TestToken pricePerSlotPerSecond, TestToken requiredCollateral, uint minRequiredNumberOfNodes, int proofProbability, TimeSpan duration, TimeSpan expiry) { Unavailable(); throw new NotImplementedException(); } public string MakeStorageAvailable(ByteSize size, TestToken minPricePerBytePerSecond, TestToken maxCollateral, TimeSpan duration) { Unavailable(); return string.Empty; } private void Unavailable() { FrameworkAssert.Fail("Incorrect test setup: Marketplace was not enabled for this group of Codex nodes. Add 'EnableMarketplace(...)' after 'SetupCodexNodes()' to enable it."); throw new InvalidOperationException(); } } public class StoragePurchaseContract { private readonly ILog log; private readonly CodexAccess codexAccess; private DateTime? contractStartUtc; public StoragePurchaseContract(ILog log, CodexAccess codexAccess, string purchaseId, TimeSpan contractDuration) { this.log = log; this.codexAccess = codexAccess; PurchaseId = purchaseId; ContractDuration = contractDuration; } public string PurchaseId { get; } public TimeSpan ContractDuration { get; } public void WaitForStorageContractStarted() { WaitForStorageContractStarted(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30)); } public void WaitForStorageContractFinished() { if (!contractStartUtc.HasValue) { WaitForStorageContractStarted(); } var gracePeriod = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10); var currentContractTime = DateTime.UtcNow - contractStartUtc!.Value; var timeout = (ContractDuration - currentContractTime) + gracePeriod; WaitForStorageContractState(timeout, "finished"); } public void WaitForStorageContractFinished(ByteSize contractFileSize) { if (!contractStartUtc.HasValue) { WaitForStorageContractStarted(contractFileSize.ToTimeSpan()); } var gracePeriod = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10); var currentContractTime = DateTime.UtcNow - contractStartUtc!.Value; var timeout = (ContractDuration - currentContractTime) + gracePeriod; WaitForStorageContractState(timeout, "finished"); } public void WaitForStorageContractStarted(TimeSpan timeout) { WaitForStorageContractState(timeout, "started"); contractStartUtc = DateTime.UtcNow; } private void WaitForStorageContractState(TimeSpan timeout, string desiredState) { var lastState = ""; var waitStart = DateTime.UtcNow; log.Log($"Waiting for {Time.FormatDuration(timeout)} for contract '{PurchaseId}' to reach state '{desiredState}'."); while (lastState != desiredState) { var purchaseStatus = codexAccess.GetPurchaseStatus(PurchaseId); var statusJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(purchaseStatus); if (purchaseStatus != null && purchaseStatus.state != lastState) { lastState = purchaseStatus.state; log.Debug("Purchase status: " + statusJson); } Thread.Sleep(1000); if (lastState == "errored") { FrameworkAssert.Fail("Contract errored: " + statusJson); } if (DateTime.UtcNow - waitStart > timeout) { FrameworkAssert.Fail($"Contract did not reach '{desiredState}' within {Time.FormatDuration(timeout)} timeout. {statusJson}"); } } log.Log($"Contract '{desiredState}'."); } public CodexStoragePurchase GetPurchaseStatus(string purchaseId) { return codexAccess.GetPurchaseStatus(purchaseId); } } }