using CodexPlugin; using NUnit.Framework; using Utils; namespace CodexTests.UtilityTests { [TestFixture] public class LogHelperTests : AutoBootstrapDistTest { [Test] [Ignore("Used to find the most common log messages.")] public void FindMostCommonLogMessages() { var uploader = StartCodex(s => s.WithName("uploader").WithLogLevel(CodexLogLevel.Trace)); var downloader = StartCodex(s => s.WithName("downloader").WithLogLevel(CodexLogLevel.Trace)); var cid = uploader.UploadFile(GenerateTestFile(100.MB())); Thread.Sleep(1000); var logStartUtc = DateTime.UtcNow; Thread.Sleep(1000); downloader.DownloadContent(cid); var map = GetLogMap(downloader, logStartUtc).OrderByDescending(p => p.Value); Log("Downloader - Receive"); foreach (var entry in map) { if (entry.Value > 9) { Log($"'{entry.Key}' = {entry.Value}"); } } } private Dictionary GetLogMap(ICodexNode node, DateTime? startUtc = null) { var log = Ci.DownloadLog(node); var map = new Dictionary(); log.IterateLines(line => { var log = CodexLogLine.Parse(line); if (log == null) return; if (startUtc.HasValue) { if (log.TimestampUtc < startUtc) return; } if (map.ContainsKey(log.Message)) map[log.Message] += 1; else map.Add(log.Message, 1); }); return map; } } }