using ArgsUniform; using DistTestCore.Codex; namespace CodexNetDownloader { public class Configuration { [Uniform("output-path", "o", "OUTPUT", true, "Path where files will be written.")] public string OutputPath { get; set; } = "output"; [Uniform("codex-deployment", "c", "CODEXDEPLOYMENT", true, "Path to codex-deployment JSON file.")] public string CodexDeploymentJson { get; set; } = string.Empty; [Uniform("kube-config", "kc", "KUBECONFIG", true, "Path to Kubeconfig file. Use 'null' (default) to use local cluster.")] public string KubeConfigFile { get; set; } = "null"; public CodexDeployment CodexDeployment { get; set; } = null!; } }