using CodexPlugin; using DistTestCore; using NUnit.Framework; using Utils; namespace Tests.BasicTests { [Ignore("Used for debugging continuous tests")] [TestFixture] public class ContinuousSubstitute : AutoBootstrapDistTest { [Test] public void ContinuousTestSubstitute() { var group = AddCodex(5, o => o //.EnableMetrics() //.EnableMarketplace(100000.TestTokens(), 0.Eth(), isValidator: true) .WithBlockTTL(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(2)) .WithBlockMaintenanceInterval(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(2)) .WithBlockMaintenanceNumber(10000) .WithBlockTTL(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(2)) .WithStorageQuota(1.GB())); var nodes = group.Cast().ToArray(); foreach (var node in nodes) { //node.Marketplace.MakeStorageAvailable( //size: 500.MB(), //minPricePerBytePerSecond: 1.TestTokens(), //maxCollateral: 1024.TestTokens(), //maxDuration: TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5)); } var endTime = DateTime.UtcNow + TimeSpan.FromHours(10); while (DateTime.UtcNow < endTime) { var allNodes = nodes.ToList(); var primary = allNodes.PickOneRandom(); var secondary = allNodes.PickOneRandom(); Log("Run Test"); PerformTest(primary, secondary); Thread.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5)); } } [Test] public void PeerTest() { var group = AddCodex(5, o => o //.EnableMetrics() //.EnableMarketplace(100000.TestTokens(), 0.Eth(), isValidator: true) .WithBlockTTL(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(2)) .WithBlockMaintenanceInterval(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(2)) .WithBlockMaintenanceNumber(10000) .WithBlockTTL(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(2)) .WithStorageQuota(1.GB())); var nodes = group.Cast().ToArray(); var checkTime = DateTime.UtcNow + TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1); var endTime = DateTime.UtcNow + TimeSpan.FromHours(10); while (DateTime.UtcNow < endTime) { //CreatePeerConnectionTestHelpers().AssertFullyConnected(GetAllOnlineCodexNodes()); //CheckRoutingTables(GetAllOnlineCodexNodes()); var node = RandomUtils.PickOneRandom(nodes.ToList()); var file = GenerateTestFile(50.MB()); node.UploadFile(file); Thread.Sleep(20000); } } private void CheckRoutingTables(IEnumerable nodes) { var all = nodes.ToArray(); var allIds = all.Select(n => n.GetDebugInfo().table.localNode.nodeId).ToArray(); var errors = all.Select(n => AreAllPresent(n, allIds)).Where(s => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(s)).ToArray(); if (errors.Any()) { Assert.Fail(string.Join(Environment.NewLine, errors)); } } private string AreAllPresent(IOnlineCodexNode n, string[] allIds) { var info = n.GetDebugInfo(); var known = info.table.nodes.Select(n => n.nodeId).ToArray(); var expected = allIds.Where(i => i != info.table.localNode.nodeId).ToArray(); if (!expected.All(ex => known.Contains(ex))) { return $"Not all of '{string.Join(",", expected)}' were present in routing table: '{string.Join(",", known)}'"; } return string.Empty; } private ByteSize fileSize = 80.MB(); private void PerformTest(IOnlineCodexNode primary, IOnlineCodexNode secondary) { ScopedTestFiles(() => { var testFile = GenerateTestFile(fileSize); var contentId = primary.UploadFile(testFile); var downloadedFile = secondary.DownloadContent(contentId); testFile.AssertIsEqual(downloadedFile); }); } [Test] public void HoldMyBeerTest() { var blockExpirationTime = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(3); var group = AddCodex(3, o => o //.EnableMetrics() .WithBlockTTL(blockExpirationTime) .WithBlockMaintenanceInterval(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(2)) .WithBlockMaintenanceNumber(10000) .WithStorageQuota(2000.MB())); var nodes = group.Cast().ToArray(); var endTime = DateTime.UtcNow + TimeSpan.FromHours(24); var filesize = 80.MB(); double codexDefaultBlockSize = 31 * 64 * 33; var numberOfBlocks = Convert.ToInt64(Math.Ceiling(filesize.SizeInBytes / codexDefaultBlockSize)); var sizeInBytes = filesize.SizeInBytes; Assert.That(numberOfBlocks, Is.EqualTo(1282)); var startTime = DateTime.UtcNow; var successfulUploads = 0; var successfulDownloads = 0; while (DateTime.UtcNow < endTime) { foreach (var node in nodes) { try { Thread.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5)); ScopedTestFiles(() => { var uploadStartTime = DateTime.UtcNow; var file = GenerateTestFile(filesize); var cid = node.UploadFile(file); var cidTag = cid.Id.Substring(cid.Id.Length - 6); Measure("upload-log-asserts", () => { var uploadLog = node.DownloadLog(tailLines: 50000); var storeLines = uploadLog.FindLinesThatContain("Stored data", "topics=\"codex node\""); uploadLog.DeleteFile(); var storeLine = GetLineForCidTag(storeLines, cidTag); AssertStoreLineContains(storeLine, numberOfBlocks, sizeInBytes); }); successfulUploads++; var uploadTimeTaken = DateTime.UtcNow - uploadStartTime; if (uploadTimeTaken >= blockExpirationTime.Subtract(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10))) { Assert.Fail("Upload took too long. Blocks already expired."); } var dl = node.DownloadContent(cid); file.AssertIsEqual(dl); Measure("download-log-asserts", () => { var downloadLog = node.DownloadLog(tailLines: 50000); var sentLines = downloadLog.FindLinesThatContain("Sent bytes", "topics=\"codex restapi\""); downloadLog.DeleteFile(); var sentLine = GetLineForCidTag(sentLines, cidTag); AssertSentLineContains(sentLine, sizeInBytes); }); successfulDownloads++; }); } catch { var testDuration = DateTime.UtcNow - startTime; Log("Test failed. Delaying shut-down by 30 seconds to collect metrics."); Log($"Test failed after {Time.FormatDuration(testDuration)} and {successfulUploads} successful uploads and {successfulDownloads} successful downloads"); Thread.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30)); throw; } } Thread.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5)); } } private void AssertSentLineContains(string sentLine, long sizeInBytes) { var tag = "bytes="; var token = sentLine.Substring(sentLine.IndexOf(tag) + tag.Length); var bytes = Convert.ToInt64(token); Assert.AreEqual(sizeInBytes, bytes, $"Sent bytes: Number of bytes incorrect. Line: '{sentLine}'"); } private void AssertStoreLineContains(string storeLine, long numberOfBlocks, long sizeInBytes) { var tokens = storeLine.Split(" "); var blocksToken = GetToken(tokens, "blocks="); var sizeToken = GetToken(tokens, "size="); if (blocksToken == null) Assert.Fail("blockToken not found in " + storeLine); if (sizeToken == null) Assert.Fail("sizeToken not found in " + storeLine); var blocks = Convert.ToInt64(blocksToken); var size = Convert.ToInt64(sizeToken?.Replace("'NByte", "")); var lineLog = $" Line: '{storeLine}'"; Assert.AreEqual(numberOfBlocks, blocks, "Stored data: Number of blocks incorrect." + lineLog); Assert.AreEqual(sizeInBytes, size, "Stored data: Number of blocks incorrect." + lineLog); } private string GetLineForCidTag(string[] lines, string cidTag) { var result = lines.SingleOrDefault(l => l.Contains(cidTag)); if (result == null) { Assert.Fail($"Failed to find '{cidTag}' in lines: '{string.Join(",", lines)}'"); throw new Exception(); } return result; } private string? GetToken(string[] tokens, string tag) { var token = tokens.SingleOrDefault(t => t.StartsWith(tag)); if (token == null) return null; return token.Substring(tag.Length); } } }