using Utils; namespace KubernetesWorkflow.Recipe { public abstract class ContainerRecipeFactory { private readonly List exposedPorts = new List(); private readonly List internalPorts = new List(); private readonly List envVars = new List(); private readonly PodLabels podLabels = new PodLabels(); private readonly PodAnnotations podAnnotations = new PodAnnotations(); private readonly List volumeMounts = new List(); private readonly List additionals = new List(); private RecipeComponentFactory factory = null!; private ContainerResources resources = new ContainerResources(); private SchedulingAffinity schedulingAffinity = new SchedulingAffinity(); private bool setCriticalPriority; public ContainerRecipe CreateRecipe(int index, int containerNumber, RecipeComponentFactory factory, StartupConfig config) { this.factory = factory; ContainerNumber = containerNumber; Index = index; Initialize(config); var recipe = new ContainerRecipe(containerNumber, config.NameOverride, Image, resources, schedulingAffinity, setCriticalPriority, exposedPorts.ToArray(), internalPorts.ToArray(), envVars.ToArray(), podLabels.Clone(), podAnnotations.Clone(), volumeMounts.ToArray(), ContainerAdditionals.CreateFromUserData(additionals)); exposedPorts.Clear(); internalPorts.Clear(); envVars.Clear(); podLabels.Clear(); podAnnotations.Clear(); volumeMounts.Clear(); additionals.Clear(); this.factory = null!; resources = new ContainerResources(); schedulingAffinity = new SchedulingAffinity(); setCriticalPriority = false; return recipe; } public abstract string AppName { get; } public abstract string Image { get; } protected int ContainerNumber { get; private set; } = 0; protected int Index { get; private set; } = 0; protected abstract void Initialize(StartupConfig config); protected Port AddExposedPort(string tag, PortProtocol protocol = PortProtocol.TCP) { return AddExposedPort(factory.CreateExternalPort(tag, protocol)); } protected Port AddExposedPort(int number, string tag, PortProtocol protocol = PortProtocol.TCP) { return AddExposedPort(factory.CreateExternalPort(number, tag, protocol)); } protected Port AddInternalPort(string tag = "", PortProtocol protocol = PortProtocol.TCP) { var p = factory.CreateInternalPort(tag, protocol); internalPorts.Add(p); return p; } protected void AddExposedPortAndVar(string name, string tag, PortProtocol protocol = PortProtocol.TCP) { AddEnvVar(name, AddExposedPort(tag, protocol)); } protected void AddInternalPortAndVar(string name, string tag = "", PortProtocol protocol = PortProtocol.TCP) { AddEnvVar(name, AddInternalPort(tag, protocol)); } protected void AddEnvVar(string name, string value) { envVars.Add(factory.CreateEnvVar(name, value)); } protected void AddEnvVar(string name, Port value) { envVars.Add(factory.CreateEnvVar(name, value.Number)); } protected void AddPodLabel(string name, string value) { podLabels.Add(name, value); } protected void AddPodAnnotation(string name, string value) { podAnnotations.Add(name, value); } protected void AddVolume(string name, string mountPath, string? subPath = null, string? secret = null, string? hostPath = null) { var size = 10.MB().ToSuffixNotation(); volumeMounts.Add(new VolumeMount(name, mountPath, subPath, size, secret, hostPath)); } protected void AddVolume(string mountPath, ByteSize volumeSize) { volumeMounts.Add(new VolumeMount( $"autovolume-{Guid.NewGuid().ToString().ToLowerInvariant()}", mountPath, resourceQuantity: volumeSize.ToSuffixNotation())); } protected void Additional(object userData) { additionals.Add(userData); } protected void SetResourcesRequest(int milliCPUs, ByteSize memory) { SetResourcesRequest(new ContainerResourceSet(milliCPUs, memory)); } protected void SetSchedulingAffinity(string notIn) { schedulingAffinity = new SchedulingAffinity(notIn); } protected void SetSystemCriticalPriority() { setCriticalPriority = true; } // Disabled following a possible bug in the k8s cluster that will throttle containers much more than is // called for if they have resource limits defined. //protected void SetResourceLimits(int milliCPUs, ByteSize memory) //{ // SetResourceLimits(new ContainerResourceSet(milliCPUs, memory)); //} protected void SetResourcesRequest(ContainerResourceSet requests) { resources.Requests = requests; } protected void SetResourceLimits(ContainerResourceSet limits) { resources.Limits = limits; } private Port AddExposedPort(Port port) { exposedPorts.Add(port); return port; } } }